Chapter 7: Tea Party-Part 2

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Hei whispered in Taiga's ear, "I was so worried about you," he said as he gently bit Taiga's ear-making shivers go down her spine. Taiga immediately pushed herself away from him as everyone made their way to the dinner table. Everyone sat down, Hei sat next to Taiga and pulled her closer.

"Ok, let us introduce our selves. Anyone care to start?" Mammon asked whilst folding her hands together. She glared at the witches until Gum decided to start.

"As you know my name is Gum and I'm not the type of person that likes to show others mercy," she introduced herself while glaring at Taiga with her arms crossed. Taiga stared back blankly at Gum, she didn't understand Gum's problem with her. As she glanced down at Gum's outfit, she noticed that she was wearing a long white t-shirt that said "No H8" and she had on a gray mini-skirt.

"Jeez why so rude Gum...." Rosalie said while lazily glancing at Gum. "Oh well, my name is Rosalie and I'm a very lazy, sleepy person. If you give me work to do while I'm tired you might as well give up because I probably won't do it," she chuckled. Rosalie has very dark brunette hair. She had on a light violet jacket with a beige leotard under, long light violet socks on, and brown shoes.

"Who cares if you sleep?" Gum stated like a smart ass.

"I care," Taiga spoke up before Rosalie got to defend herself.

"Whatever," Gum hissed.

"Hi, my name is Charlotte," She suddenly spoke whilst smiling at Taiga. She has brunette hair with highlights, her hair is in a long curly ponytail. She wore a beige coat with dark brown buttons. The coat was left open, showing her gray T-shirt with her red pants.

"I'm Lucy or Lucinda," Lucy said with her cigarette between two fingers. Her facial expressions stayed impassive.

"Stop smoking it's bad for your teeth," Mammon smirked. They continued to glare at each other, as if there was war going on in their minds. Cube got up abruptly, "Anyway, Taiga I know we haven't met like a normal person would meet somebody but-" Mammon cut her off. "We hope we can be of use to you, since we're Flares anyway."

Cube has short blonde curly hair, thin eyebrows, and orange gloss on her lips. Same like Cube, Mammon also has blonde hair, very short and curly. Her outfit consisted of a short black T- shirt that showed her flat belly, and white shorts.

"Um... Since we're all on the same team," Taiga started to say as she glanced at Cube and Mammon questionably, "Can I give you a progress report on the encounter I had with the target?" Everyone except for Gum and Hei, gazed at Taiga surprisingly.

"Well of course she's right; we need a vision on it. We have to figure out our enemy," Gum made her snarky remark with her arms crossed and that know it all smirk on her face.

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