Flare Guns and Magic [Book I]

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© Copyright 2013

Flare Guns and Magic Series Book ONE

A story about supernatural beings coming together to help the people who they love, a story about war and grace...

Authors Note A/N :

So this is my very first book on wattpad, it might have some grammatical errors. I hope you enjoy.

A special thanks to my two very best friends Nana and Relly, who have helped and inspired me to write this book. Also to my big brother and aunt for encouraging me to start writing.


© Copyright All work is property of  LadySra  any duplication or reproduction of all or part of the work without explicit permission by the author is illegal.

All RIGHTS RESERVED, this story is completely mine so please DO NOT claim that this is your story because it is not. All rights are reserved to  LadySra and I have the right to pursue action against those that infringe upon my rights.

No part of this publication maybe reproduced, or transmitted in an form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. All Rights Reserved.

Enjoy my sweets!


Any questions about this story, please ask me on:


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