Mine pt. 5 (Nightink)

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Ink has been a sad pile of bones and Nightmare has been screeching about it at Error. Error has just been.. laughing his ass off. So, as you can tell, everything's going wonderfully.

Nightmare ended up wrapping Ink up with a blanket to try and comfort the smaller skeleton, but the artist still wouldn't stop sobbing, so Nightmare went ahead and took out his frustrations on Error. Now, Nightmare has a sad pile of inky bones, and a beat up pile of glitchy bones. Nightmare let out a sigh as he went to comfort the crying Ink. He sat down by the wrapped up skele and looked over to the sobbing skeleton. He usually doesn't do this, but whatever Ink's feeling is messing him up, and he doesn't like it- and since he technically doesn't want to leave Ink in a cell to cry,so he was trying to comfort him.

He unwrapped the skele and pulled him into a hug, feeling lucky that the others weren't at the same room at the moment and that Error is probably too beat up to see anything. He gave Ink's back a few pats and rubbed circles around it until Ink's sobs died down. After a while, Nightmare looked down to find a sleeping Ink. He sighed in relief as he gently carried Ink back to Dust's room. He wanted to get Ink back his feelings, but he wasn't sure how to since Error was a really bad wingman. He thought for a moment as he was sat on the bedside, near the sleeping artist. Afte a moment of thinking, an idea popped up into his head. Why not ask someone who's close with him?

Of course, Error was already out of the list, especially after what he did. The Blueberry one- his brother would probably kill him if he even dared to talk to the blue ball. He could go to Dream.. but it would be awkward and they might try to take Ink back, so, he was left with... Not asking for help and looking for Ink's vials by himself. So, he made a plan. He would get into the doodle sphere with the help of Error, if he cooperates, then he'll go collect some of the random colors he finds. He was going to make sure to get a stock of it, unless he wanted Ink to be drained of all emotions again, so  quietly snuck out the room and headed to Error.

After a moment of trying to convince Error, Error finally gave in. He opened up a portal to the doodle sphere and Nightmare grabbed a few containers before jumping right in. He honestly thought it was going to be hard, but he was surprised to find massive puddles of different colors. He quickly piled up a bunch of them- So at the moment, he had Red, Orange, Yellow, Purple, and Pink. There was a huge puddle of Blue ink, and he didn't want to touch it at all. He jumped out of the doodle sphere, his arms full of containers with random paints.

He rushed to Ink to check if he was asleep, and he found the sleeping skele all wrapped up again. He quietly stepped in and placed the containers beside the bed before he plopped himself down on the bed and went to sleep.

Let's say there was a surprise for Nightmare when he woke up- and it involves a lot of hugging.

A/N:  a a a aa  A A A A A- This is, uh, for the person who was waiting for this. I wanted to finishthis before I go to school and i thinkim gonna be late now sob

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