Mine pt. 3 (Nightmare x Ink)

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Ink has been rather... empty.. the past few days, and Nightmare was usually concerned. He would return to check if the artist was actually still alive since he couldn't sense anything, and he would always jusy find the artist sitting in some part of the room.

He was honestly annoyed with the situation. He kept the artist to feed off of their negative energy, not to constantly check on them.

He was confused- why was he concerned in the first place? Why isn't he using Ink as a hostage against Blue and Dream? Why isn't h- Oh wait, that hostage idea is a pretty good idea...

He got up and headed to the empty room Ink was locked up in. He slammed the door open. His gaze travelled around the room before it stopped at Ink.

He was about to pick the artist up with his tentacle- but he noticed something.

Ink looked.... sick.

That's when Nightmare remember that the room wasn't exactly clean and that Ink hasn't eaten anything the past few days.

Nightmare felt... guilty..

Nightmare was a bit unfamiliar with the feeling. He hasn't remembered feeling guilty ever since he.. turned into a living nightmare-

The guilt eventually got to him. He picked the sleeping artist up and carried him to the dining hall. He sat Ink down on one of the chairs while he summoned a blanket.

He covered Ink with the blanket as he put his hand over Ink's forehead.

Nightmare was pretty sure that Ink was sick. He headed to the kitchen and made some mushroom soup since it was the only type of soup they had.

Nightmare headed back to the dining hall and found the artist still asleep. He placed the warm bowl in front of Ink as he sat down next to him.

-Timeskip to a couple of minutes later-

Ink eventually woke up. He found himself in a chair with a blanket over him. He looked down and found a bowl of soup in front of him. He looked to the side and found a sleeping Nightmare.

Ink weakly lifted up the bowl of soup from the table and slowly ate it. He looked over to Nightmare while he was finishing his bowl of soup.

Multiple thoughts popped into Ink's head, mostly on if Nightmare was the one that did all this.

A little while after he started his soup, he started coughing. He almost dropped the bowl but he managed to place it on the table. He put his hands to his mouth as he continued to cough.

Nightmare quickly woke up and panicked a bit. He wasn't that experienced in taking care of others. All that he knows is that they need to sleep and they need warm soup.

Ink's coughing eventually died down and Nightmare stopped panicking.

"Are you.. Okay..?" Nightmare asked with a rather awkward tone. He was bad at this.

Ink stared at Nightmare for a couple of seconds before he gave a nod. He picked up his bowl of soup and started to eat whatever was left.

Nightmare honestly thought Ink was creepy being like this- He, for some reason, wanted the old artist back. He hated seeing the artist so... empty.


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