Death? (Afterdeath)

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A/N: So I know Geno kinda can't die but bear with me for this one

Reaper stepped into the portal to the save screen, a grin stuck to his face- Well, a grin is always sort of stuck to his face so maybe nevermind. He just received (sort of) great news, and he couldn't wait to tell Geno.

He approached the random patch of grass with a very familiar glitchy skeleton sitting on it.

Reaper sneaked up behind him and basically tackled him into a hug, a loud screech coming from Geno after.

"Reaper! What the hell?! Do you want me to die faster or something-?!" Geno exclaimed in a rather annoyed tone. Reaper's usual self sort of faded away as he sat up.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk with you about right now. I have some news for you." Reaper said as he looked down a bit, his grin never leaving his face.

Geno was slightly concerned now. Reaper was never serious at random times like this. He sat up as well, preparing for whatever news he was going to give.

"So.. You know how you.. don't have much time left?" Reaper started, his nervousness suddenly rising. "Mhm, yeah.. What about it?" Geno asked, his hopes going up with Reaper's nervousness.

"Well.. I found a solution!" Reaper exclaimed in a rather cheerful tone. But, before Geno could react, Reaper quickly said how.

"I-I'm also going to die soon!" Reaper exclaimed in the same tone, his voice cracking a bit as small tears formed in his eyes.

"...What?" "I'm also going to d-" "No! Reaper- What the hell?! Did you even think this through?!" "Come on, Geno.."

"No- No! Do you know how stupid you sound right now?!" Geno exclaimed, tears already rolling down his face. "You aren't allowe- No.. You can't die! You're... You're joking!"

"Listen, Geno. I already talked to Life and Pap about this. We found a way for it to work. I can-" Reaper was, again, cut off by Geno.

"Reaper.. No.. Don't die- Don't die because of me! Please.." Geno trails off, looking down as the tears kept on falling. "I can't.. I can't let another person die because of me.."

Reaper cuppd Geno's face with his hands before he pulled him closer, planting a kiss on his forehead before hugging him. "Listen. I don't want to live anymore if you aren't alive anymore.. Can you imagine how unbearable it will be for me? Just let me do this, and we can both be happy in the afterlife together."

The two were silent.

"Well, technically, I don't know if there really is an afterlife since all I do is reap souls and they go who knows where, but.. At least I won't have to live my life alone, and I won't have to live my life without you.." Reaper added, his gaze drifting off.

"Also, let's stop. This is getting cheesy." Reaper said, laughing a bit.

Though, Geno was dying inside, he couldn't do anything other than laugh.

A/N: hm- I wonder if there could be a part 2 of this- OOH I HAVE ANGST IDEAS NOW-

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