Part 11: Friendships

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"So what movie do you want to watch?" Jin asked me

"Ooh. I feel like watching a horror movie," I said as I gritted my teeth.

"You sure? Last time we watched a horror movie together, it was pretty hilarious seeing you scream," Jin laughed.

"I promise I wont scream again," I said as I pretended to cross my heart.

"Okay then! But I warned you!" He said as he winked.

Jin and I had decided to go the Movies together since there was a bunch of good movies out.

I walked out of the movies clinging onto Jin's arm. From his description, I was white as chalk.

It had been at least a week since the all from Hyung Ki. I have been hanging out with Jin alot more recently probably because half of it is because of the promise we made. Now when I think about it, Jin has been with me ever since I met him. Jin is so sweet to me not to mention he's also very handsome. He honestly deserves better. Then I heard someone knock on the door. I opened the door and standing outside my apartment was Jungkook smiling widely.

"Hi Jungkook~ah!" I said.

"Hi Y/N~ah!" Jungkook said smiling.

"Come in!" I told him.

We both took a seat on the couch.

"So why did you come over?" I asked him.

"Oh I just felt like it. Sorry I came over without any notice,"

"No worries! You wanna go on a walk in the park like always even though it's night?" I asked him.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled.

"I'd love that!" He said excitingly.

Jungkook and I have been hanging out alot more recently. We usually have a walk in the park or get a snack together. So like normal, we were walking in the park together.

"Hey Y/N...." He said as he stopped walking and tugged on my shirt.

"Yeah Kookie?" I said looking a bit concerned

"What do you think of me?" He asked shyly as he stared at the ground.

"Why do ask?" I asked back.

"I dunno... I guess I'm just curious...." He stammered.

There was quite a long pause in between us.

"To be honest.... I think of you as an awesome brother. You're as special as a brother to me," I said smiling.

"Oh okay," He said with a sad smile.

Luckily, he changed the conversation quickly and we just carried on walking through the park.

[[Jungkook's P.O.V.]]

Y/N and I were walking in the park together. She thinks of me as her brother.... Only if she knew about my feelings towards her...

"Well, I better get home now," Y/N told me.

"Aww. Okay," I replied to her.

"Cya later Jungkook~ah!" She said as she walked off waving.

"Bye bye Y/N~ah!" I said waving back.

After she left, I sat on a bench and stared at the night sky. The sky was covered in little sparkly stars. She friend zoned me? I started laughing. That's the first time I really ever got friend zoned. I mean I never really liked anyone as much as Y/N.... My laughs eventually turned into tears. Why am I crying? There's no point. What if someone sees me cry? That would be embarrassing. I wipe my tears. I start counting the stars. 

"Umm... Hi!" I heard a voice say.

I turned around to see who it was. There was a girl standing almost behind me. It was hard to tell who it was because of the darkness but her voice seemed familiar.

"Oh hi..." I said trying to sound happy.

"You okay? I heard you cry...." She said looking down at the ground

"Oh. That's nothing." I said.

"Okay. If you say so," she said.

She came up from behind me and sat next to me. Then I realised who it was.

"Wait.... SCARLET?!" I exclaimed.

"Wait.... What's your name again... Umm... Jungkook! That's right!" She said a bit embarrassed.

"Long time no see!" I said trying to smile.

'Yeah! You know what... You wanna exchange phone numbers?" She asked.

"Sure!"I said as I gave her my phone number.

"Anyways, why are you here in the middle of the night?" She asked me.

"I could say the same to you. But yeah, I came here with a friend," I said to her.

"Oh nice! I come out here to get my brain off studying," She told me.

"Ahh. So you are in college?" I asked her.

"Yep! What do you do?" She told me.

We talked for a while before we both left.

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