Part 17: The Beach

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Yoongi: Hey Y/N, I did say I was going to tell u something about Jisoo when u were out of hospital right?

Y/N: Yeah why?

Yoongi: Okay! Meet me at the beach at 4 pm.

Y/N: Sure!

[[End Of Texting]]

I put some comfortable clothes on (aka an oversized sweater and pants) and I do my hair. I wonder what Yoongi has to tell me that's so important that he can't do it over text? I get my handbag and put my phone in it. I head off to the beach.

I see Yoongi in the distance so I Wave.

"Hey Yoongi!" I Call.

He turns and looks at me.

"Oh hey Y/N!" He says.

"So what do you want to tell me?" I ask him.

"Oh that. I'll tell you that a bit later," He told me.

"Oh okay!" I said a bit surprised.

"So do you want to grab some ice cream? He said as he pointed at the icecream van.

"Sure! I love icecream!" I exclaimed as I grabbed Yoongi's wrist and rushed over to the icecream van.

We both brought some ice cream. I brought strawberry flavour and he brought chocolate.

We sat down at the shore and licked our ice creams. My phone vibrated. I checked it and realised that I got a text. Then I realised it was Jimin.

Crap. I still haven't given him my answer. 

Jimin: Hey Y/N!

I decided not to reply until I got home since I was hanging out with Yoongi. So I turn my phone off.

"Will you tell me that thing now?" I beg him.

"Fine," He sighed.

I look at him with eager eyes waiting for him to say something.

"Kim Jisoo is alive." He said.

I stare at him. I blink a couple times.

Did he just say.... Jisoo is alive?

"You're joking right?" I said nervously. 

He shook his head. My mouth dropped.

"She's very famous actually," He told me. 

"W-What?" I stumble.

"Blackpink," He told me.

I gave him a confused look. He sighed

"Just look it up at home," He told me

"Oh okay," 

"I have her number by the way, so I will probably text you it if she says I can give it to you." He told me.

I stare at him. Shocked.

"H-How do you have her phone number?" I ask him eagerly.

"I have my ways," He said and wink.

"Okay!" I said with disbelief.

"How about we go home now? It's getting late," He told me.

"Okie!" I replied.

So he drops me off at my apartment. I see that Jimin had been spamming me texts.

Jimin: Y/N! Why aren't you responding to my texts! I'm so mad at you right now!

Jimin: Y/N!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭  Respond To meeeee plsssss

I laugh. Typical Jimin. I start typing then he almost immediately sends me a text.

Jimin: Finally you are replying!!!!!! It's about time 😅

Y/N: 😂😂😂 Sorry! I was hanging out with Yoongi! Those texts you sent me are priceless! 😂🤣

Jimin: I'm going to delete them now bc u said that!

Y/N: Too late! I already screenshoted them.

Jimin: I am so mad at you rn 😠

Y/N: I should be mad at u for spamming my messenger xD

Jimin: xD

I sigh. I still need to give him my response. I haven't honestly had time to think about it. I like Jimin. I really do. But as a brother, nothing else. And especially when I am starting to get feelings for.... I sigh even more. I suppose I will have to reject him...

Y/N: Hey Jimin...

Jimin: Yea?

Y/N: Could we meet up right now at maybe Lisa's Ice Cream Parlour?

Jimin: Right now? In the night?

Y/N: Pwease?

Jimin: Okay. C u there!

Y/N: Yay cya!

So I put a scarf on and I head out to Lisa's Ice Cream Parlour. 

I wait for a few minutes before Jimin arrived.

"Heyyyyy!!!!!!" Jimin called as he ran over.

"You came!" I said.

"Why wouldn't I?" He said smiling.

"Here! I got us icecream from the parlour!" I said as I passed him an icecream.

"How did you get it? The parlour isn't open," Jimin said as he licked the icecream.

"I have my ways," I said as I winked.

"This icecream better not be poisoned then," Jimin joked. 

We started walking in the park that was across the road from the icecream parlour. 

"So why did you ask me to come out here?" Jimin asked me after a while.

I sigh.

"It's about what you asked me at the carnival," I manage to say.

I stared at the ground. His face dropped when he saw my expression on my face.

"I'm sorry, I think of you more like a brother. I'm so, so, so, sorry," I say glumly.

"I-It's Okay. I sort of expected that," Jimin said trying to act happy.

"But we can still be friends, right?" I ask as I look into his eyes.

He was about to cry, but obviously was trying to keep the tears in.

"Of course!" He said.

He looked down at his watch.

"I better get going," He said.

"Oh okay," I say.

"See you," He said as he walked off.

"Bye..." I said walking in the complete opposite direction.

It felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders. I breath a sigh of relief. I better get home.

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