Part 34: Letter

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"Thank god your fever is going down," Jungkook said looking at the thermometer.

"It is? Finally," I say happily.

It had been 2 days since I got my fever. I haven't been crying as much, due to all my friends being around I don't want to cry in front of them. But most of the time, I feel like curling up in a ball and crying. 

"Hey Jungkook," I say.

"Yeah Y/N?" He says.

"Do you know how Jin is going..?" I ask.

He stops what he was doing and stares into my eyes. 

"I'm afraid I can't answer that," Jungkook replied.

"Why not?" 

"I haven't talked to Jin in a while," He sighed.

I feel my eyes tearing up but I try my best to shake them off.
Urgh I feel like vomiting. This is so embarrassing having a fever around the guys, they probably think I'm so weak. 

Then someone knocked on the door so Jungkook opened the door. I heard muffled noises before Jungkook came back into my room with something in my hand.

"Look what came in the mail!" Jungkook said smiling.

"What is it?" I ask as I sat up.

"Open it and see," Jungkook said as he gave me it.

It was a letter. I open it only to see Jin's handwriting. Tears started appearing in my eyes as I read it.

'Dear Y/N,

It's been a while! How have you been? I'm well, but I have been missing you dreadfully :'(

My mother has been making me meet other girls but none of them are as amazing as you.

And I got my career, it actually pays better than I thought! It pays around 30 Dollars per hour. However, the boss guy is pretty strict (*'Д`*)  The job is as good as I dreamt!

Also, how is Aki? Have you been feeding her correctly? Eh, why am I asking these questions? I know you are! Anyways, I really miss you!!!! It's so lonely here without you and the guys :'(

I wish I could text you and that since sending letters takes forever. But this is the only way I can contact you. Urgh, I hate that my mother keeps track of my messages since if she didn't, I would of already given you my new phone number. 

Anyways, love & miss you!!!!!!!!!!

-Jin (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡'

Tears were rolling down my cheek at that point. I miss you too, Kim Seok Jin. 

"I-I'm going out for a bit," I say as I get out of my bed.

"What? Y/N you've still got a fever!" Jungkook said as he tried stopping me from walking out of my apartment.

"I'm going Jungkook," I said as I exited my apartment.

He sighed as I left him alone in my apartment.

Authors Note

Editing (the whole book actually) in process!!!!

Sorry for the delay in chapters! I've been very busy lately and I have ran out of ideas for chapters.  But anyways, hope you liked this chapter!

And thanks for 500+ views and 98 votes!!

See you all in the next chapter!!!

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