Part 16: Love at The Carnival

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(I'm sorry but let's just take this time to appreciate this cute mochi Jimin.. okay back to the fanfic)

It's been around a week since I was let out of hospital. Fortunately, there was a carnival coming to the city. So the guys and I decided to hang out there and have fun.

"Okay! Let's plan out everything and who's going to be hanging out with who at what time etc, before we go," Namjoon told us.

"Okay this will be fun!" Hoseok said happily.

"So, How about this for when we first arrive?" Namjoon said as he wrote it down.

I looked at what he wrote:





"Sounds good to me!" Tae exclaimed.

"And how about this after that?" Namjoon asked when he wrote down the next order.

It read this:





"Sure!" Jin said excitingly as his eyes sparkled.

"So that's our plan! And all the other time we will hang out all together!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Okay! Let's go to the carnival!" I said happily.

[[At The Carnival]]

At first we were all in a group as we discussed with our partners on what we wanted to do first. I also saw Jin was giving me these strange glances.

"So what do you want to do?" Jimin asked me.

"Hmm.. Why don't you decide? There's like a million things to do," I told him.

"Okay.... How about the Ferris wheel?" He asked me as he pointed at the large Ferris wheel.

"Sure! I love Ferris wheels!!" I exclaimed.

So we both hurried off to the Ferris wheel and took a seat on one of the carriages.

"Woah! Look at that view!" I exclaimed as I looked over the edge of the carriage as it was going up.

"Wow! It really is beautiful! But not as beautiful as you," He said.

I blushed as there was an awkward silence. 

"You know..." Jimin said.

I looked into his eyes.

"I always have had a liking to you ever since I first saw you. But I never got a chance to properly hang out with you since you were always with Jin." He told me.

I listened.

"So I eventually I started to get jealous..." He said shyly.

I laughed. He looked surprised.

"I-I'm sorry. You're joking right? I-It's just no one ever gets jealous because of me," I laughed like a crazy person.

Then I looked at his face. He was serious. I stopped laughing.

"Oh I'm sorry... Continue," I said embarrassed.

"So I think now is the perfect time to confess my feelings to you," Jimin said shyly.

I was shocked. Jimin just confessed that he had liked me. 

But then he leaned forward and softly kissed my lips. His lips were delicate and  soft. He leaned back.

"Now I have never asked this question but, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked shyly.

"J-Jimin... I-I'm not sure... I'll have to think about it okay?" I stumbled Still shocked about his confession and kiss.

Luckily, the Ferris wheel was coming to an end so I could get out of that awkward situation. After a tiny bit, everyone met up again to switch partners. My heart fluttered when I saw Jin. 

"Oh Jin!" I said happily.

"Hey Y/N! How was your time with Jimin?" He asked.

"Fun! How was your time with Hoseok?" I replied.

"It was great! So what do you want to go on first?" Jin asked me.

"Oh, I have to admit I have wanted to go on the paddle boats," I admitted.

"Okay onwards to the paddle boats!" He exclaimed.

We made our way to the paddle boats and took a paddle boat made for two.

"To be honest, I have never been on paddle boats before. Is it like bumper cars where you smash into everyone?" He asked playfully.

"No, silly! You just use the pedals to move and you just go around on the water. We can use this time to talk!" I told him.

"Oh okay! That's pretty simple!" He said.

But little did I know, Jimin was nearby and was secretly watching us while hanging out with Namjoon.

"Jealousy." Jin said.

"Huh?" I said confused.

"Is what I felt when I saw you with Jimin," He said.

There was an awkward silence since I had no idea on how to respond to his sudden words.

He pecked my cheek.

I blushed and he covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry... Just forget I said anything and did anything," He whispered loudly.

"No," I said firmly.

Jin stared at me surprised.

"I just don't want to forget," I told him.

I leaned in. Our faces were only millimetres apart. I felt his soft breath against my face. I stared into his beautiful eyes. Wait. I leaned back out.

"I-I'm sorry," I apologized as I faced away from him.

However, I had no idea Jimin saw the entire thing.

Jimin's P.O.V

I must be dreaming. This must be a nightmare.... Y/N... She almost kissed Jin.... She likes Jin.... I stood there like an idiot. I started tearing up.

"Hey Namjoon.." I whispered loudly.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I feel sick... I might just go home now.." I told him.

"What? Are you okay?!" He asked me concerned.

"I-I'm okay... I'll go home now.." I whimpered.

Tears started rolling down my eyes as I walked home. She deserves Jin. I don't deserve her. I knew I didn't stand a chance... I shouldn't of asked her out. All of this happened just because I dared Jin to kiss her on the cheek, wasn't it? I stopped crying.

"M-Maybe I just saw it wrong... Maybe it was some sort of accident... I hope..." I said trying to stay positive.

I take deep breaths.

"Please let this be an accident.." I whimpered.

Author's Note

Hi y'all! I bet you didn't expect that to happen even though it took like 5 hours to come up with that idea...

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed it!!!!

Bye birds

Yes 1000 words again yay!

Oh and literally wrote this chapter during school and published it during school so yeah good times

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