Part 22: Forever Yours <3

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Jin and I were walking down the streets of Seoul. Then I remembered something.

"Hey Jin, could I show you something?" I ask.

"Sure! What is it?" He said.

"It's this way," I said as I started walking ahead.

We eventually arrived at a park. It was the park I discovered the other day.

"Woah! I never knew this place existed! It's beautiful," Jin exclaimed.

"Yep! And I want to share this place with you," I said smiling.

We both slightlily leaned over the bridged that was going over a pond.

"How about... Every Monday and Friday at around about 1 we meet up here?" Jin suggested.

"That sounds great! This place could be like our special hide-out," I said excited as I smiled and he smiled back.

So every Monday and Friday we would both meet up at 1:00. We would always our stories to each other and play like little kids since barely anyone came to this specific park. We would sometimes hang out until the sun started to set. Which happened to happen on this certain night.

Jin and I sat on the grass together watching the sun set.

"Sunsets are so beautiful," I sighed happily as I admired the sunset.

"I find them more beautiful when I'm with you," Jin said cheesyly as he looked into my eyes.

I blushed at his sudden phrase.

"Hey Y/N..." He said.

I look at him in response.

"I'm sorry. I can't hold it in anymore," He told me.

"Hold what in?" I said confused.

"Secrets are usually bad. Aren't they?" Jin says.

"Yeah.." I say still confused.

"Then some are horrible. But some secrets are good," Jin said staring into my eyes.

"What do you mean Jin?" I ask confused.

"For example, I have a secret. And that's my feelings I have for you," He said as he pulled me in and kissed me.

His lips were soft. I blushed and closed my eyes. I kiss him back. He gently nips the bottom of my lip wanting more. I blush even more. I deepen the kiss as he slowly grabs my nape. It was honestly and truly, delightful. 

We slowly part our lips, ending our kiss.

"Y/N... I would like to be your... Boyfriend," Jin says.

I blush uncontrollably.

"Then it's decided! We are both dating now!" I giggle.

His face lit up and his eyes sparkling. I lean in and slightly peck his lips.

"Let's keep this a secret from the guys for now," Jin whispers.

I nod. I lay my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on top of mine.

"Promise me that you'll be here for me forever?" I say.

"Forever," Jin says.

"Thank you," I whisper as we admire the sunset together.

(I would of ended the chapter here but I'm bored and I like writing so I'm going to continue yay!)

We, unfortunately, had to seperate and head home. Before we seperate, Jin softly pecks my lips.

"Thank you for hanging out with me today," I say, blushing, before I start walking home.

"I should be thanking you," Jin says smiling.

He gently pecks my lips again and then we both part and walk home.

I sigh happily as I walked home. Finally... My feelings for Jin... He feels the same way as I do... I smile and blush remembering the kiss(es). (I did that on accident lol okay I'll stop interrupting the story now ok) I love Jin. And that was something that I was certain of. I should ask Jin if I'm allowed to tell Scarlet and Lily. Eh, I'll do that later. I have too much to think about at the moment.

I eventually arrive at my apartment. I sit down on the closest thing near me and I look at my phone. Then Jin texted me.

Jin: Hey did u get home safely?

Y/N: Yep! How about u?

Jin: I wouldn't be texting u if I didnt get home safely xD

Y/N: Oh right 😂

Jin: Anyways Thank you For before.

Y/N: What? I should be thanking you!

Jin: Let's thank each other then!

Y/N: Okie doki!

Y/N: oh and is it okay if I tell the girls?

Jin: Sure! As long as you tell them to keep it a secret ٩( 'ω' )و

Y/N: Okay! Gosh it's getting late already I'm gonna get some dinner (aka instant noodles) brb

Jin: Ok! I'll be here when u get back :3

So I get my dinner. A smile was still stained on my face from before. 

Y/N: Ok back!

Jin: I missed u! 😭

Y/N: I was only away for like 2 mins 😂

Jin: Eh. It's still a long time in my world.

Y/N: Typical Jin 😂

Authors Note

Yes! Now bc they are dating, when I don't know what 2 write, I'll just make them kiss >:)

Okie bye imma sleep now bye

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