chapter VI

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HI This is a cover made by daydreamsxxi I'm soooo grateful someone took from their time and make a cover for my book who just started thank you so much 😙😙


It took me a moment to recover.

Looking at his back walking up the stairs, I felt blood boil in my veins.

I soon found myself running towards the man. I stood in front of him yet again this time blocking his path as I grabbed a handful of his white shirt.

"You Are Not going ANYWHERE before we have a talk."

His relaxed expression and composed posture and very shilling aura had me loosening my grip a little.

"Talk about what?"

"Everything! I need to know where I am and what am I getting involved in!"

He very cutely tilted his head to the side and smiled in a mischievous manner. This took me aback and made me almost trip on the stair behind me as I completely let go of him.


His face always tilted to one side, he was scanning my face making me feel very uncomfortable.


"Yes. Vampires."

"Vampires what?"

He straightened himself as his smile grew even bigger.

"That's what you're involved in."

I was dumbfounded. And I'm pretty sure I looked like it as he happily explained further.

"We, the residence of this house, and many of the top servants and guards, that's what we are."



"HahaHaHaHaHa!! You're crazy"

His smile didn't falter which made me even more certain this was indeed a joke. From my sight of view, I could see all the other servants behind. Many had their heads down and seemed indifferent, but many stared back at me as if I was the crazy one.

"Vampires? Really? Then can I be the werewolf in this little play of yours?"

Vampires don't exist! Neither do elves, nor mermaids, NOR UNICORNS! No matter how much you love these fantasy creatures they are just that! They do not exist in real life! That cannot be!!

"Ouch. I'd rather not. I would have to tear your head right away and dig out your heart. I'd rather not"

I may have even a little thought his smile was charming before, but now, its just plain annoying.

He's delusional! everyone in this place is crazy! This is a nightmare! I Have to Get Out of Here!

Multiple black dots blocked my vision and I felt as if million ants were marching on my body. My head was burning hot and I could feel myself swaying a little.

A hand grabbed into my shoulder where I was scarred before and I grimaced not having the energy to move away from it.

I already didn't have a good diet. Now add on the fact that I had no food for god knows how long, I was at my limit.

I tried to breath and was screaming at myself to NOT lose consciousness no matter what happens. The words I heard from whoever may be that young woman back in my cell still lingered in the back of my head, and I truly felt that If I faint now, I may never wake up again.

But that was just a wish.

As soon as I felt the darkness envelope me and my body growing unbearably heavier, I thought...

It may just be better to never wake up.

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