Chapter II

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'The sixth' I thought

The high-pitched screams that sounded once every two hours or so seemed to have lost its effect on me. I was getting used to it.

I was desperate. It's been many hours and I've gone insane many times going through all possible theories of what may be happening. One last conclusion I could lastly come up with, I was in a very bad situation.

What scared me most in my current situation is that someone may come and drag me out of here. In the back of my head, I knew that time will come. So was the case in the movies... But one thought kept bothering me, the lack of sounds and footsteps still gave me a feeling of all this being a joke. The swiftness of the screams also felt like something you would experience in a haunted house found in amusement parks.

Still holding my knees, my butt feeling numb, this time, I heard clear rushing steps, very loud heels approaching with an annoyed female voice

"Where is he?! He dares to avoid me? Let's see how long he can do that! I'm just going to stay here and let's see if starving is worth avoiding me! he'll come down here sooner or later. And I dare any of you to move without my consent! "

I stood up almost tripping on my own feet. The person now on the other side of the room sounded very angry. The way her voice resonated through the walls made my heart tremble.

I wanted to slam the door asking whoever that woman was for help, but I didn't dare. Let alone ask that person for help, my body shrieked away from the door just by feeling her cold murderous aura, and I was quick enough to realize if that person didn't kill me, they very certainly won't save me.

I went back to my wall grabbing it as if it would hug me back and hide me from all danger as the woman's angry shouts kept resonating through the walls.

"Call him! Tell him I am not leaving before him meeting me! Who does he think he is! What does he take me for! "

Whoever the person she was calling for was, I did not want to be them. I squinted my eyes just hoping that person will soon leave or just stop shouting.

The woman's continuous protest lasted about thirty minutes before sounds of things crashing sounded through the whole place. It wasn't the sound of something fragile being broken, it was more like hulk hitting a baseball bat on a metallic door.

Before my ears could make out more of the noises, the door right in front of me became dented in a flash.

I stared at it wide eyed my heart leaping from my throat. If I haven't personally tested that door earlier on I would've thought it was just not sturdy.

Another scream sounded and the door flew right at me missing me by an inch as I stood tall in the corner absolutely terrified. 'What?'

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