Chapter 35

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The gist is, I was supposed to give birth to triplet, one died and one hid behind the shadows of the last one, not allowing the doctors detect that he was there.

And now I have my twins, my bundles of joy.

"No wonder you were so big, you tummy looked like it was going to burst when you were pregnant." Anna said and I laughed.

"I'm so happy for you sister" Andrew said and I smiled at him.
"Thank you brother" I said.

"Okay, I guess it's time for a little confession" Anna said and we all focused on her, including my now nice husband.

"You two have another sister somewhere, we don't know where,whether she's dead or alive,we don't know, you are not twins but triplets." Anna confessed and we laughed.

"I'm not joking here, we're not so sure though, but mummy said she went into lab our three times, before she finally collapsed and when they brought the babies, they brought back two, just forget it, mummy might have been hallucinating. She was pretty weak after she delivered. I was still young then but I would never forget the happiness in our family when you two came." Anna said before we shared a group hug.

"Mr. Lawrence, the doctor called for you" a nurse said when she came in

"Ok, I'll be there" my husband said before excusing himself and walking out of the room.

While we were still talking Anna's phone rang.

"Excuse me" she said and moved away from us a bit but not out of the room.

"They are so cute, especially the girl" Adrian said and I laughed.

"You know the boy kinda looks like you and Andrew" I said.

"Yeah, I looked a lot like Andrew too when I was small, I saw the pictures in mummy's room." He answered, but then we all focused on Anna when she suddenly shouted, but not loud enough to wake my. babies.

"What do you mean?" She said.

"So I'm not to marry Mr. Thomas again, but some anonymous person, because he was willing to pay higher?" She asked before another pause and she finally hung up.

"I have to go now, I'm sorry Andi, I'll be back shortly" she said before kissing my forehead and leaving.

Not long after too, Adrian and Andrew left too, and my husband was no where to be found.

Then I slept off while looking at my babies.

My bundles of joy.


"Hello, I said into the phone.

"Yeah what's up bro"

"What's up is that I'm tired of watching her suffer!" I shouted into the phone.

This nigga is beginning to piss me off.

"I'm sorry man, just a few more months and I'll be back"

"Ola, I've been your spy for too long, if you can't man up and be the man that Andi needs then trust me when I say I'll be that man." I said, of course not meaning it. I have my own girl and I love her so much. Its just that I need this guy to understand that he's been gone long enough. He doesn't need to rely on his father.

"Don't you dare!!" He grunted and I laughed. Maybe this is working.

"Hey, chill out man, you know I wouldn't do that to you, I'll take care of her for you, but to be very honest with you, she's going through hell" I explained and he sighed.

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