Chapter 4

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Today's a big day for us in school!!
Guess what's happening here today!!

"Andi!!, are you ready for this?" my twin brother asked.
"As I'll ever be" I said.

Yeah! My other half knows when I'm nervous. And I'm so nervous right now.

Today's a big day for us in Bridgeway High school. It's a day when all students participate in quiz competition and then a student will speak solely on the topic given. And when the school principal had to choose a student, he chose me.


I still can't believe it!!

I'm a speaker for today's event and I'm not just speaking in front of students, but parents and other high officials too!!

I'm so nervous right now!!

"Hey, come on, Don't be nervous" Drew said.

Oops did I say that out loud?!

"just when you're about to say rubbish, just remember you are a Johnson, ok?" he said and i laughed.

"OK, I really need to dress now, so leave" I said.

"ok ok, fine I'm leaving, I'll meet up with Ola before the program starts anyways I bye princess" he said.

Ola's my brother's best friend.

"Yeah yeah prince" I said.

We called each other prince and princess.

My brother might look quiet and reserved to others but he wasn't to me. He was playful around me or at least when he is with any Johnson.

He wants to be an engineer, actually all the male members of my family wants to be engineers. My daddy is an engineer, Andrew wants to be an engineer and my little brother Adrian wants to be an engineer too. (anyways back to today's event).

Just when the hairdresser had finished with my hair, my gown was brought in. Every one dressed fancy today. Just for show offs though.
"hey Best friend" Monica greeted.
She had also dressed and was getting prepared for the quiz, she wasn't doing much though, all she had to do was introduce the debaters alongside my brother, they were practically working together. You need to have seen Drew's face when it was announced that they were working together, it was so funny, I nearly laughed but I had to control myself.

"I'm good girl, what are you up to?" I asked.
"nothing much, the program's about to start so I decided to check on my favv Girl in the world" she said.
"well, as you can see, I'm doing fine, just hope I won't disgrace my dad" I said sounding nervous and worried.

This was not just about my family too, it was about me, my school life and all that.
This was more like a test given to the best candidate for the senior girl's position. I wasn't only ranked number one most popular girl in school with just my looks and family status alone but I was brilliant too, we were all brilliant in my family.

"Of course you won't, now brace up and get ready" she said and left.

It's been an hour already and the debate has been going on in the school's main auditorium.

"Miss Johnson, it's time for your speech, we'll need you at the back stage now" one of the crew men called.

I stood up and left the dressing room. I got to the back stage just in time to hear my best friend introducing me.

"well, let's give it up for our student speaker for today, The beautiful, outstanding, most brilliant, interesting student here in Bridgeway Highschool, our very own Andrea Omotoriolawa Johnson" and with that the hall was filled with clapping and whistling, just at the mention of my father's name Johnson, this usually happened.

I got to the stage, hugged and kissed Drew and Monica on the stage before they left.

"Good evening everyone, I'm Johnson Andrea once again, and I'll be speaking on the topic for today's debate which is~ MONEY GETS EVERYTHING, as we all know, to be rich is so good and some believe you can get whatever you want with it. Well I disagree with you all having that thinking. I'm going straight to the point here, firstly I'll be giving a few examples of what you believe your money can buy but won't buy" I paused and saw that everyone had their attention on me, the once noisy hall was now silent. I looked around and saw my parents in the front row and then I continued. "Firstly, when you are sick and need oxygen, fine you get the oxygen you want from the hospital and all that but at the end of the day you'd get tired of it and then you'd die cause you won't be able get afford it for the rest of your life or dare I say for the amount of years you want to spend on earth, secondly, you want a child and you can't get one, for whatever reason, the only option is to adopt, I want to believe that the way you'd love that child won't have the same way you'd love your own child that you conceived" I looked around and got a lot of nods to confirm what I had said, and so I continued for a few more minutes before I decided to end my speech. "Don't feel proud because you have what you have now, there are lots of people out there who have what you don't, nobody has the perfect life, nothing is perfect except God, and so He should be the one to be raised above all other things. Thanks" I said and bowed before claps erupted in the hall, I stood there for a while admiring the view in front of me before leaving the stage for Monica and Drew to take over.

The event was over by 7pm and we all left the hall. I was going to get my things from the dressing room when I saw Ms. Rebecca rushing off, towards the car park.

"Ms. Rebecca, hold on, come on wait" I shouted after her. This was unusual, she wasn't the type to go running off like that, she was the perfect example of lady like and poise.

"Oh, hey Andi, what's up" She asked, we were actually in a more than teacher student relationship.
"Nothing much Ms. Rebecca, I noticed you rushing off and I just wanted to know if all was well" I explained.
"Andi dear, it's nothing, I have a date at 8pm and I'm still not ready, my hair's a mess, my clothes haven't been picked, I didn't know today's event would be long, and now I'm going to be late, I look terrible, right?" she said placing her hands on her head.

"Woah wish, chill out Becca, you look as beautiful as ever, so don't think that way, don't worry, he won't be like the other guys, he would understand, and if he doesn't, well it's his loss, cause anyone you're with would be the luckiest man in the world, you don't have to impress someone guy, you are so beautiful just the way you are, you are the best thing that can happen to anyone, including me, you've been amazing to me and I'm sure that guy would see this too, now don't let me bore you with my speech, run along now but this time more lady like as usual" I said and gave her a little push.

"You're the best little sister ever!!!" she looked back and said.

She always puts smiles on my face.

*sniffs* what a speech!!
Sorry that's not the full speech, it got deleted and the vibes I got from writing the first got lost, but I hope you loved this chapter and the speech too.

Tell me what you feel!
All ye silent readers, I really need to know if I'm doing the right thing here!!
Speak Up Pretty Pweaseeeeeeee

Have you taken a moment to check my other books!!? Ok if you haven't it's better you start checking them now! I'm still working on them though so I need all the help I can!

Thank you

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