Chapter 6

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Warning ⚠ this chapter contains matured scenes...

Daddy has been dead for about a year now but our family hasn't been the way it's supposed to be.

Anna has been made the CEO of all of daddy's companies and so far it was functioning well.

Luke has tried so much for me too. He always made sure I wasn't sad or thinking about everything that's been happening to our family.

It's been five years since I've known Him and he's been the best, more like second best (lol, no offense Luke but my Bestfriend comes first).

"Hey, you're thinking again" Luke said and I figured I had zoned out again as usual.

"sorry, I was just thinking about everything and how you've been there for me the whole time, I really appreciate it Luke, thank you so much for everything" I said.

"you know you don't have to thank me, I should thank you actually, thanks for giving me a chance, I love you soooo much Andi, and I want you to know, it's gonna be me and you all the way Andi" he said and kissed my forehead.

Don't be confused. I'm not Luke's girlfriend. He made it clear to me that he didn't like me that way.


It's been four years or since Luke had come into Andrea's life and he had not even once asked her out or even hinted her.

Andrea, after her father's death had been devastated but Luke had stood by her alongside Olaoluwa Olabiran who was Drew's best friend, Even She understood Ola's concern for her family, she found it hard to understand Luke's concern, he wasn't a close family friend, he only came to visit when he could but Ola and Monica even  had sleepovers at our place a lot.

Andi was alone, lost in thought that she didn't even know she was in a dangerous place. She had decided to take a stroll around the campus that night and just decided to sit down not taking note of her surroundings and not even caring that it was already late in the night.

"hey, beautiful, what are you doing out here alone?" the dangerous-looking guy asked.

"Hi, I'm sorry, I was just about to leave" she said and stood.

"Without having a little bit of fun with me? No way!" he said and she could see the way his eyes darkened dangerously.

"no thanks for the invitation, but it's getting cold out here, maybe another time, I really must go it's late, my roommate must be looking for me now,  bye" she said and tried to run off but she collided with another body, that was when her fear became noticeable.

"why, you scared of me?  Or is it us? Come on, don't be scared, we'll be gentle" the second guy said and she panicked, they were close now and she'd not be able to escape.
The the second guy held her hand while the first guy cupped her breasts I'm her hand, she fought and fought but nobody seemed to hear her, the guy left her breasts and knelt down to pull her pants down, he was still fumbling with her zipper when she felt that the hand holding her had suddenly released her, and just when she wanted to look back to find what happened, the guy in front of her fell and she fell with him too.

When she stood up, she was so surprised at the person she saw.

"Luke, Luke thank God you came, he-he wa- was ttt- trying trying, n- no no, th- they were trying to rr- rape me" she cried and hugged him like her life depended on it.

Luke was furious. He went over to one of the guys that was still conscious and picked him up.

"no body, I repeat, no body touches my girl, you hear me, try that again and you and your pal will not faint but you will die by my hands that day" he said and gave him one last punch before taking Andi back to his room.

She was shaking by the time they got to his room, but she looked like she wasn't conscious enough to change her clothes so he decided to help her.

He was about to pull her top over her head when she stopped him.

"no, please" she whispered.

"come on Andi it's just me, I'm not trying anything, I just want to change your clothes, ok, trust me" he said and he felt her loosing up to him.

He removed every piece of clothing on her body. She had a great curvy body that any man would kill for, but he had to stop thinking about it.

He dressed her in his shirt before pulling covering her body with the duvet, then he went to take a cold shower, no one would see a naked woman and not feel excited. He showered and then joined her in bed.

When Andi felt someone's presence in the bed, she pulled him close to her and rest her head on his chest.

"don't leave me alone" she murmured before finally dozing off.


Andi was the last to wake up the next morning. She looked around and noticed that she wasn't in her room yet this room looked familiar to her.
She looked up and saw a picture of Luke and a girl hanging on the wall, then she knew where she was, events of yesterday began playing in her head.

Speaking of Luke, she began to wonder where he was.

She stood up and walked out of the room, she searched everywhere but she couldn't find him, until she heard a sound coming from the kitchen.

She walked to the kitchen and saw him there, cooking.

"hi" she said.
"hi, how are you doing today?" he asked her with a smile, she told him she was fine and then sat down on of the kitchen chairs.

"what are you cooking?" she asked.

"Nothing much, just rice, then I'm going to fry plantain, hope you don't mind?" he asked and she shook her head.

Luke stood there looking all calm when in reality, he felt like he needed another cold bath, seeing her sitting there in his shirt was doing things to him.

They finished eating and Andi was about to help with the dishes, Luke had gone to pick a call but he came back not long after he left.

"come on Andi, my helper is coming in today, anytime soon, so she'd take care of the dishes" he said to her but she was adamant, she wanted to wash the dishes herself since they weren't much.

She turned around to reply him when coincidentally he was close to her, leaving her at a nose length away from him. She felt uncomfortable but she didn't show it, so she turned to move away from him, but they moved together. She was still by the kitchen counter, trapped in between it and Luke's body.

For a moment they stood there looking into each other's eyes before Luke did the unexpected.

He Kissed Her!!!

she wasn't expecting it but she still responded to him.

He kissed her like his life depended on it. While kissing her,he unbuttoned her shirt and then took her breast in his hands and fumbled with them, still not leaving her lips he took his hand down to her sex and was about to insert his hand when Andi suddenly regained her thinking skills.

"I'm sorry"  they both said and Luke moved back from her a bit.

"you first" Andi said and Luke spoke up.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this, I have a girlfriend and I don't even like you that way, you are more like a sister I never had but still I'm sorry for loosing my mind and doing this to you" he said.

"I'm sorry too Luke, I really am, I need to go now though" she said and left.

Things became weird ever since then but they were able to kill the weirdness and move on, though Andi never dated anyone, maybe she was hoping Luke would come to his senses and realize that they were meant together.

End of flashback

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