Chapter 18

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Guess what folks!!!

It's my wedding day.... And guess what again!!

I still haven't met the so called groom. When I had asked me to meet him, I was told he wasn't in Nigeria, but he was to return today... My... Our Wedding Day!!

That is so great right?

Oh did I mention who was going to walk me down the aisle?

Well its my conceited Bastard of a Uncle....
My life's just so great.

"Why did you let him do this to you?" Anna fumed. She still didn't accept the fact that her little sister was getting married to a complete stranger for whatsoever reason.
"For the umpteenth time, if I don't do this, then daddy's sweat will be in vain, Daddy's company will go down the drain, Johnson Empire would no longer be in existence and we won't have a reason to fight with Billy, I need to do this for us, I prefer to be the sacrificial lamb, for this family, than to see you suffer, Anna please understand that this is the only sacrifice I can make for you, for all of us, please let me do this" I begged. Her gaze softened and she hugged me.

"You know I love you, Andi, I love you so much, I don't want to ever see you suffer, I swear, as soon as my fiance comes back, I'll make sure all this ends, I promise you" she said and I sighed. I'm happy she's finally understanding me. I have to do this for us.

I had to lie to Adrian and i feel so terrible, but its for his own good, I don't want him to watch his sister being sacrificed to the gods.


I woke up quite late that day, but not too late to miss taking Adrian to school.

"Good morning Andi" he said with his mouth full of food.
"Don't talk with your mouth full Adrian" I said and laughed.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy this morning" he said with that killer smile that could sweep girls of their feet, we all had that smile, but his was a cute babyish smile.

"Hmm and why is that?" I asked pretending to be in thought.

"Well, because you're happy" he said, but i know there's another reason, He's wearing his favorite jacket over his uniform.

He rarely wears it, he says he doesn't want it to get worn out cause he's not sure he can get the same design and patterns anywhere in this world again.

He's also wearing his favorite perfume. He smells so good.

And he looks rather different, he looks finer, more like he has regained his fine and happy face, the one he had before all this.

"And...?" I asked.
"Ok, ok, I'll tell you when you answer my question"
"Ok, that's fair enough" I said, nodding my head.
"Why aren't you dressed in your work clothes?" He asked.

Woahhh!!! He so caught me unaware!!

I don't even know what to say to him.

"Uh, i quit working at the Johnson's Empire" i said with a shrug, making it seem like it wasn't a big deal.
"Why?" he asked again.
"Uh..." I was thinking of what to say "uh... My fiance is coming home, well i have a fiance and he's coming home, and we're getting married next week" i said.

What???? Why did i just say that?

I wasn't just going to drop the bomb on him just like that, but i wasn't expecting at all was an excited Adrian!!

"What, you're getting married?, wow!!! I'm so happy" he said and hugged him.

"Wait, you're not angry?" I asked with surprise.

"Uhmm... No, okay maybe a little, i thought i was always the first you told about the latest gist in your life, i thought i knew mire about your relationships, your crushes too, remember Luke, there are times its only me you tell but it seems I'm the last on this one"  He said and i smiled, actually blushed. If i wasn't caramel skinned, i would be totally pink or red now.

"Sorry, it was just so unexpected, sorry Adrian" i said.

"Its fine, let's go I'm gonna be late" he said rather eagerly.
"Woah, woah, hold on there man, you still haven't told me why you're happy and all fine" i said and this time, it was his turn to blush.

"Well, i have a crush in this girl, and I'm gonna ask her to a date today." He said, looking down shyly.
"Come on, you don't have to be shy about it, is she beautiful?" I asked as we walked to the car.

Till we got to his school all he talked about was the girl.

My brother is whipped.

"Good luck wooing this girl, brother, take a lot of pictures too, i need to see her" i said as he got down.

"Don't worry I'll send a lot of snap chats to you, i assure you that you're gonna love her" he said before walking off. Just before he was out of sight, he waved again and sent kisses to me.

i was about to move my car when two people are walked in front of my car and i almost hit them.

"What the hell? Are you blind?" The girl asked.
"Sorry, I'm so sorry" i said but the girl kept fusing about it.

I got down and looked at her to see Ama, looking at me with rage.

"i see you still haven't changed Amarachi, i said I'm sorry but you're still fusing about it" i said and she glared at me.

"It's okay babe, let's go" i had totally forgotten they were two.

"I'm sorry, about that Mister, I'll be going now" i said and waked about to the driver's side of my car. "Oh and nice to meet you again Ama, it's been long, hasn't it?" I said and drove away not waiting for her reply.

Flash back ends

"It's time for you to walk in Andi" Uncle Billy said when he walked into the room.

I stood up and Walked to meet him so we can walk out together.

Just as i was walking down the aisle, i imagined the whole wedding thing in a positive way.

Me walking to meet my true love, daddy walking down the aisle with me and then in the night when I'll lose my virginity to my one true love. The thought about virginity suddenly stopped me from walking.

Oh no!! I'm going to lose my virginity to a complete stranger!!

"What are you doing?" My uncle asked between clenched teeth, and i looked around to see that all eyes were on me.

I smiled and composed myself as i continued walking.

Even if i don't know half the people in this Anglican church, i still wasn't going to look stupid for them.

I'm still a JOHNSON, whether they like it or not, whether I'm married or not!

"I now present to you Mr and Mrs Lawrence" the priest said and i sighed loudly, but only loud enough for my greek god of a husband to hear.

Well, surprisingly, my husband turned out to be a very fine man.

I know too.... I was also expecting worse from my uncle, just like you, but it seems like that man is always full of surprises.

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest said again, after the cheering from my ignorant family members had reduced.

I know you were expecting a fine kiss between a man and his wife, but guess what!!

He used his hand to cover both side of my face, so that the congregation and even the priest wouldn't see what he was up to then he inched closer, stopping just before my mouth before releasing me.

I smiled at our family members and every other person there before we walked out.

Here goes my journey into Hell!!!

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