Chapter 25

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Its been weeks since Mr. Lawrence started beating me, everyday I had hoped he would stop but No, it kept getting worse.

My whole back is bruised and injured but I still don't have the nerve to complain, cause I don't know what he will do if I try it.

Thankfully, he doesn't touch my face enough to damage it, and I'm so happy about that.

Today I've decided to go visit Anna, Drew and Adrian, its been months since I've seen them.

"Miss Andi" Amina screamed when she saw me.
"Hi Ami, how've you been?" I asked.
"I've been good ma'am, your absence has been really felt since you left. Nobody chatters that Mich anymore, everyone seems so unhappy about you leaving" she explained sadly.
"Don't worry Ami, I promise to visit more often next time" I said and her mood lightened.

I left her and went to my old room to drop my bag, I had decided to stay for a day before going back to my abusive husband.

"Andi, Andi, Andi" I heard Adrian scream from outside the room, he was obviously looking for me.

"I'm here baby boo" I announced before going out to meet him.

"Oh, how I've missed you Andi" he said sadly.
"I'm here now, and I promise to visit more often." I said and he hugged me.

I flinched. Ouch! I muttered to myself.

He didn't look like he was going to release me soon so I practically pushed him off me.

"Let's go look for Anna" I said.

We went towards Anna's room as Adrian chatted away about how his Jss3 WAEC and NECO exams had impressed Anna and Drew.

"I'm proud of you too Adrian" I said and he smiled.

"Andi, I was thinking, I'm done it with my exams now and you we won't be resuming till September, can I come stay with you?" He asked and I just couldn't say No to him, especially with the look on his face.

"Sure, you can go with me tomorrow" I offered and he jumped with joy.

"Go find Anna, I need to do some packing." He said and turned to go back to his room.

"Anna? Are you here?" I called as I peeped into her room.

"Yes, I'm coming sis" she answered before coming out of her walk in closet.

"Hi sister!!" She said as she saw me.
"What's up" I asked and when she got to me she hugged me. I flinched for the second time today.

"Andi?" She called.
"Yeah" I answered.
"Why did you do that?" She asked and I feigned ignorance.
"Do what?" I asked, looking confused.
"Move away when I hugged you" she stated and I quickly looked for an excuse or something to take her mind off it.
"Uhm... I- I have a boil in my back and you touched it" I said and started walking out to the smaller sitting room upstairs.

"Oh ok" she said. I was so happy she was letting it go easily.
"Please where's that guy that followed me from heaven" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Here, your majesty" he said as he entered the room.

"Fool, where have you been bro?" I asked and moved to hug my twin brother.

"oh, I've just been here and there, doing things, trying to make my life better and trying to not let Uncle Billy the goat get to me" he said and we all laughed.
"You're not serious, let him hear you calling him that and you'll smell your anus" Anna said and we laughed again.

Suddenly we all went quiet.

"Do you remember when mummy and daddy used to seat here and do their romantic stuffs while we peep at them?" Anna suddenly asked and we nodded.

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