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The sound of the school bell made me panic as I write my answer on the last line on my test paper.

"Okay, pass your papers!" Our professor shouts and all of my classmates stood up from their seats. I stood up and took my bag, sliding my ballpen inside my pocket before I walked infront and gave Mr. Yang my test paper.

He scanned my paper quickly then smiled at me that made me look at him confusedly.

"You did great again, Mr. Park. Keep it up," I smiled at the praise and bowed down to him.

"Thank you, Sir." I went outside the room and smiled to myself. I can smell success and finally, I can help Dara to pay our bills.

"Y/N!!" I heard my name being called as I walked through the hallway. I turned around and saw Jimin and beside him was Yoongi.

"Hey," I stopped and waited for them to reach my before continuing to walk.

"Mid term's done now. Well?" Jimin smirked at me then looked at Yoongi.

"What? What's with 'well?'" I asked narrowing my eyes at them. We stopped infront of the cafeteria and went inside, stepping on the marble floor as we trailed our way to our table.

"Mid terms is done so why not come with us? We're having fun tonight," Yoongi winks then laughs with Jimin. They high fived as I saw Rosé and Joy walking towards us, bringing trays with tons of food on it.

"Yeah, you should come." Joy adds and sits beside me. Rosé nods while taking a bite on her apple.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously. Fun? Where's fun?

"Somewhere. Come on, trust us on this." Jimin says and leans while whispering to me.

"Please, Y/N?" Chaeng pouts cutely while clasping both of her hands as if praying. I looked at all of them while fixing my glasses. They were all looking at me as if they were puppies that are asking for food. I'm curious but I think it's not gonna be a good idea if I come with them.

"I'll tell Sandara first." I said and they all groaned in dismay. I chuckled before pulling out my phone and dialled Dara's number.

"Hey, Noona?" I called out after I heard her answer my call.

"This is not Dara," A familiar voice was heard. I smiled on hearing the voice because it's been awhile since I last heard it.

"Hello then, CL," I said laughing. She laughed on the line as well. "Why are you holding my sister's phone?"

"Hm, my bestfriend's busy on practicing. Any message?" She asks and I hummed in response.

"Oh she's busy? Then I'll just ask it to you," I said and she hummed this time. "What do you think it means when your bestfriends told you that we're gonna have 'fun' and you need to trust them on this?"

She laughed after she heard me while I looked at Jimin, Rosé, Yoongi and Joy's eyes. They were all leaning on the table as if waiting for an answer from me.

"It's gonna be very, very, very bad," She says and laughed again. "But it's really fun. Trust them."

"Do you think I should go?" I asked seriously this time. I heard her hum as if thinking then snapped her fingers afterwards.

"Yes. Dara's been telling me that you're stressed on school works?" She says and I hummed while nodding. "Then go have some fun. Don't isolate yourself."

"Noted," I said and she giggles. "Thank you, CL-Noona."


I turned the phone down and looked at the four idiots infront of me.

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