Youngbloods Run Free Forever

Start from the beginning

"I'm a big boy Sel, I can take care of myself."

"That's a stretch." I teased.

"That's what I have you for!" He laughed. "You take care of me when I can't or don't know how."

I didn't realize the weight of his words back then. I would later on. The band relied me on me for so much over the years, it wasn't until I was away that I realized how much responsibly they place on my shoulders. There were a lot of things that happened because I wasn't able to stop it or I didn't bother trying to stop it. It was a mess

"Johnny!" Nick said with a smile. "It's good to see you bro!"

"You're still fucking ugly." Johnny teased as he stood and gave Nick a hug.

"You wanna chill in the studio?" Nick asked. "I've got a few ideas."

"I don't have anything better to do." Johnny shrugged.

"I'll be in the basement babe." Nick said before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Nick was always writing. It was his passion an I loved him for it. He was always willing to give a hundred percent to everything, our relationship included. It never occurred to me that one day that might not be the case.

Johnny and Nick spent the rest of the day writing and working on new songs. I kept myself busy getting ready for tomorrows barbecue. I found myself more often than not preparing for the next day. It's what I did and it was how I took care of them. They each had their own needs and separate personalities.

Johnny was a party boy. He needed constant adult supervision. He was literally a man child. I spent most of my time mothering him.

Joe was the diva. He had all these feelings and needed to feel valued. If he wasn't getting what he needed, he'd have a bitch fit. I spent a majority of my time being his therapist.

Nick was always just my boyfriend. We had a personal relationship that remained relatively uncomplicated. We didn't let the band interfere with our private life. We kept them separate.

Matt was the most sane one of the group. He was a simple guy and didn't need much to be happy. He just wanted to sing and make sure everyone was ok. He was like my big brother.

Demi was the rock. She was the foundation of the entire band. Without her, they'd crumble. She was the one that everyone loved the most. She was also the one that would hold them all together, no matter the cost. She was everything.


Later that night after Johnny finally went home, Nick and I settled into bed. I was looking forward to spending the following day with people that I considered to be family. It didn't take either of us long to fall asleep.

The day of the barbecue was hectic. Anything that involved the five of them usually was. Johnny and Demi were always causing a ruckus and Joe egged them on. It was a vicious cycle. Nick and Matt were generally spectators. Occasionally Demi would get Nick to misbehave. I thought it was cute for the most part.

Demi had her acoustic guitar sitting in her lap and she strummed slowly. I could feel her watching me, but I pretended not to notice. She had a very intense look on her face. To make matters worse Ruby noticed to. She looked annoyed.

I watched as Ruby scooted closer to Demi and draped an arm across her shoulder. She raised an eyebrow and glanced my direction. I held in a laugh. She was being territorial. I rolled my eyes and made sure she saw me. She had nothing to worry about. Well, sort of.

I waited until Ruby jumped in the pool and I made my over to where Demi was sitting. She was still playing guitar.

"Demi. I think your ridiculously and almost inappropriately beautiful model girlfriend feels threatened by me. Why is that?" I smirked.

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