Yoongi seemed to be in between the action of smiling and thinking, leaving his lips slightly parted. "I'm trying to do," He hesitated in his words, making some type of noise in the back of his throat that reminding me of a purr; something a cat would make. "I'm trying to do something for my roommates." He chose, seeming a bit pleased in the way he told the answer.

Though I rolled my eyes in over exaggeration, "I'll take that as a half point." I decide allowed, causing him to snicker.

"What does that mean? I answered the question."

"Mm, but you didn't tell me exactly what you were doing." I point out, again allowing a snicker to fall from his mouth. Though he didn't necessarily complain.

"My turn." He murmured to himself, taking a moment to think before then asking, "How'd you get into music?" 

I huffed, "Hey! We're supposed to be asking easy questions Min!" I complained jokingly, a smile on my lips to show it. He just shrugged silently. With a sigh, I try to recall why I came into music.

"Do you like it?" My teacher asked, her voice gentle as to not scare me anymore than the instrument had. 

She had handed me the violin and allowed me to very lightly play only for a squeal of a sound to appear, both catching us off guard and causing me to start to wail.

But know, as she held my small hand in hers, gently guiding it across the instrument, it created a sound that I didn't could even exist. 

"Why do I have to learn an instrument? Cause my parents told you to teach me?" I asked, looking up to the woman who stopped moving. 

She pursed her lips lightly, her thin pink lips curling in instead of puffing out. They pressed against each other, causing her to look as if she was totally spaced out. "No. Because while your parents brought me here, I want you to have a friend." She murmured, causing me to frown.

Ten year me didn't know how to react to that. "A friend?" I asked a bit dubiously, my eyes even narrowing lightly. 

She smiled, nodding in a way that caused her hair to bounce. "A friend. See, music is something you can often connect your  soul to. There are no boundaries to music, you can express yourself in any way you want to." She murmured before then adding, "And this instrument is your way to do just that. It's like a friend because you can tell it all your secrets, it can allow to be yourself. You want a friend like that, don't you?"

I nod lightly.

"Then want to try again?"

I had to blink lightly to force myself out of my memory, and when I look to Yoongi I just see he's patiently waiting. 

"Uh," I laugh softly, "My parents hired a teacher for me. I didn't really like it at first, I was actually really adamant in not playing. But after finally relenting, I wasn't disappointed in anything my teacher told me. I guess it was even better than anyone had described to me." I stopped for a moment, knowing if I went any further my words would become just cheesy. So, I just then asked, "Why did you pick the piano?"

Yoongi reached a hand to mess with his ear, pursing his lips, Yet it wasn't in the same way as my teacher had. Instead it was a lot more different. Instead of curling his lips or puffing them out, he seemed to form a pout to show his thought. "I didn't really. My mom had one so I just used it." He muttered softly.

"Do you like the piano?" I ask with a bit of a softer voice. It was almost as if Yoongi had no emotional connection with it.

"Yeah, if I didn't I wouldn't have played it." It was said as if it was an obvious statement. He then shifted the subject with his own question. "Why did you chose the violin?"

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