Chapter Sixteen

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Copyrighted © Rebecca Beatty
All Rights Reserved

So sorry for the lateness and I'm so sorry for this chapter being so long, but this chapter has major importance and has some filter parts as well. But please let me know if you think something needs to be explained a bit more or if you would like, comment on what you think, and vote please :) But anyways here's chapter sixteen. Btw it will be edited so don't worry! :)

And yes Tom Welling is you know who...


Chapter 16
*William’s POV*

“Wow…” I heard John gasp.

We all slowly walked around the large ballroom. It always made me wonder how my mother could turn a simple, abandoned building into something that you would only see in fairytales. The wood that we was standing on was nothing but a weak surface, until now. Now, it was sturdy and covering it was a blood red carpet that had the parallel pattern flowing from side to side, top to bottom. All the walls had been replaced with stronger frames and had a fresh mint green paint coating. Above the light green paint, a white, fancy trim stretched out from corner to corner.

From the doorway, straight across was a large stage that had three steps leading up to the seven chairs sitting in a row. Each was sitting in a certain spot, according to their country. Each of our Royal Kings and Queens would be sitting up there shortly for our world to see. For our people to see. Generations and generations of Royals have sat in those chairs, and now this year’s generation of Royals will be there each acting as they should.

The oversized bergeres was large in width, and tall in height. The wood framing the chair was hand painted with bright golds, red, and with a subtle design, yet, the way the wood curved around cushions looked boney yet antique. The fabric that stretched from one end of the chair to the last was a still the very velvet fabric used -of course it’s been sewn back in from time to time and fixed up as well- for the first of all Royals. The paisley pattern stitched onto the cushions was dull in color, yet striking in appearance.

Shaking my head from the thoughts of how my mother made this all happen, I gave the ceiling a once over. But yet my mind traveled back to how my mom had put all this together, in such a short time‘s notice.

The ceiling was even painted in a bright gold with a red geometric and paisley pattern to match the surrounding furniture, and in the middle of the ceiling, making the whole room shine and dazzle, was three chandeliers with a gold trimming. All the columns touched the floor and flew up to the ceiling being decorated with the same mint green, sun gold, and blood red paint.

“Honey!” I heard a feminine voice say.

John, Christian, and myself all looked at my mother walking over to us. She was just glowing with excitement while her pale yellow dress lightly scuffed across the floor. Her red hair was full of curls that was placed on the top of her head, while her amber eyes burned bright against the chandeliers’ lights.

“Oh boys you all look so handsome!…But William your tie needs to be a bit more straight.” She said as she fixed my tie.

Groaning inward, I let my mother’s warm hands clasp my tie and start correcting it. It felt weird to be in a tuxedo. It felt weird being at a royal ‘ball’. Looking around I saw all the Royals from all over the world including their Betas and Gammas. Even all of their family was here too. Most of the Royals were Kings, except for The Royal Queen of Africa, and my favorite Queen, The Queen of North America, who by the way was MIA at the moment.

Looking around the room, I glanced back at the boys who was getting their ties fixed by my mother as well. John looked comfortable but kept scanning the entire room. He looked like he was doing his Beta duties, but really, I could tell he was looking for Jenny.

Christian…Christian looked like he was hiding something, and I couldn’t read his thoughts cause he never thought of what was upsetting him, however the dark circles under his eyes and him not speaking to me, gave me all the evidence I needed to let me know that something was up.

What was it? What was it that Christian was hiding? Did it have to do with him? My family? My mate? My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a soft groan come from my mother as she patted my hand.

“Nicole’s here…” she grumbled out.

Distaste filled my mouth as I looked over my shoulder. She stood there with her father wearing a sequin silver dress. It clung to her thin body and barley touched her mid-thighs. The one shoulder strap looked tight and looked like it was cutting off her circulation to her thinned out collar bone. Her blonde hair was flat -as always- and her make-up was dark - as always-. She walked around talking to ever man she could. She couldn’t see the fool she was becoming. She was becoming a whore and someone I couldn’t bear to have in my line of sight.

What did I ever see in that girl, I thought to myself personally.

“Whatever you do, you be nice,” My mother said demanding my attention back to her. “We are in front of Royalty and I’m not going to have something terrible happen on this special day.”

She glanced over at Christian and John. “That goes for you two as well.”

We all muttered a yes maim as she hurried along and took the hand of my father. His hair was slicked back and his tuxedo was perfectly tailored. The smile on his face was brighter once my mother was standing next to him. I always looked up to my parents. Not only for advice, but in hopes of having what they have one day.

The crowd started to get bigger which meant the event was about to begin. Walking around with Christian and John we met a lot of new people and a lot of old acquaintances. We met Betas from countries far out east, Gammas that came from the South, and Alphas that came from all over. Not only was it ranking members, but also their families. Small children ran all over the place chasing one another yelling out ‘Tag!’ while their cautious mothers kept an eye on them.

Walking closer to the center of the room, we saw The Elders sitting along side the 7 bergeres. It started with The Elders of Antarctica, then The Elders of Africa, The Elders of South America all placed on the left hand sides with their mates. On the right starting from the outside in was The Elders of Europe, The Elders of Asia, The Elders of Australia, and last seated right next to the stage, was my parents, The Elders of North America.

Coming to a slow stop, the lights suddenly dimmed giving the room a light casting of shadows. The only bright light source was the chandeliers that sown vibrantly. A softly melody started to play as the gold doors that was at the entrance opened and The Royals started to walk out.

The tune was soft and delicate as the Royals started to descend. The first one was The King of Antarctica. A lot of people didn’t think there was wolves that far down, but this man could prove his existence. He was built and tall but his eyes was the color of ice and his hair was as white as a blizzard’s snow storm. His wife and himself were dressed in their native tribe’s clothing, almost looking like they stepped out of a whiteout.

Next was The Queen of Africa, dressed in a long traditional dress of Africa. Fitting around her shoulders was a cloak that had large purple flowers dancing down the back and front, while her dark hair was worn down, graced by a gold headpiece. Her mate walked beside her holding her hand out show casing his respect and love for her.

When the King of South America walked in with his lovely mate, they looked like they came out of a glamour magazine. Hair fixed fancy, body dripping with diamonds, and clothes made only for the rich. Their skin was the color of caramel as if the sun kissed their skin gingerly every day.

The next three Kings that walked in were Becky’s brothers. First was Eric, the youngest who was the King of Australia, then Jacob King of Asia, and lastly The King of Europe, Spencer, Becky’s oldest brother. All of them was dressed in a similar suit with their face looking a bit scruffy but hair looking nice and pulled back. It was funny to me, how none of them had mates, yet they still commanded the room with their presence and elegance.

Groaning inwardly, another tune sung it’s way throughout the ball room. It was another upbeat tone, however it sounded like something you would hear at a coronation, music that would announce someone taking their place, meaning it was time for the girls to walk in and accept their places.

I overlooked my mother’s voice as she announced Jennifer and Rachel, all I could think of was Becky, and when she would be coming in. The doors opened once again and in walked my little sister and her best friend. Rachel’s short dark hair was styled into a web of curls while her bangs covered one part of her face. Her dressed that flared out at the bottom was black at the top and red at the bottom with large rose prints stretching from her waist to the bottom of the dress.

With Jennifer, she wore the same dress, only difference, her dress was blue, and her hair was styled into a side fishtail braid that almost went down to her abdomen. She kept her eyes fixed on my mother as she walked slowly beside Rachel to take her place in front of Becky’s chair.

Looking over at the boys, they were itching to get near their mates. All but John. He still looked mad but he just couldn’t take his eyes off of Jennifer.

Where’s my mate, my wolf howled at me.

I don’t know, my human answered.  I can’t find her anywhere

I’m the one with the nose and senses pal. I’ll be the one to spot her first.

And just like that, my thoughts were interrupted as coconuts and mango filled the air, as the music suddenly quit, and the only sound was the sound of thin heels tapping against the floor. Looking over my shoulder, there she was. Her dark brown hair fell pass her shoulder into large curls, as her bangs stubbornly gotten in her face. Her brown eyes glistened in the chandeliers’ lights as she walked towards my mother and father.

Her long gold dress that was sequined at the top had flared out from the waist down in a light gold, light beige color. Under her voluptuous breast, the fabric was close and tight showing off the delicious curves that I wanted have pressed against my body, the curves that I wanted to have my arms around. Once the fabric hit her hips it ruffled out, then again at her knees, and then under her knees the ruffles flared out. But what caught my eyes the most, was that slit going up the middle of her dress to mid thigh. Her dark tanned legs peeked out every moment, causing my lips to part and drool to start pooling around my feet.

Casting a quick look my way, Becky’s brown eyes caught mine and I snapped to attention. Giggling was the only thing I could hear, hearing that sultry noise had only made my body long for her even more.

Sitting down in the large bergere, Becky crossed her legs and Jennifer and Rachel moved away as the ceremony resume. As myself, John, and Christian started walking towards our mates, I extended my arms out and stopped them. My nose started twitching as the only thing I smelt was flesh that was starting to rot, but the blood was cold… and dead. I sensed everyone else smelling the same thing I was. It could only be one type of monstrous creature.

“Vampires…” John growled.

Looking back at the entrance, there stood a tall man with white -almost grey- skin. His hair was short and was slicked back with hair products that made his hair shine. His eyes were a dark olive brown color with the rims being a color similar to blood.

Quickly racing around the other weres and the children I stood in front of the cold blood grim reapers.

“Take a wrong turn,” I growled out.

The vampire flashed a smile that would make any human’s skin crawled, to me it just made me want to punch his perfect teeth down his thraot.

“I believe myself and my clan was invit---”

“Over my dead body,” I growled taking a step forward.

I felt a pair of hands on my arm and when I went to yank it away, I saw my mother’s embarrassed face.

“What are you doing,” she grinded out between her teeth.

“Mom their---”

“Becky’s special guest…” She mumbled.

Shocked registered on my face as the cold bastard chuckled walking around us with his clan following close behind. Glaring at the back of his head, I felt a hard smack on my arm. Wincing, I grabbed my arm and looked down at my mother.

“I told you boys to behave!” She hissed. She glared at us again and pointed her finger at us. “If I have to stop you three again, I swear I wipe you all till you’re bald.”

Looking at the boys, we took a step back and once she disappeared through the crowd, my men and I went our separate ways. I needed to find Becky. I couldn‘t take my mind off of her and I needed to have her close to me.

Passing through the crowd, I spoke softly to a few passing Betas and Royalties but they weren’t the people I wanted to talk to. My body, my mind, and my wolf all was going through withdrawal from not having Becky as close to me as I would want. Not being able to touch her, smell her was killing me more than a stab to the heart. A small smile crossed my face as I chuckled to myself. The thing I missed the most was the arguing that we always did.

“Well hello William,” A voice slurred behind me.

Clenching my fist, I turned around and came face to face with dark blue eyes.

“What can I do for you Ms. Frances?” I asked grinding my teeth.

A small smirk appeared on her face. “Now William, it’s not what you can do for me. But it’s what I can do for you.”

“What do you mean?”

She stepped closer and my body flinched at the slightest contact. “I know a few secrets that you’re precious Queen, your little sister, and your Gamma never told you.”

Christian’s secret…how does she know--- My thoughts were interrupted.

“Maybe his secret is that Becky almost got your sister killed.”

My brain completely shut down. My body stood frozen. And my blood…began to rise.

“She…did…what?” I grinded out.

Nicole just smirked at me and turned around and walked away, disappearing into large crowd. I search the crowd and couldn’t find Becky, Rachel, or Christian. Which meant one thing, I needed to go find even one of them, or them all.

I started tracing my steps back through the crowd wanting to know where they were, but I had more that was bothering me. I just couldn’t get over what Nicole had said. Why would Becky hide that from me? Better yet, why would my own flesh and blood lie to me. My own Gamma?!? Why are these three hiding things from me?

Queen or no Queen, Becky is going to explain to me why she hid this. I thought to myself again.

Staring at Nicole’s dark blue eyes, I quickly pushed passed her and stalked towards Becky. How dare she lie to me! She’s my mate! She was suppose to trust me! To tell me the truth!

For someone who trusted us so much, has told us so little about herself, hissed my wolf.

Finding her talking to a few Royals and Alphas, I straighten my tie and walked over barley brushing her elbow. The slightest contact made my body buzz with electricity and I was forgetting what I wanted to talk to her about.

The world stopped as she slowly spun around. Up close her features were even more beautiful. Her eyes shined with happiness, laughter, and was that lust? Looking a bit closer, that feeling disappeared as her smile got bigger.

“Excuse me Alphas, Kings, I have a previous engagement with Alpha Jones that I need to finish.” Her voice was as smooth as honey.

They all bowed on cue and walked off as she turned back around. When she spun I caught the scent of her coconut and mango shampoo and the smell of her coconut lip balm, with those little ingredients, my body was weak, and I was forgetting why I was mad.

Maybe his secret is that Becky almost got your sister killed, Nicole’s rung in my head.

Snapping out of it I looked back down at my innocent angel. My Queen. My mate. And I could feel an internal battle going on inside of me.

Concern flashed her eyes as she placed a warm hand against my cheek. “Is something wrong William,” she spoke softly.

Her eyes searched mind until they glanced behind me and surprised filled the brown in her iris’.

“Becky we need to talk….” But before I could finish my sentence…

“Pardon me your Majesty.” A deep tone voiced behind me asked. “May I have this dance?” I could feel everyone completely stop in their tracks as all eyes were on me and Becky.

Turning around, I saw a man with dark black hair and dressed in a highly expensive suit. His dark olive eyes held mischief and rage. The scent of another male wolf blinded my rational thinking and caused my anger to simple multiple. My muscles started to explaned out, while my my blood start to boil. Glaring at him, I released a small warning growl.

“Who…are…you?” It felt like it was taking forever for the words to grind pass my teeth and pass my lips.

His smirk got even larger as his gaze sat on Becky causing my wolf to get stirred up and causing my blood to rise to a dangerous level.

“I’m James… Becky’s ex.”

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