Chapter Six

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Copyright © Rebecca Beatty

All Rights Reserved

Before I start anything, here’s a new term lol, Elders - a group of older werewolves (male or female) that help keep the Royals in line, or assist with any problems in a state, or country.

Ok! Now that we got that out of the way.

So a lot happened in the last chapter! You found out that William and Becky's relationship got heated up pretty quickly, that William is started to suspect something from Becky. You also read about Jenny yelling at John about his not-so-mate like behaviors. Rachel and Jenny found out who the Queen is. And the ginger color wolf found Becky. Oh! This chapter is going to be more of a get to know William and Rachel’s family, but also a get a little history on Becky’s mother. I know I’m running late, but the next chapter will be a special Thanksgiving Chapter of “Animal”. So in the mean time, what will happen in chapter 6? Will William also find out who the Queen is? Will Rachel and Jenny tell Becky’s secret? Where was the ginger wolf heading, and who is it. Read, comment, and vote : ) much love : )


*William’s POV*

“How could you let this happen William!” My mother’s voice ranged out, echoing throughout the whole house.

He stood pacing against the hardwood floors. The light beige walls closed in on us as a dull, brunt, red made a straight line cutting through all the walls. The same red color was what sat the rug apart and sat in the center of the living room. To go along with the theme - that my mother had picked out, personally- was two black. matching couches that sat opposite one another. Sitting at the ends of the rugs were two black, leather chairs, in which one was accompanied by our -highly- upset mother.

Rachel squirmed beside me. I looked at her out the corner of my eye then back at my angry parents. “Why is Rachel here? She didn’t do nothing wrong.”

Rachel looked at me and her eyes had unshed tears just sitting there. She never liked being yelled at, always brought tears to her eyes. Her new hair do had a few cow licks here and there, and her makeup was still on but was completely messy.

“Oh so you’re saying you started the party? You’re saying that you let these wolves tear our house apart!?” My mother screamed.

I let a short growl slip my lips and a hard thud met the back of my head.

“Boy you know better than to growl at your mother,” my father said as he walked across the room and stood next to my mother.

“Look, I’m really sorry Mom and Dad, but I did everything, not Rachel, if any of us should be yelled at it should be me.”

I looked over at her and she was wiping the tears out of her eyes. Ever since we was little, I always took the blame for things. Even if she did do the crime, I did the time. I hate seeing her like that. I hate seeing tears in her eyes, the pain written all over her face. She may act like she’s all tough, but she’s a fragile as a china tea set.

“You’re both in trouble,” My mother yelled. “I know Rachel planned the party…and I know you was in on it William. Not one of you are going to get out of this.”

She took a deep breathe and looked at the huge hole in the wall right above the kitchen sink. Our father held her hand and looked back at Rachel and I.

“William and Rachel…you’re both wolves that are looked up too…you need to act like adults--” Mom cut him off.

“I can’t believe you both brought in alcohol in THIS house, let too many people see two werewolves fight---” Our mom was cut off.

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