Chapter One

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes or mispelling. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! read the chapter before this, im sorry the prologue lol. It has some terms in it and also talks about the characters. Thank you so much I hope you likes and please vote comment and let me know what you think! All votes and comments will be returned :)

Copyright © Rebecca Beatty

All Rights Reserved



The groan and discomfort flew through my back as I landed on the rough ground. A female laugh was heard thanks to my overly sensitive ears. I leaned up rubbing the lower part of my back, while my mother, hugged her ribs tightly laughing at me with all her heart.

Her dark chocolate eyes gleamed with happiness and laughter, while her smiles was more bright then the sun peeking it's way through the forest' trees. Her dark brown hair was flying along side the breeze, and many people told her how beautiful her hair was, but my mom, that was something she really didn't care about.

My mother believed that looks were something that could be in your advantage or against you. She believed that some people are so worried about their looks that they lose the real them in all the makeup and the lies.

My father, God rest his soul, my mother always said he loved her for her inteligence, and when they were joking he said he married her only cause she would give him the most beautiful babies, but none as pretty as her.

My thoughts drew me back into reality when my mother was calling my between laughs.

"Becky..." she took a few deep breathes. "You never, never ever let someone behind you. Not unless you trust them. If it's someone you don't trust or you have a bad feeling you make them go before you... if not then you're as good as dead."

Blunt much mom I think to myself.

I jump up and start dusting off my dark jogging pants. "Momma, sometimes I think you want to train me that way you can knock me on my ass and laugh at me."

As I looked up, my mother was in full sleath mode. Not moving, and not talking.


"Hush," she said quickly and quietly cutting me off.

"Silence had filled the air. Leaves crackled against the cold muddy ground and out of nowhere, it hit. My nose was filled with the smell of musk, cinnamon, and the smell of rogue wolves.

A growl left my lips as my clenched hands at my sides started to tremble. All my emotions start to roll through me. I was ready for them. I could shift. I could easily kill any of these assholes who have the audacity to challenge a Princess...let alone a Queen.

My rash thinking was soon gone as a calm hand landed on my shoulder, earsing all of the hatred and replacing it with an emotion of tranquility. I looked in my mother's eyes and I saw her emotions. Anger, worry, and fear.

"Run..." she said softly, so soft I almost didnt hear her.

"What? Momma no...I'm not running there's at least," I sniffed the air and could smell almost ten different wolves. "Momma," I cried daintly. "There's atleast ten wolves, you need me here."

She looked at me and the emotions were running through her body. I could feel them, I could see them in her eyes. But there was one thing in her eyes that said one thing. That one thing was that i was infact, NOT staying there to help her.

"Becky, sweetheart, we don't have the time----"

"I'm not leaving you!" My voice started to get higher.

The brown, loving eyes that my mother always had shifted. The became as dark as night. Pitch black. I quickly adverted my gaze for the I knew what was going to happen next. Her lovely angelic voice boomed with nothing but authority.

"You will leave now! I do need you Becky, I need you alive."

The wolves started to appear in front of us from the woods. As a snarl left my lips and my mother's, she grabbed my arm and pushed me back.

"Becky! Leave now!"

Blinking quickly it all happened to fast. My mother had transformed into her wolf. So majestic, was what I always thought when I saw my mother's wolf. She was as white as the snow that fell every winter here in Kentucky. I looked down at the black sock that cover her right front paw. That was the only mark her -my father and brothers- only had, and someday I would have to show that I was of royalty.

Tears started to sting my eyes as a ginger colored wold stalked towards my mother. The wolf was licking her lips and looked to be grinning evily at my mother. Her olive green eyes laughed with evil. I made a small step backwards and the eyes fell on me. With the distraction my mother took her chance and lunged at the ginger wolf. At that moment, all the tears I held started to fall, as i turned on my heel and tranformed into an ash gray wolf.

The forest ground felt natural against my paws and I couldn't stop. My heart wanted me to go back and fight with my mother. To help her! But at the same time, I couldn't. I couldn't betray what my mother, my Queen told me to do.

Feeling as though I was to far gone for the rogues, a sharp pain hit me in my chest and sat my paw on fire. The pain was causing all of my body to burn but I had to get up. I whimpered and moved and stopped. I stood and sniffed the air.

I could smell the ending of Summer, as Autumn was just around the corner. The smell of cinnamon and blood was easily noticeable. Both were coursing through the viens of the villians, that had attacked my mother.  I could see the leaves panicing and running along side the breeze. And I could hear the pitter pattering of paws hit the forest floors as the pack started to chase me.

Spinning away from the noises, I started to run to my pack's house. I had to get help for my mother, the pack would help, my brothers' would gather their packs and fight! If it's a war they want, then they just lost.

Finally reaching the house, I stopped and caught my breathe when I noticed something different about my front right paw.

No...It can't be...she can't be... I thought.

I looked away then back down and there is was. On my right front paw was the black sock that once grazed my mother's paw. A snarl came arcoss my lips along with the emotions of anger, dispear, solitary, and revenged seeked out of my mouth into a deathly howl that shook all of the Whispering Woods.

AnimalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora