Chapter Eight (Part Two)

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Copyright © Rebecca Beatty

All Rights Reserved

So chapter 8 had to be continued on lol. I didn’t want to make it two parts but my idea got bigger so I had to do it lol. So how was the first part guys? You likes? I forgot to add a slide that showed some characters so I’m adding it in this chapter. It’s basically just telling you who’s who for Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Walker, and Arthur Frances. But like I said I had a pretty good Thanksgiving and I definitely want to add the Thanksgiving Holiday in these chapters. So there’s going to be NO violence once more, maybe some arguments, but nothing serious. I also did put a prayer in here, so if you don’t want to read that then you’re more than welcome to skip over that part. I found it on Google I typed in “Thanksgiving prayer” and clicked the sixth link. Then it’s title “Our Father in Heaven” so I don’t own this prayer and you can find many others at the website. So…Oh! And ya’ll are wanting to know who is the surprise well…

*looks both ways and gestures for you to come closer*

*WHISPERS* Read this second part of the chapter and find out guys : - )


*William‘s POV*

I got off the ground and growled angrily. Nicole ran her hand down my shoulder and I looked at her with hate in my eyes. I pushed her away and walked back into my parents house with Nicole following close behind. I saw Becky sitting with kids. She was laughing and smiling and it made my heart drop. She was playing with them, talking sweetly to them, and even help them cut their foods.

Nicole huffed, “Wow, this is just great. We have a kid for a Queen.”

I glared back at her and she quickly bowed her head and went to sit by her father. I sat down at the end of our long and rather large dinner table while the seat at the far end was open. It was Becky’s spot.

My father and mother sat down on each side of me and I could see how happy she was. My mom loved little events like this. But earlier her and Becky was talking and I could tell how much my mother missed Becky’s mom. It was clearly written in her eyes and her emotions.

“Let’s pray everyone.” My father’s voice said talking control of the noisy ranting coming from everyone.

Everyone quiet down and my father looked at Becky. “Your Highness?”

Her brown eyes looked up and a small piece of hair was lying in her face. “Yes Mr. Jones?”

“Would you like to say the prayer?”

Her eyes held shock but she quickly hid it and smiled. “Yes sir I would be delighted to.”

“Would everyone bow your head?” she asked.

I noticed everyone bowing, but I couldn’t. I had my eyes focused on her. She bowed her head slightly and her long hair fell against her neck. Her fragile -but dangerous- hands were placed together as she started the prayer. My mother gently reached over and pushed my head down. I looked at her and gave a small smile and closed my eyes.

“Our Father in Heaven, We give thanks for the pleasure of gathering together for this occasion. We give thanks for this good prepared by loving hands. We give thanks for life, the freedom to enjoy it all and all other blessings. As we partake of this food, we pray for health and strength to carry on and try to live as you would have us. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ…”

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