Chapter Fifteen

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Copyrighted by Rebecca Beatty


This chapter is a little filler, just basically feeling in the missing parts about Rachel and Christian. So comment, vote, add to your reading list. And remember this will be edited after I get all the chapters done. And there is a total of 17 more chapters till the surprise! :)


Rachel’s Pov Thursday Morning

That early Thursday morning was quiet calm. The sun was up high and the sky was clear. A few small clouds were scattered across the skies, new sprouting grass and dried grass lined up sides of the road and stretched across many fields; going on for miles and miles. The trip coming back home wasn’t as long, but it was twice as awkward and quite.

Becky’s rough driving had everyone on the edges of our seats. She was beyond mad, she was beyond pissed. We all had literally disobeyed the Queen’s order. We were supposed to stay back, but instead we followed her out of worry. And now we face the consequences, an angry Queen.

I opened the back door of the SUV and hopped out. I gathered up my bags and looked back at the three remaining passengers.

Austin was sitting in the passenger seat and looking down at his computer still messing with frames of the recording he caught. His hair was covered with a baseball cap as his eyes held massive amounts of stress. Becky wasn’t as mad with him as she was with Jenny and I.

Looking in the backseat at Jenny –who was beside me- was looking out the window. Her natural curly hair was pulled to one side and her blue eyes held a small ounce of regret. She was trying to take the blame for everything, but Becky was not listening.

Becky’s fingers gripped the steering wheel so tight, that her knuckles were actually turning white. She wore her hair up in a high ponytail and a baseball cap down low, covering most of her face. Her entire body was giving off signals of stress and anger.

“Becky…” I said trying –once again- to get her to listen. “We just wanted to help.”

“But I gave you all orders!” She turned around and her eyes held nothing but fury. “I told you both that I needed to do this by myself! What If something would have happened to either one of you? What if something happen to Austin!? Did you or Jenny even think of that?”

I looked down at the ground and rubbed the back of my neck. “We just wanted to help.”

Becky took her eyes off me and sighed. “I understand that, but I cannot have anyone of you put yourself in that position, from now on, we’ll discuss matters like this, but right now, you need to go get some rest and we will meet here for the rehearsal.”

I heard Jenny sigh as I smiled a huge smile. Saturday night was Becky’s “Royal Party”, where all the Kings and Queens were going to come here to Elizabeth, to help celebrate the official crowning of Becky.

Pretty dresses, fancy hair, and new people! It was a party to remember!

I said my final goodbye and walked into the house. I could already tell my mother was on one of her cleaning sprees. The hardwood floors were freshly mopped, and the scent of lemon was over whelming to my senses. Looking down, I could literally see my reflection.

Dropping my bags by the living room door’s end table, I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the table.

Picking it up, I couldn’t help but smile.

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