Chapter Eighteen

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Rights Reserved to Rebecca Ann Beatty

There’s going to be 3! Count ‘em 3 POVS in this story! So if there’s any confusion just let me know by leaving a comment. Now Becky’s POV is going to be short, there is going to be two POV of hers, but there’s going to be two other POVS, and I want to make them longer and have a LOT of details. Also you’re going to learn what the little freckle face girl’s name is and the Prince of Antarctica’s name is. Plus in one of the POV’s I had to talk like a young child around maybe 6 or 7, if you think it sounds a little too advance -even for a werewolf pup- please let me know. But other than that, if you want to expression your feelings go ahead! If you notice any grammar mistakes let me know : ) Please make sure you vote and lets get this story done!!!


Chapter Eighteen

 Becky’s Pov

 Stalking through the woods my mind was racing. I wanted to find Nicole and settle this feud; once and for all. I wanted to know what secrets she held, why she was so desperate to ruin everything that I have left dear to me. My body was still hurting and blood from my wounds was trickling down my neck and shoulder and clashing against the forest floor. My hatred and anger pumped through my veins, causing my senses to become hazy.

 You need to relax, I thought to myself.

 Tilting my ears back and forth, I made sure to keep my hearing open as best as I could. Stopping in mid movement, I heard a twig snap behind me. Looking over my shoulder quickly I caught the glimpse of crimson and pasty hair and two small bodies. Huffing a bit, I released the breathe that I was holding.

 Children, I thought to them.

 No response.

Young Children, I thought adding a little more power in my voice. Come here.

Stepping out from a large Blaze Maple tree, the icy blue eyes of the Prince looked in my direction. And camouflaged between a patch of Apache Plume shrubs, stepped out the little freckled face girl. Gasping each other’s hand softly they walked towards me. The little girl kept her eyes down watching her every step, while the young prince would occasionally look at me and then back at the little freckled face girl.

 And what prêt ale are you two doing here?

We..ww..we wanted to make sure you’re ok.” The girl’s soft voice murmured.

I slowly turn around ignoring the pain in my back, I slowly walked over to them and nuzzled my nose against their heads. Their small giggles and smiles filled my wrecked heart. Lifting my head up quickly, my ears caught a hold of stones scraping against the ground and leaves crushing under sound of swift feet and large paws.

 Following the sounds came in the smell of Rogues, Betrayers, and Vampires. Snarling towards the noises and smells behind me, I quickly snatching the young children by their hooded shirts, I took off at a dead sprint. The kids were scared and yelling at me but I wasn’t focusing on them. The only thing I could think about was to get them away from everything and back to a safe place. I needed to take them back towards the Jones’ house, but as though I knew it would happen, I didn’t make it far.

 Prince of Antarctica POV

 The Queen had me and Annabelle by our collars racing through the woods. Her silent leaps over broken tree logs and fast pace had adrenaline pumping through my heart faster than usual. Sticking my small nose in the air, their scent was caught and I could taste the vampires that were surrounding us. The rush in my heart suddenly stopped as I started to get scared. I couldn’t fight all that well and how was I going to protect small little Annabelle? Looking up at the Queen I saw her eyes cloud up as she tried to pick up the pace. Looking back in front of me I felt the Queen’s body be hit as she went flying, side first, into a rock and tall Aspen tree. Dropping Annabelle and me, I grabbed her hand and took off running behind a rock. The Queen looked over at us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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