Chapter Ten

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Copyright © Rebecca Beatty

All Rights Reserved

Hey beautiful ladies and handsome men, how are ya’ll? I’m SUPER excited about this chapter! It’s my first Rated R chapter!! Now I’ve wrote Rated R scenes before but never on here, so I’m kind of pulling at me collar lol. By the way, has anyone ever heard of a cave cricket? They are so annoying and HUGE! Yuck! I want ya’ll to be honest with my if my writing is unclear in some spots please let me know. So… WARNING! THERE IS SOME ADULT LANGUAGE!! Yeah sooo…are you ready!? Lol just kidding. Here’s Chapter Ten, please read, vote, and comment. Much Love!!


*Becky‘s POV*

“Hi Beautiful.” His low voice said gently.

I felt like I had swallowed my voice. My hand gripped tighter on the cotton towel that was covering my naked body, but the only thing covering William was his jeans from earlier this evening. The storm’s rain was acting like a mesmerizing trick, drawing my attention straight to his chest. The rain water was making it’s way down into the waist band of his jeans, and one by one, my eyes watched.

I looked up at his masculine face and his hair was sticking to his forehead and the sides of his head, giving him this sexy, irresistible look. I held the moan back as I rubbed at my neck.

Lord have mercy,I thought.

William gave a small chuckle and I rubbed my face. “Sorry.”

He smiled and bounced back and forth on the balls of his feet. “Aint nothing wrong with admiring something this good looking.

And there it goes,I thought to myself.

I rolled my eyes. “What are you doing here?”

He smiled and looked my up and down, slowly.

What the hell is he looking at?

I looked down and quickly spun around with my back facing him. “William turn around!”

“But I like the view,” he whined.

“Do it!”

He groaned and turned around. I peeked over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow. His back was toned and full of muscles. I felt my lips part and become drenched. Further down as a very nice and toned…

“Are you going to get dress or undress me with your eyes, Your Highness,” William asked with a smartass voice.

I growled and turned back around. I grabbed a pair of panties and navy shorts and slipped them on. I dropped the towel by my open closet door and stopped. I made sure William was still turned around -which he was- but I was frozen. On the open closet door was a large cave cricket. I tried biting back the scream stuck in my throat, but as soon as it twitched it’s large antennas at me, the stuck scream came running out and pass my lips.

I turned around and ran straight into William’s chest. I placed my hands onto his chest and started crying. “Please, PLease, PLEASE! Kill it!”

William’s chest was moving up and down as he was trying his best not to laugh at me.

“Laugh late, Kill now!” I screamed at him.

As I turned my head, he grabbed a shoe, and then with a Thud! he sat the shoe back down. “There you go, the little buggy wuggy is now gone.”

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