Brand New Year

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This feels familiar...

I stared at my reflection for what felt like forever. I shakily picked up the photo of me from last year. I was the same person, but everything felt different. Same blue blazer, same slacks, same shoes, same hair. Everything.

But I was different. My clothes were new, of course, just the same style. I had grown a few inches taller. I began to fit my blazer better; my muscles starting to tone after months of marching band conditioning.

I started to look like I was in high school.

"Chrom! Come down for breakfast!" Mom called from downstairs.

My throat was dry and palms sweaty. "Be down in a sec!" Drawing in a breath, I put the photo down, taking one more glance at myself. "Sophmore year starts today... Why does it feel like school never ended to begin with?"


"Morning," I coughed as I entered the kitchen.

"Ugh, morning..." Lissa grumbled, her entire upper body laying on the table.

I eyed my sister curiously. "What's up with her?" I asked.

Dad took a sip from lips coffee. "She doesn't have the same spit-fire attitude about the first day of school like she did last year."

"I feel your pain, kid," I chuckled, sitting down next to her. "I was the exact same way when I started seventh grade."

"Summer was too short!" she exclaimed, sitting up a tad. "Could we have just one more day of break?"

"Chin up, my love. You'll have so much fun this year!" Mom patted her head, setting a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of us. "Now, eat. You can't get through school on an empty stomach!"

Even Lissa looked the same as she did last year. Well, minus the large smile and bubbly aura. She had a growth spurt this summer, but not a big one. It only added an inch or two to her. However, she wore the same white button-up and black skirt.

"Thanks, Mom," I said, forcing a small smile. I picked up a piece of toast and nibbled on the corner. I doubted I'll would be able to even stomach the whole slice. I appreciate Mom making breakfast for us, but I can never eat it. It's nothing against her, my stomach just hates breakfast.

Just then, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I didn't even have to check the ID to know who it was. A spark of excitement set in my heart. I quickly unlocked it and read the message.

Hey, weirdo. Ready for the first day?

My mornings were never complete without a daily text from Anna. We saw a lot of each other during the summer, whether it was just hanging out or for marching band practice. But still, it was too little for my liking. The only thing I was really looking forward to was seeing her every single day.

I texted back: Nope. You?

Not in the slightest. XD I'll see ya there

See ya!

"You texting your girlfriend?" Lissa eyed my phone, her voice finally taking on an emotion.

My cheeks flushed. "She's not my girlfriend! Shut up!"

"Ooooh! Someone's defensive!"

"Lissa, knock it off," Dad sighed. "I don't want you two fighting this morning."

Mom smirked and leaned over to Lissa, not so quietly whispering: "But it's only a matter of time before he calls her his girlfriend!"

I hid my face in my hands. "MOM!"


"You two ready for your first day?" Emm asked. As per tradition, we set up a Skype call with our older sister before we left.

"Somewhat," Lissa answered. "I wish you were back home. Why does your stupid college have to be so far away?"

Emm chuckled. "I'm sorry, Lissa! You'll be reduced to seeing me through a screen until my next break!"

Lissa groaned. "Aww... Well, at least you might move back in whenever you start student teaching?"

She looked off for a moment. "...Maybe. But that's a few years from now. Plus...Phila and I haven't really discussed that, yet. We may want to get a place of our own."

My eyes widened. "Wait, really?" It was no secret that Emm and her girlfriend, Phila, were really serious about their relationship. They already lived with each other in a dorm, but there were other people with them. The thought of them moving in together was completely new.

"L-let's not dwell on that right now! We have to focus on what's happening today!" she exclaimed. She turned to me. "I still can't believe you're a sophomore! And in marching band! I'm so proud of you!"

I scratched the back of my head. "Th-thanks, Emm."

"What about me!" Lissa pushed me away. "I may only be in middle school, but I'm totally ready for high school! Plus, you're looking at a future cheerleader!"

"Of course, Baby Sister," she giggled. "Oh! Look at the time! We should get going. I'll talk to you guys later, kay?"

I nodded. "Yeah! Bye!"

Lissa waved. "Bye!"

The screen went to black as she hung up. I sighed, turning to my little sister. "Well, you ready to go?"

She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt. "Ready as I'll ever be..."

I ruffled her blonde pigtails. "C'mon, let's kick this school year's ass!"

That made her laugh. "Yeah! We can do this!"


Ta-daaaaaaa! Thank you so much for checking out my second installment of the High School Years series! I'm really excited to get started! If you haven't already, go check out the first book in this series - Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshmen Year. In case you hadn't guessed, it's about when they were freshmen. XD Yeah, this will be confusing without prior knowledge of that book. In case you didn't know, I update this every Sunday. Also, a little fun fact: today is my birthday! Yay! I've orbited the sun for a certain amount of years and now I'm going to secebrated but putting flaming sticks into a baked good while people sing! Thank you all so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore YearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin