Second Year Down

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I tapped my fingers against the desk, biting the inside of my cheek. Around me, the sound of moving pencils stopped as more people finished their exams. You're almost done. You have plenty of time. 

I kept glancing at the clock, nerves becoming scattered by the second. True. False. True. True. Something about the Pythagorean theorem. False.

Almost done almost done almost done.

And as I filled in the last mark on my bubble sheet, the bell rang.

My soul left my body, relief and anxiety filling me to the brim. I did it. It's over. All I have to do is wait for results.


Komodori, Anna Raven
Semester 2 Final Exam Scores:

Algebra: 87%
Honors English 2: 96%
Chon'sinese 1: 100%
Choir: 100%
History: 98%
Biology: 92%

Final Class Grades:

Algebra: A-
Honors English 2: A
Chon'sinese 1: A+
Choir: A+
History: A
Biology: A

Class Rank: 9

I almost cried as I read through my transcript. I did it. I actually did it. Second year with nothing but A's.


I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as my friends and I discussed our final grades, pride welling in my veins.

"Big surprise that Bubbles got straight A's again," Gaius teased, playfully nudging my side.

"Lay off it, weirdo." I pushed him back, rolling my eyes. Despite his overly cheeky nature and sly personality, Gaius was an amazing friend. Our friend group would be nothing without him. I really hoped that I could grow closer to him as a friend.

"Still, it's a huge accomplishment," Chrom spoke, smiling. "And you're ninth in the class-rank! No longer double digits!"

Vaike huffed a laugh. "Have fun ever surpassing Miriel."

A shudder ran through me at the thought. "I don't think that's an accomplishable feat."

"But a feat nonetheless." Cordelia grinned. "Congrats, Anna."

"Th-thank you."

Olivia hugged me, radiating pure joy. "Take a little more credit. You really deserve it."

I squeezed my pink-haired friend back, breathing in her comforting scent of strawberries and vanilla. When we first became friends, she wore a fair amount of perfume that heavily accentuated her scent. However, after learning about my asthma and that I was very sensitive to smells, she stopped wearing it, instead opting to use mellow lotions or baths that she applied long in advance to coming to school. Such a gesture really meant a lot to me.

"I can't believe the year is finally over..." Sumia sighed. "It feels like it just began, too!"

Stahl nodded. "I hear ya. I still remember the first day so vividly!"

Frederick chuckled. "It goes by faster than you think," he said. "Gods, I'm to be a senior..."

"As am I," Libra spoke. "Never take this time for granted, everyone."

"You're barely older than us!" Sully complained, looking at her watch. "Crap. I have to bounce. There's a couple hour period where Virion and I can talk to each other that's coming up. I'll see you guys later!" And with that, she was the first to go.

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore YearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon