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"Is there a way we can make exams illegal?"

"Gods, I really wish there was."

"These are the hardest things ever!!! How can anyone do them!!!"

"I would normally complain that because you're in middle school, your exams and tests are super easy, but they probably work you way harder than they should."

Our exam days were quickly crawling towards us and I couldn't be any more terrified. This was also Lissa's first experience with exams since sixth graders didn't take them. There was truth in my statement, but it depended on how you looked at the situation regarding the difficulty levels between middle and high school. I guess it really depended on what classes you were taking.

Right before exams, my friends and I would meet up at a cafe for a study group; due to the weather, however, we had to stay home. At least I could get more work done? It still sucked that we couldn't all study together.

My thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of my phone. I quickly peered down to see that it was a text from Vaike: Anna keeps sending memes in the group chat. Tell her to stop.

I chuckled, switching over to the group chat our friend group had and saw that Anna was indeed spamming us with wholesome studying memes. I usually muted this conversation whenever I was trying to focus, so that's why I didn't see any of these. I replied back: She's just sending positive energy your way. 

It's distracting

It's cute

Since when did you think Anna was cute?

Since forever! If you're that annoyed with it, just mute the conversation.

You can mute conversations?

Good luck with your studying, Vaike.

I pocketed my phone, shaking my head with a light laugh. "That guy will never learn..."

"Who, Vaike?" Lissa looked up from her book. I nodded in affirmance. My sister sighed, "I can't believe I used to have a crush on that guy."

Wait, what? I glared at her. "When did you...?"

She waved me off. "When I was young and didn't have standards. Now, are we gonna study or what?"

I turned a page in my textbook, still giving her a wary look. "All right..."

Within five minutes, Lissa interrupted us once more. She collapsed on the kitchen table, groaning. "I hate thiiiiiis."

"Well, what are you trying to accomplish?" I asked.

"To pass? Isn't that the point?"

"Yes, but you can't run yourself ragged over this. It's unhealthy," I sighed.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds. "...Well, the school system says otherwise," she muttered. "I don't think there's a way to cram all this information about all of these subjects in a healthy way."

I leaned back in my chair, stretching out my arms. She's not wrong. "And that's the unfortunate truth of the matter. The education system isn't exactly the most well-refined thing ever. But, all we can do is do the best we can. Maybe someday, we can help change how things work."

A hopeful gleam sparkled in her eyes. "Really? You think so?"

I smiled at her. "I know so. Now, that day won't come if we do poorly on our exams. We have a lot of studying to do."

"Right!" Lissa picked up her books, looking more determined as ever.

I'm glad I could at least get her spirits up enough. Speaking of, I really need to get studying. I may not be able to do Anna-level cramming, but I can at least try.


Not so subtly throwing shade at the American education system *ahem*. Yee. So my exams are this week. I'm super stressed. Wheeeeee. On a lucky note, I actually made an outline of HSY:2 (this is what I'm calling it, now XD) so I have general ideas for the rest of this particular installment of the series. That will help tremendously with planning and writing. Anyway. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now