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I shuffled nervously as I waited by the door, wringing the straps of my purse. He should be here any minute! Why am I so nervous! This isn't a date! Nope! We established this!

One week ago, Chrom asked me out on a "date". Except it wasn't really a date, more like us hanging out on what is considered the most romantic holiday of the year. He explained that he didn't intend this to really be called a date and I was totally fine with that. If I was being totally honest, I was considering asking him out on Valentine's Day as well.

We decided on dinner and a movie. Friends go to those all the time. We weren't even going to a fancy restaurant! His parents were dropping us off at the mall for a few hours so our "romantic dinner" would be resigned to the food court.

Hah, try catching us now, Cupid. We couldn't make this thing romantic if we tried! Although, the inner mythology nerd in me absolutely hates the depiction of Cupid in the media. I don't think the all-powerful god of love favors being a flying baby. If anything-

Three knocks sounded on the door. My heart leaped. It was an incredibly common way to knock, but I knew it was Chrom. He just had this weird way of knocking that I could always tell that he was there. Calm the heck down, girl. This isn't a date. Nothing romantic will happen. Just dinner and a movie. That's all. And if we somehow end up holding hands at some point during the night, I won't complain.

Wait, what?

"Er, is anyone home?" Chrom's voice sounded on the other side of the door.

"Ah! Crap!" I swung the door open to see my best friend, arm raised to knock again. My throat suddenly went dry; I didn't even know why! He looked like the exact same Chrom I've known forever! He wasn't even dressed fancy! Just a pair of jeans and a coat. "S-sorry, I was lost in my own head."

He scratched the back of his neck. "Um, it's fine..." He cleared his throat. "Y-you look nice."

I smiled nervously. "Heh, th-thanks..." Now would be the time I fired some snarky comment back but I was left with nothing. I knew he was just saying that out of formality; the effort I put into my outfit was close to zero. Like him, I opted for jeans, except I wore a simple blouse under my coat.

"R-ready to go?" he asked. I could see his arm fidgeting, not knowing if he should extend his hand to me.

I decided to spare us both from more awkwardness. "Y-yeah. Let's go."

On our way to his parents' car, the uneasy air between us seemed to settle, but only a little. We're fine. This is fine. Everything is chill.


All throughout our dinner, I was constantly searching around for anyone we knew from school. Good. I don't see anyone. I don't even know why I'm so worried about running into anyone! I mean, I hate human interaction to begin with, so that can explain it.

"Hey, are you ok? You've been pretty uneasy since we got here." Chrom's voice broke me from my trance.

My heart skipped a beat. "I'm fine! I promise!" I took a long sip from my drink. "Sorry, I'm just really nervous..."

He chuckled. "You're telling me. My nerves feel like they're about to jump out of my body!"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "Wh-why are we so nervous? I mean, this isn't really a date?" I intentionally left out 'is it?'.

"N-no! It's not!" His cheeks were dusted a shade of pink. "L-let's just...talk. Maybe we can distract ourselves by having a conversation?"

I nodded a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah! Let's do that!"


I was thankful for the fact that we had to remain quiet during the movie. We didn't have to worry about finding a conversation topic. Just sitting in absolute silence. And, once the film was over, we'd have a whole new thing to talk about.

I held my arms to my sides, my palms resting in my lap. I was too nervous to use the armrests. I glanced over to Chrom to see he was doing the same. Gulping, I turned my attention back to the screen. I'm having fun! I really am! I just can't shake these weird feelings!

And, throughout the whole movie, I had to fight back the urge to rest my head on his shoulder and hopes that he would wrap his arm around me.


"Thank you so much for taking me out, tonight," I sighed as Chrom walked me to my front door.

"Yeah, no problem! It was fun to hang out!" he exclaimed. We stopped at the door. "So..."

I put my hands behind my back, balancing on the balls of my feet. "So...?"

He looked up, grey-blue gaze searching. "I-I'm sorry."

I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry? For what?" I asked.

"For this being really awkward," he blurted. "I-I don't know what happened... I think the fact that today was Valentine's Day and how confusing we made everything was just-"

I placed a finger on his lips. "Just...shut up a moment, will ya?" I removed my finger, only to wrap my arms around him and hugging him tightly. "I had a ton of fun tonight. Sure, we made things really awkward, but isn't that how we just are? Awkward teens who don't know what we're doing."

He returned the hug, smiling into my hair. "I hate how you're always right."

"Someone has to be." I smiled as I pulled away, lifting a hand to gently cup his cheek. "We don't have to force ourselves to be anything. I-I know...I know things are weird. Our hearts are telling us to do things but our minds say another; that'll probably be the case forever if I'm being honest."

He nodded, making no effort to shake away my touch. "I-I think I'll have to agree with ya there."

I brushed my thumb against his cheekbone. "There...there's definitely something. I don't really know what it is or how to really handle it...but it exists..."

"S-same here..."

"Maybe they're feelings, maybe they're not." I shook my head. "All I know and care about is that we'll always be friends - always be close. I don't care what emotions I feel right now or ever. I just need to know that we'll be ok, no matter what."

He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into one last hug. "I can live with that. I can totally live with that," he breathed. "Why don't we just ignore whatever it is we're feeling for now? We don't have to worry about it ever, if that turns out to be the case."

I leaned against him, listening to his rapid heartbeat. "All right..."

He gave me a squeeze. "...I should probably get going. My parents are waiting and I have no doubts your mom wants to know how things went."

I laughed. "You're right." I pulled away. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see ya!"

That was...something. Gods, I feel like I'm way over my head in this game of, well, whatever it is. But...it's funny. I think I know what it is, but I can't bring myself to say it. Even just to myself. Am I scared? If so, what am I scared about? A lot of things, probably. I can't admit it. I just can't. Not now. Maybe in time, but not now.


EVERYTHING HAPPENED AND THEN NOTHING HAPPENED. HAHAHAHAHAHA. SORRY NOT SORRY. Also, can attest that asking someone on a date for the first time is one of the most nerve wracking things ever. XD Huzzuk. Even though this wasn't a date for them, we can call it their first in our hearts. My Wattpad is glitching like crazy and I can't really type so I'll leave. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now