Different Yet Same

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In the few days prior to school starting, Chrom wouldn't stop going on about how everything is the same, but also different. I agreed with him, but some of the things he talked about were pretty ridiculous.

I still thought I looked the same. My summer growth spurt made me a half centimeter taller, so I had that going for me. But other than that, I didn't see any drastic differences with the both of us. He wore his uniform in the same style and so did I. There was nothing special about my white shirt and jeans; my blazer still found its rightful home tied around my waist.

Well, maybe there was one big difference with my appearance...

"Anna! You should start heading out!" Mom shouted.

"Coming!" I yelled back. "Well, time to start a new year!" I slung my bookbag over my shoulders and ran out the door.

Watch out, Ylisse High School! After what happened last year, it will take a lot more to break me!


Unlike some people, seeing the high school on the first day didn't really faze me. I've been seeing it all summer. Hell, I was here not even a week ago for the first football game.

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in." I knew that voice. "If it isn't Anna. How've ya been?"

Sully slung her arm around my shoulder, pulling me in for one of her awkward side hugs. It's been way too long since I last saw her!

I giggled, leaning into her almost painful embrace. "Nice to see you too, Sully." I looked around, scanning the crowd of people walking into the building. "If you're here, then-"

"Hey! Don't kill the poor girl!" Sumia exclaimed, dashing up to us. Cordelia wasn't far behind.

Cordelia rolled her eyes. "She'll have to live through it, Sumia. We all got the Sully-Hug. She will endure it, too."

"Guys, wait up!" Gaius panted, Stahl in tow.

Sully finally released me. "There you two are. Took ya long enough to get here!"

Stahl stopped running, placing his hands on his knees while catching his breath. "You sprinted towards Anna the second you saw her!"

"No fair! I was carrying coffee and I didn't want to spill it!" Oliva pouted as she caught up with us.

Gaius scoffed. "Really? You, spilling something? Please, with your balance, you could do parkour and not a drop will hit the ground."

I looked at my circle of friends. It's so good to see them again! But there a few people missing... "Where are the others?" I asked.

"Cherche's family is hosting a foreign exchange student from Fleuria, so she's showing him around," Sumia replied. "Kellam is helping his little sister find her locker. Frederick is off doing Frederick things. And Vaike...we don't know."

I crossed my arms. "Sounds about right. I'm sure he'll-"

"Stop stop stop." Cordelia's eyes widened. As she spoke, the other's joined her bewilderment. "Why didn't we notice... When did you..."

I smirked, running a hand through my hair. "Took you long enough!"

Olivia was the only person not surprised. "Well, do you guys like it? I know my handiwork isn't the best, but-"

"Guys! There you are!" Chrom's voice shouted. We all turned to see him running towards us, a smile on his face. "Sorry, I'm late to the party. I had to - WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YOUR HAIR?!"

I couldn't contain my laughter. "I told you I was thinking about dying my ends!" The tips of my brown hair were dyed a deep shade of blue. Not as blue as Chrom's hair, but more like an ocean.

He was speechless. "When did you..."

"A few days ago!" Olivia replied for me. "I helped her with it!"

I flipped my hair, letting my wavey curls bounce. "Do you like it?"

"I-I mean, of course! It looks lovely! I just wasn't expecting this!"

Sully snickered. "Aww, look at Chrom trying to flirt!"

Our faces flushed red. "Wh-what?!" My voice contained a startled squeak.

Cordelia also looked flustered. "Th-there's a difference between giving a compliment and flirting!"

Chrom cleared his throat. "L-let's just head inside, ok?!" Despite Sully's comments, he still leaned in and said: "It's good to see you again. I think your hair looks really pretty like that."

If it were possible for my face to become redder, it certainly just happened. "Th-thank you. It's nice to see you, too."

Well, that was one interesting reunion. I'm so glad to see everyone together like this once more. I can't wait to see what this year has to bring!


Woosh. Sorry for the semi-late update. Last night was homecoming and I've been spending this morning recovering from everything. I still feel like bleh. *goodbye my morning writing plans. I'll get to you eventually* Anyway, I actually do have dyed ends, in case you didn't know.  But they're not blue, it's purple. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore Yearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें