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"If I see another class schedule, I think I'm gonna puke."

"Anna, we still have to fill them out."

"Exactly! I'm gonna puke!"

Chrom laughed, playfully slapping me on the back. "Well, don't puke right now. We're almost to your house and I'm not in the mood to carry you the rest of the way."

I rolled my eyes, looking down to hide my blush. "You know you wouldn't have to carry me, right?" I chuckled nervously.

"I know, but I want to take care of you."

Dammit, why is my heart fluttering? "I-idiot..."

"What's the Chon'sinese word for that? Baka? You've forced me to watch enough anime to know that that is what you would be saying right now." He smiled cheekily.


"Or as the Fleurian would say, 'imbécile'."

I rubbed my face with my hands. "I hate you so much, sometimes." Same old same old, as usual. Chrom was walking me home after school like he always did after a fairly normal school day. The only difference was that next year's class schedules came out. Just what I needed in my life: thoughts about the future.

Chrom put one of his hands in his coat pocket. "So, what do you think you're going to take?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Dunno. I already know what I'm doing for my common classes, you?"

"Yeah, same deal, with the addition of Fleurian 2, of course," he replied, hefting his arm full of my textbooks.

"Ah, I guess I should also consider that with Chon'sinese 2. And Choir," I sighed.

"Are you going to audition for Advanced Choir again?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm in a less toxic mindset this time around, so I think I'll do better during the audition."

He hummed in approval. "That's good to hear," he said. "I'll look at the elective list later, right now, I think I just want to put this thing out of my mind for a little while."

"Yeah, same." Gods, I really have to do some deep thinking about my classes! I'm going to be a junior, for goodness sake! I have to take my future career hopes into consideration...

"Oh, we're here," Chrom spoke as we reached my house.

I looked up, seeing that I was indeed standing outside of my home. "Huh? Oh, w-we are." Why do I feel like these walks keep getting shorter! ...I just want to spend more time with him...

He handed me my books. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He flashed me a smile.

I returned his smile with one of my own. "Yeah, see ya." It's fine. We're fine. We'll always be fine. Nothing is wrong.

...I think.


It was around 5:30 when Mom came back home; I was sitting at the kitchen table, finishing up my homework. My head shot up as she stepped into the kitchen. "Welcome back! How was..." It was then when I noticed how exhausted and stressed she looked. "...Mom...?"

She looked up at me, eyes flashing with fear. "Anna..." She rushed over to me, hugging me tightly. "My precious baby..."

I returned her embrace, confusion settling within me. "Is everything all right? Did something happen?" I asked.

She squeezed me tighter and replied with a quivering voice: "There's something I need to tell you." She briefly pulled away, gesturing for me to go into the living room.

"Ok..." I did as she requested, hesitantly sitting down on the sofa. "Mom, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

She sat down, putting an arm around me. She fought to find her next words. "Anna, before I start, I need you to know that I love you with all of my heart. You are my absolute everything and will fight with all that I am to protect you."

My heart began to race, wrought with panic. "Mom, please. Just tell me!"

Swallowing, she looked me dead in the eyes, trembling. "It's Validar."

There it was.

My breathing quickened. "Wh-what about him?" No no no no no.

"I'm working my hardest to get the restraining order renewed, but it's taking much longer than I expected."


"A few years ago, he was released from the correctional facility, but we already knew that," she began. "However, he was still being closely watched by the parole officer. He just got off parole."

My throat went dry. I couldn't feel my arms. "No."


"No no no."

Mom grabbed my shoulders. "I'm having trouble getting a case to renew the restraining order because it is not taking precedence over another matter involving us and him."

My heart was about to jump out of my body. "What - what do you mean?!"

"Anna... Validar is trying to win back custody over you."

My whole body felt like it was struck by lightning. "No..."

Mom pulled me into an embrace. "'s going to be all right. I promise-"

"NO! IT WON'T BE ALL RIGHT!" I struggled out of her hold, head spinning as I gasped for air. "I can't - I can't! I don't - no, I-I can't see - see him!"

"Anna, calm yourself! You're going to have an asthma attack if you keep panicking!" Mom tried to reason, eyes searching frantically for an inhaler regardless.

Too late. My throat felt as thin as a coffee straw, my labored inhales sounding more and more squeaky. Black and white dots began to dance in my vision, my head pounding. Any feelings in my body never registered as everything started to go limp.

The last thing I heard before falling on the ground was Mom yelling my name. After that, it was all darkness.

...World building, baby? Yep. This is happening. So I actually have less than a week to get my class schedule in and what progress have I made with it? Nothing. I'm pretty stressed about that. XD So yeah. That's all I got. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now