Secrets of the Heart

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"I feel like we haven't hung out in forever!" Sumia exclaimed.

I giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "We see each other at school every day!"

"Still! We haven't really spent time with each other alone!"

"True, true."

In the weeks of April, I would usually dedicate my time to Guard stuff with Olivia, but due to the crappy weather, I haven't had much time to do so. However, it gives plenty of time for Sumia and me to hole ourselves away from the world and bake pies.

"So, how are things going with Frederick?" I asked, flouring the surface of the counter along with the rolling pin.

The brunette shrugged. "Great, as usual." A bit of blush crept up on her cheeks. "Gods, I never really know how to reply when someone asks me that. Not because things are going bad in our relationship or anything! I just feel awkward talking about things! Does it seem like we're unstable? Are we breaking apart at the seems?! Oh, gods! I-"

I laughed, placing a hand on her shoulder, wincing as some flour transferred onto her sleeve. "Calm down, Sums. I was just trying to spark conversation! You two seem happier than I've ever seen any couple!"

She released a breath of relief. "Oh, thank goodness..." she sighed. "What about you and Chrom?"

Now it was my turn to flush red. "W-we're not dating!"

Sumia gave me a cheeky grin. "Two can play at the embarrassing each other game!"

I groaned, focusing on beating some chilled pie dough into submission. "I don't feel bad for getting flour on you, now."

"I am curious, though..." she trailed off. "Anna, I can see it in both your eyes. What you feel for Chrom is more than you let on to be."

I chewed on my bottom lip, heat rising in my heart. "I-I know. I really know that more than anyone," I said. "But I want to figure out my emotions, first. He wants to figure out his emotions. I don't even know if what I'm feeling is...well, you know."

"I get it." She handed me a pie tin as soon as the dough was flat. "I felt that way about Frederick for a while. But, you can't keep waiting for a push or a sign. You have to move when you can."

Move when I can? What does that mean? "I'm just not ready. I know I shouldn't wait, but I don't know how else to handle these feelings. I'll wait for that sign. It'll appear, I promise."

Sumia rolled her eyes with a sigh. "If you say so..."


"I'm home!" I called as I shut the door, kicking off my boots.

Mom was already in the living room. As soon as she saw me, the hastily put her phone away. "How'd it go with Sumia?"

I hung my coat up on the hanger. "Pretty good. Sorry I didn't bring any pie with me. Between us and her brother, that thing was a goner."

Mom chuckled. "Of course." She fidgeted with her fingers. "Actually, sweetie, while you're here, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

Worry began to rise as I crossed over to the couch and sat down. "I-is everything all right? Is Validar up to something?"

"No! No, of course not!" Mom quickly said. "Listen, I... Gods, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be."

I placed a hand on hers. "Mom, you can tell me anything. I promise."

She smiled. "Thank you, dear." With that, she drew in a deep breath. "Ever since I've divorced your father, I've been anxious to...well, step out and date again. I was worried that we wouldn't adjust to another member of our little family that well, or that we would somehow go through that abuse again."


"Also, I wasn't actively looking for a relationship. I knew I could raise you on my own, no problem. But now..." She cleared her throat. "Now that the issue with Validar is solved and we have closer, I feel confident that maybe I can try dating again."

I chewed on my bottom lip. " there anything or anyone that brought this on?"

She swallowed thickly. "N-nothing is official! But, well, I have this friend. Someone I've known a long time. They just recently asked me if they wanted to try a relationship, or at least go on a few dates and see what happens. It may not even develop into a relationship, but I really, really want to see where this goes. I-I genuinely think I  have an interest in this person."

She reached out and cupped my cheek, brushing away a few strands of hair. "But, I wanted to make sure it was ok with you before I gave an answer. If you're uncomfortable with me dating so soon after all this drama, then nothing will happen." She kissed my forehead. "You are my absolute main priority. And I want you to know that if something even happens, it will never change our bond. You always come first in my heart, no matter what."

I leaned my forehead against hers. "Mama..." I drew in a breath. "I want you to be happy, Mom. Of course, I'm comfortable with you dating, if it'll make you happy. I don't doubt for a second that you'll replace me with anyone."

She pulled me into a hug. "Thank you so much, Anna... It feels so good to hear you say that..."

I smiled. "Of course, Mom. Anything." I pulled away. "Now, who's this person? Spill the tea!"

Mom blushed, rolling her eyes and playfully nudging me. "Teenager." She was practically beaming with joy. "I don't want to say anything about them, just yet. I want to wait and see if it goes anywhere. All right?"

"Fiiiiiine. Doesn't mean I won't be nosey."

"I expect nothing less."

THE TEA IS BREWING, COMRADES. Sorry, we're reading Animal Farm and yeah. It's something. PSA FROM YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD ANNA: DO NOT WAIT FOR SIGNS. WHETHER IT COMES TO DATING, COMING OUT, TRANSITIONING, ANYTHING, DO. NOT. WAIT. FOR. SIGNS. I know really more than anyone that the feeling that you have to wait for a sign or a pushing force to tell you to go through with something is really what you feel is right, and maybe sometimes it is, but you have to take action for yourself. If you wait for a sign, then you'll probably be waiting for a long, long time. I'll say this all again a few months down the line when happen, but I'm saying it now just in case y'all need a reality check. Yeah. That's all I got. I want all of my Chranberries to be happy and I love you all ❤  Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

P.S. Comment who you think Evelina's "special someone" is. Fictional Anna may not get the satisfaction of gossip and spilling tea but I will be happy to listen to all of your theories.

P.P.S. That doesn't mean I will be confirming who it is, tho. You still have to wait. 😉

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