Facing My Demons

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"Is this really necessary?"

"Unfortunately, yes. The order has expired and he has full right to see you, even for just a few minutes."

I sank down into my chair, heart racing and temples pounding. I knew seeing Validar was inevitable. The bastard had the audacity to demand that Mom allow him to visit me. Thankfully, we were able to set this meeting up in the courthouse, in a heavily controlled and guarded area, thanks to the help of my therapist and our attorney. Still, I was dreading seeing that man.

I swallowed thickly. "He gets ten minutes. No more, no less," I said. "Well, hopefully, he chooses the less option."

Mom nodded, brushing a few stray strands of hair out of my eyes. "That's what we agreed upon, yes."

"I really don't want to see him, Mama." My voice what thick, tears building up. I know I have to be strong. But I also can't lash out. That will make things worse.

Mom moved closer to me, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I know, baby. I know."

I was too worked up to even hear the door opening and closing. "I see you ignored the instructions I left for you, Evelina."

That voice. It was that same rough, gnarly, and deceiving voice. I almost didn't want to look up. But, my eyes betrayed me. He looked exactly as he did ten years ago. His facial features were sharp and well-kept, his hair and beard were still jet-black, and his eyes had a blood-red tinge to them.

I already wanted to run away.

"Who let you do that to your hair, Anna?" Validar sneered, referring to my blue ends. "I specifically said in that list that she was not to dye her hair any color. Period."

"I burned those damn instructions as soon as you left them to me!" Mom snarled, wrapping a protective arm around me. "You have no place to come in here and judge how I parent my daughter."

Validar stepped closer. As he did, the urge to scream was getting harder and harder to suppress. If not for the calming nature of Mom, I would have been freaking out. "You are forgetting that sweet little Anna is my child, too." He sat down and turned to me. "How have you been these past ten years, my dear?"

I was trembling. I wanted to form words but everything was being stopped in my throat. All I could do was stare.

Validar cracked an unamused grin. "Not going to talk? Did your harlot of a mother instruct you to ignore me?"

That did it. Fury burned beneath my skin. "How dare you talk to my mother that way!"

"Oh? The canary can talk, it seems," he spoke. "Such a shame that there is much poison laced within those words. You wound me, my child, you really do."

"You emotionally abused her for the entirety she was in your excuse of a life." Mom's voice was low and flamed with rage. "You have absolutely no right to judge or blame her."

I dug my nails into my thighs. "What do you want with me? Why do you suddenly want custody over me?"

Validar flashed me a look, one full of so much wrongdoing. "Let's just say I have some...concerns with how well your mother has raised you in my absence."

Mom was about to leap at him. "Concerns?!"

"Yes, concerns," he repeated. "You've obviously done all this work to get her to where she is and from what I've heard, she's an exceptional student. This is good. However, the discipline is all wrong. With how you're raising her, she will never grow up to do amazing things. No child of mine will settle for what they are now."

My trembling increased. "Sh-she's doing a better job than you ever could! She's the best parent a person could ask for!" I exclaimed.

Mom reached for my hand, squeezing tight. "That's not the only reason and you know it, Validar. What other twisted plans are running through your head!?"

He chuckled lowly, mouth breaking into an evil grin. "We have a score to settle, Evelina," he sneered. "You ruined my life and everything I was once you got me interred at that facility. No one dared to trust me or see me as a respectable member of this pitiful excuse of a society." As he continued, the dread and terror in my heart began to grow. "I want the board to be even. Eye for an eye, as some may say. You took away my life, so I must take what's most important to you.

He turned to me, eyes glinting with wickedness. "Oh, and you, my daughter. I have plans for you. Great plans." It felt like he was planting a dagger into my heart and twisting it. "You are worth so much more than this drab life. So, so much more. I want to help you unlock a path to greatness. I can give you a life that's full of virtue! I can make you renowed as a god would!"

"You're insane," I seethed. "Absolutely insane. I'm not going anywhere with you, Validar. Never."

He pretended to look hurt. "You won't even call me 'father'? Such a shame...such a shame." He glanced at his watch. "Ah, it seems my ten minutes are up." He got up and made to hug me goodbye, but Mom pulled me away.

"Get the hell out," she commanded.

He glared at us once more. "We will see what the court has to say... Until then..."

As soon as the door clicked shut, I collapsed.

My breathing was heavy, tears spilling from my eyes like a waterfall. I can't. I won't. I can't be with him. I never want to see him again. No. Never.

Mom held me against her, rubbing my back and whispering words of comfort to me. "Everything will be all right, Anna... I promise. If he acts that way in court, there's no way he'll win. Shhhh... I'm right here. I always will..."

I really hope you're right...

So it keeps getting worse. XD Woosh. Sorry this was posted semi late. If I'm being totally honest, I've been on a huge Ace Attorney kick all week and can't stop playing it. Also never get attached to new characters because it's very likely that they'll be the murderer or an asshole witness. Yay. So that's the story of that story. XD Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now