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"I'm alive!" I groaned as I entered my house. After throwing my bookbag and coat somewhere on the floor, I collapsed on the couch. My blazer was uncomfortable around my waist, so I untied it and discarded it on the coffee table. I'll clean up my mess later. Right now, I just want to sleep.

I just came home after taking my last exam of the semester and by the gods was I ecstatic. After weeks and weeks of nonstop stress and studying, I could take a breather. A short one, all be it. My walk home with Chrom was full of us expressing our joy for these gods be dammed tests to be over. 

The walks themselves have proved to be quite challenging during the winter. Not only was it freezing cold, but ice covered the sidewalks. I could barely walk three feet without almost slipping. Thankfully, Chrom was always there to aid me; he would offer to carry my books, distract me from the biting chill, and help me whenever I tripped over my own feet. It also helped that I always felt a warm, burning sensation whenever we touched. Ordinarily, I would consider this a strange nuisance that I fought to push away, but I would make an exception during this freezing time.

I rolled over onto my back, grumbling. I really hope I did well on these... I'm so close to having all A's again... 

My eyes flicked up to the clock, squinting so I could better read the hands. 12:39. Mom should be home, soon. I silently thanked whatever academic gods decided that we should have half-days for exams.

I shifted so that I was on my side, pulling a pillow close to me so I could rest my head. "I think I'll just rest my eyes for a few minutes..."

Once my eyes fluttered shut, the rest of the world became a haze.


Yelling. All I heard nowadays was yelling.

I shut my eyes as tight as I could. Maybe that will make the sounds quiet? No matter what I did, the yelling just got louder and louder, soon turning into shouts. I pulled my blanket over my head in one last attempt to drown out the noise. It didn't work.

Tears fell from my eyes as I listened to the words being spoken. Baritone exclaims of "You're worthless" "This is all your fault" "I regret everything we've done together" "She's no better than you" were thrown all throughout Father's arguments. The sweet but angry tone of Mommy would fire back the best she could, but they too were drowned out. Mommy always told me that their arguments were not for a five-year-old's ears, but how could I not listen with all the yelling? It's not like I didn't get enough insults from Father, already.

My little cocoon soon became too stuffy for me to breathe, especially with all my sobbing. The yelling suddenly died down. I didn't know if that was good or bad. I risked a tiny peak through the blanket for some fresh air. As soon as I inhaled, the door to my bedroom opened then closed soon after, the lock clicking in place.

I quickly crawled back into the safety of my blanket nest, trembling. Please leave me alone... Go away...

A warm hand was laid upon my head. "It's all right, Little Bird. I'm right here." Mommy's voice spoke, gently tugging the blanket.

I emerged as soon as I knew it was her, my hair dancing with static. "Is everything ok? Did Father have another bad day at work?"

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now