Deflation of The Heart

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"I'm soooo ready for this day to be over."

"We only have a few hours left!"

"Still! That's a few hours too long!"

Cordelia giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you have anything planned after school? You seem so eager to leave!"

I leaned back in my chair, tapping a pencil on the table. "Not really. I'm just tired," I replied. With the second semester starting, that also meant I had a few class changes; I went from Music Theory to Law. Leaning how to read music was fun, but the instrument I played required the bare minimum of music theory. Maybe with this new knowledge, I'll switch instruments for marching band. Although, who was I kidding? Crashing the cymbals was something I would never give up.

I decided to take Law because I needed a blowoff class and I thought it would be an interesting one to take. Mom and Dad were very interested in politics and knew quite a lot about Law and the like. In fact, they both almost went to law school. That didn't work out, obviously, but they were much happier going into teaching.

Lucky for me, Cordelia was also taking Law and we had the same class. I was happy to have at least one friend and she seemed just as excited as me, if not more. 

Cordelia smiled at me as she began to organize her materials. "Well, this has been quite a long week. Readjusting to the new schedules sure are - oh!" As she spoke, one of her pens rolled off the table and onto the floor.

I leaned down to pick it up for her, but she was already on her way to do so and our hands ended up touching. She froze in place. "Ah, sorry! It was closer to me so I thought..." When I looked up, I saw that my friend's face was almost as red as her hair. "Er...Cordelia?"

That seemed to break her from her trance. "OH! M-m-my apologies!!!" She swiftly snatched up the pen and returned to her spot, back ramrod straight.

I chuckled nervously, leaning on the palm of my hand. "You sure you're ok? You seem a little red." Pun may or may not be intended.

"I'm fine!" she choked out, swallowing.

"All right..."

We sat in silence for a little while, neither of us saying a word. During this time, I snuck a peek at my phone. Nothing was happening in class so me being on my phone wasn't an issue, I just didn't want Cordelia to feel insecure about me being bored. So my not-so-surprise but still disappointment, there was nothing; not even a notification that I was almost out of storage.

I decided to open up the messages between Anna and me. In the draft box was something I typed out but still haven't sent: Do you have any plans for Valentine's Day? That message had been sitting there for hours.

As if she could read my thoughts, Cordelia asked, "So, um, are you doing anything for Valentine's Day?" She gulped. "I-I know it's not for another week, but you can never plan too early for this!"

I swiftly pocketed my phone, a slight shade of blush decorating my cheeks. "Wh-why do you ask?" I cleared my throat.

She began fidgeting with her fingers. "Well, er, j-just trying to start a conversation, ya know?"

I nodded stiffly, scratching the back of my head. "Um, right. Yeah. Good starter." Why am I so nervous?! I'm not asking her out! " Can I be honest with you?"

The redhead inhaled slightly. "O-of course! You can tell me anything!" she exclaimed.

I flashed her a smile. "Thank you. That really means a lot." I drew in a deep breath. "Well... I've been thinking about asking out this girl... Wait, no. I don't mean like, on a date. Actually, it kind of is a date, I just don't mean it that way. Wait, I don't mean that I'm not interested in her! Gah! What am I saying!"

Cordelia giggled, eyes twinkling. "Let me see if I can translate: you want to invite one of your female friends out on a 'date' for Valentine's Day. Except it's not a date in the romantic sense, but more like hanging out?"

My nerves eased slightly. "Y-yeah. Kind of." Except my heart and mind are so confused about it all. I don't even know what's compelling me to want to take Anna out on Valentine's Day! I don't like her that least, I don't think I do... I really, really don't know. All I know is that she's an amazing person and I really want to hang out with her.

"And what are you so worried about?"

"That I will send mixed signals," I sighed. "I mean... I'm asking her to hang out on Valentine's Day. I don't want it to feel like I'm leading her on or I have feelings I'm not even sure of myself. Does that make sense?"

Cordelia nodded. "100%." She chewed on her bottom lip. "I think you need to be honest with her. Explain how you're feeling and I'm sure she'll understand. For all you know, she could feel the same way! In the sense of wanting to hang out, that is." I could've sworn that I heard her mumble something else under her breath, but I ignored it.

I processed her advice for what felt like hours. She's making a lot of good points. As long as I'm honest with Anna, she'll understand. The last thing I should do is keep things vague, that will only make the situation more confusing.

"Er, Chrom, if I may..." My friend cleared her throat. "C-can you tell me who this friend is? Or at least what you plan on doing?"

I smiled, shrugging. "Dunno. It really depends on what she wants to do. If she wants to go see a movie, then we'll do that. Or maybe she just wants to come over and play video games or something. Regardless of whatever it is, I'm down." I checked my phone once more, a strange sense of confidence filling me. "And...well, I'm planning on asking Anna."

Cordelia deflated, but only slightly. "I-I knew it!" She laughed nervously. "You two are so close, I shouldn't really be surprised."

"I-is it really that obvious?"

Her eyes flashed with confusion. "You mean...wait..." She shook her head. "You're really that surprised over the fact that some people already think you're a couple?"

"People think what now!?"

The redhead laughed heartily. "I wish you the best of luck, Chrom. I'm sure you two will have fun doing whatever it is you do."

I flushed, hiding my face. Maybe this isn't the best idea after all. I'll only end up feeding whatever fire there is regarding these rumors. Then again, I don't really care.

CORDIE I'M SORRY YOU WILL NEVER WIN YOU CAN HAVE STAHL. My plans for Valentine's Day are still chaotic and undecided. XD So you know my last exams? Still haven't taken them. I SHOULD BE TAKING THEM TOMORROW THOUGH. Idk why I'm saying that with enthusiasm, I really don't want to take them. I just want them to be over with. Yee. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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