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The rest of September was nothing. Before we knew it, it was the end of October. And, of course, Halloween.

Halloween wasn't my favorite holiday, but I didn't hate it. It just wasn't my cup of tea. Lissa and Emm loved it; however, there was one person who surpassed their love for the holiday by a landslide: Anna.

Halloween was Anna's absolute favorite holiday. Since the very start of October, she was hyping everyone up for it. Actually, she started when she saw the first leaf on the ground and felt an autumn breeze.

"Chrom, what did you get?" Lissa exclaimed, dumping our her pillowcase of candy.

I chuckled. "I haven't opened it, yet!"

"Do it now, Chrom!" Anna demanded, dumping out her candy as well.

Lissa's best friend, Maribelle, giggled. "Aren't you two 16 and still trick-or-treating?"

Before I could answer, Anna's death glare silenced everyone. "You never too old for trick-or-treating."

"Eep! Got it!"

I rested my elbow on her head. "When you're short like her, you can probably go until you're thirty!"


Lissa folded her arms. "Ignore them, Anna. They don't get to be a part of the Short Pride Club!"

Because her neighborhood is small, I invited Anna to go trick-or-treating with me and Lissa. Lissa always brought Maribelle along, despite the fact that she lived in a decently sized neighborhood. I also wanted to share the Halloween experience with my best friend.

My younger sister and her friend wore matching costumes for the seventh year in a row. They were some superhero duo, but I didn't know or care who. I just wore the costume Mom bought for me: a vampire. Anna, however, went all out. She was cosplaying as Breath of The Wild Zelda. She even wore a wig and everything; she took it off as soon as we got home, though.

"We're waiting on you, slowpoke," Anna nudged me. "We want to start this candy-trade now."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, fine." I finally poured out my pillowcase of candy. "Let's get this over with."

As the candy-trade commenced, we filled the silence with small-talk. "So, Anna, what school district did you go to before you transferred to Ylisse?" Maribelle asked.

Anna drew in a breath. This has always been a sensitive subject for her... I hope she'll be ok. "I went to Plegia Middle School the entirety of my junior high years. Well, up until the end," she said. "But I like the Ylisse district better."

I smiled. It sounded like she didn't have any trouble getting that out! I'm glad!

"Chrooooom? Why are you staring at Anna like that?" Lissa smirked.

I turned to her. "Like what?"

"You're in looooove!"

Anna's face turned red. "Wh-what?!"

"You're totally in love!" Maribelle joined in torturing us. "I knew it from the very first second I laid eyes on you two!"

Anna buried her face in her hands. "We literally just met!"

Lissa began to sing: "Anna and Chrom, sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-"

I dug my hand into my candy pile, pulling out a Kit Kat. "IF YOU DON'T STOP SINGING, I'LL EAT THIS KIT KAT WHOLE."

My younger sister immediately stopped. "NO! DON'T! I'LL STOP!"

Anna glared at me. "I'm annoyed, too, but only the devil will stoop that low."

I stuck my tongue out at her. "I'm only trying to help!"

"This whole family is bizarre," Maribelle sighed, amused. "Anyway, shall we continue this candy-trade?"

Anna nodded. "Yes, please."

I don't know what it is with Lissa thinking I'm in love with Anna! I love her dearly, but not in that way! Gods, but why does my heart beat so fast at the thought of being with her?


IT'S SPOOKY WEEK. I actually am going as Zelda for Halloween XD. So a little update: there won't be a chapter next week. I'm really sorry, but I need a bit of time to handle some things, plus marching band season is going on a bit longer than anticipated. Before Awakening will still be posted, but I may take a skip week on that if I have to. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now