Her Truth

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A month and a half had passed since the ending of the custody battle. The hell that was the last half of February and the beginning of March turned to the end of April in what felt like a snap. I was so relieved that it all was over. I would never have to see Validar again.

Of course, Validar's poor lawyer pressed charges for assault, and rightfully so. Mom was able to renew the restraining order, but even that felt like an extra precaution because Validar would not be allowed into the public for a looooong time. From what I understood, they did a few screening tests on him and discovered that he harbored psychopathic tendencies. What a freaking surprise. He was convicted and sent to a psych ward far, far away from here. I even think he's suspect to serve some jail time once he is released from the ward. I truly was never going to see him again.

After that whole mess was over, everything returned to normal. My friends and I retained our playful chemistries, Chrom and I went back to our awkward dorky companionship, and Mom and I were closer than ever. I was able to quickly catch up on my schoolwork and studies, thank the gods. Everything was just...normal. I was beyond glad.

"Aye, it has been much too long since we last...what is the phrase? Hung out?" Say'ri said, wracking her brain.

I chuckled at my friend. Although she spoke our language almost perfectly, she still got confused with some terms and phrases. I couldn't blame her, though. This language was the most confusing and unforgiving thing ever.

"Yes, Say'ri. Hung out. Sometimes I feel like you're pulling my leg when you get confused." I rolled my eyes.

The raven-haired girl huffed at me. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Her fingers ran along the cushions of the couch. "I can't believe it's almost May..."

I nodded, looking outside. Today was the first consistently sunny day in what felt like forever. I guess the saying "April showers bring May flowers" really was true. "Yeah, it is. This year has gone by so fast."

"Aye..." Say'ri's eyes went cold and distant. "...That also means I am heading back to Chon'sin, soon..."

"Aren't you excited to go back home?"

She chewed on her bottom lip. "I-I am, but..."

This was it. For the longest time, I knew that Say'ri had some unspoken demons haunting her, keeping her from being her true self. I never pushed or pried to get them out of her, it certainly was not my place. No, I let her let them out when she felt. And, I think that time was now.

"...My parents are very important business people. They own one of the largest companies in all of Chon'sin. Since I was but a baby, I was pressured to be successful. To get the highest marks, get into the best schools, and so, so much more," she began. "Don't get the wrong idea, I love my parents very much and I know they want the best for me, but they can be too overbearing sometimes. It was always so hard to make friends; true friends, I mean. After coming here, I've made real friends who I cherish with all my heart. It will be hard to move back home and leave all of these friends. To leave you, Anna-chan. In coming here, I've learned how to make close friends, something I certainly will be using back home. Also...I don't want to move back and see...him..."

I wrapped an arm around my friend's shoulder. Am I her Chrom? Was I the person to pull her out of the dark and show her real friendship? "Dare?" I didn't even know if that was the correct way to ask "Who?" in Chon'sinese. We've learned plenty of phrases using dare, but I didn't know which one was correct since I had no clue who she was talking about.

"Watashi no kyodai," she sighed, hugging herself tightly with shaking arms. My older brother. I knew she had an older brother, but she never said anything about him. Not even his name. "I don't want to go back and face my older brother."

I pulled one of her arms away and took her hand, pulling her closer with my other arm. "Why not?"

"Because he's a jerk, that's why!" she suddenly cried out, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "Because that...that conniving jerk is always doing what it takes to come out on top! To prove to Mama and Papa that he's better than me!"

She broke down into tears, turning to me and burying her head in my chest. All I could do was hold her, rubbing her back as she continued speaking. "Because...because he abandoned us..."

This feels so familiar. "Abandoned you?"

She nodded, raven-black hair covering her face. "He moved overseas when I needed him the most. Some crap about learning from the best. Going to some larger company to be taken under their CEO's wing," she sniffled. "Leaving me with all of the pressure. I don't even know if he's planning on returning to Chon'sin! Or if he's going to take over the company and help me run it when Mama and Papa retire! He said he would, but it's been almost four years!"

She sobbed harder. "It wasn't always like this... He used to be so supportive and helpful... We promised each other that when it was time for us to take over the company, we would do it together; we wouldn't leave the other to run it alone. Well, look where he is now! Off living the dream in Valm and leaving his little sister unsure of her future!"

I breathed out, anxiousness building in my heart. "Say'ri, if your brother is all the way in Valm, then you don't have to face him when you move back! You just said he's been gone for so many years!"

"I meant that as an eventually. Eventually, I will have to face my brother. Eventually, he will come back home. In Archenea, I don't have to worry about seeing him," she said. "And even when he's not around, I'm reminded of his presence. 'Your brother' this 'Your brother' that. 'Your brother never would have' or 'Your brother can already' ...You get the picture. The point is, I'll never be as good as him, even though he's miles away and a traitor."

I hugged her tighter, rubbing soothing circles onto her back. "You don't have to be your brother. You don't have to be anyone. The only person you can be is Say'ri."

She dabbed away a few tears with her sleeve. "What if my parents don't want Say'ri? What if Say'ri wasn't good enough?"

"Then they're insane." I smiled. "Just because your brother can do something doesn't mean you automatically have to do it, too. You both have your strengths and weaknesses. And they Say'ri I know has tons of strength."

She giggled, sniffling. "Thank you, Anna-chan. I needed that," she sighed. "I just...I'm stressed. I feel a lot of pressure. Being an heiress isn't as glamorous as most may think."

"As I'm sure more are. Anyone would be stressed in your situation." I placed my hands on hers. "But you can get through it. Maybe your brother will come back, maybe he won't. Regardless of what happens, you'll get through it, you hear me?"

She smiled, nodding. "I will. I promise."

"For now, just enjoy your last few months here. Make the best of it," I said. "And you can always call me. Just because we'll be in different countries doesn't mean we can't keep in touch."

She laughed, face lighting up. "Of course! Nothing would make me happier!"

"I'm glad, Say'ri. I really am."

So that's what's been eating at her. Gods, I had no idea she was under so much pressure! Well, whatever happens, I hope it all works out. Say'ri really deserves that much.

So a Japanese lesson from your friendly neighborhood American who has been learning the language since September 2018: dare is not pronounced as it looks, it's pronounced "dah-ray" and you flip the r. That is all. XD So here's Say'ri's backstory? Honestly I was wracking my brain so hard to find a way to fit her stuff into the story and I think this works? I just wanted to showcase my Japanese, leave me alone. I have over 100% in that class so I'm very proud of myself. XD yeah, that's all I got. Imma eat a bagel. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Happy Easter!!!!! 🥚🍰🐇🐰🦄❤❤❤❤

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