Chapter 22- Resolution

Start from the beginning

I thought maybe she just thought he was cute and decided to act on her feelings but, Jay wasn't her type at all. Maybe she was drunk. Either way, she couldn't have known about him & me so I really didn't have much of a reason to be mad at her.

"Hello? I'm talking to you." Ana snapped her fingers at me.

"Huh-oh sorry I was just thinking about something. What did you say?" I stuttered and shook my head, trying to bring myself back to earth.

"I asked why you had extra clothes in your hand." she stated blankly.

"Oh, um they're for you. I know they're gonna be big cause well, you're tiny and I'm not. But here, I hope they're okay for you." I started to smile at her but I soon realized how stupid I'd look.

She laughed weakly before she opened her mouth to speak. "Thanks, but I don't think I'll be staying. It'd just be awkward." She stood up and started walking towards the door.

"You dummy, if I wanted you to leave I wouldn't offer you clothes and a place to sleep. Shut up and get back over here." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

She looked at me and gave me a genuine smile. I handed her the clothes once more and she took them into the bathroom to go change.

I walked into the kitchen to make myself some tea, surprisingly Jasmine had already beat me to it.

"Hey. Did you want some?" she sounded so tired.

"Please. I thought you went to bed actually." I replied, trying to sound slightly cheerful. I figured maybe if I acted like I was okay, it'd rub off on her.

"How could I?" she whispered.

I gave her a pat on the shoulder before hugging her tightly. Jasmine was never one for any kind of violence, so I knew she was probably bothered by watching someone get their ass handed to them, especially by someone I'm assuming she still cared for. I let go and searched around the kitchen for some honey to put in my tea. Thankfully there was some in the cabinet. Jasmine handed me my favorite mug full of my favorite tea. After I perfected my tea, I went to the living room.

Ana was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed like a little kid. I could tell she felt super awkward.

"Go get some tea, it'll help you feel better." I suggested and took a sip of my tea.

She looked up at me and nodded her head before walking off toward the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and sipped my tea slowly, trying to savor how relaxing the moment was. Warm tea always made me super mellow and calm, which was something I needed quite often.

Jasmine and Ana came into the living room together, both of them with a cup of tea in their hands. It was actually kinda cute, but if I told them that they'd probably laugh and call me crazy. Ana laughed and broke my train of thought.

"What?" Jasmine questioned.

"I was just laughing because I remembered that when we first moved in, we lived on a steady diet of jasmine's perfectly brewed tea and mcdonalds." She laughed and ran her thumb over the side of her mug.

"We literally sat around and did nothing but eat burgers and fries." I added.

"Followed by debating who was better, Backstreet Boys or Nstinck." Jasmine said. She obviously preferred Backstreet Boys...silly child. I rolled my eyes and corrected her.

"Those were the days weren't they?" Ana smiled at us.

I returned the smile and went back to staring at the intricate designs on my cup.

"I'm sorry." said Ana.

Jasmine looked at her slightly confused, I have to admit, I was a little taken back by her statement too.

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