60 | ♪ Wait and Breathe ♪

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  Songs Featured in This Chapter: Breathe by Anna Nalick & Wait by the Grey's Anatomy Cast

"C.T. shows a large epidural and subdural." Derek announced as we entered the O.R., "I need to get in there. Is she under?"

"We're ready for you." the anesthesiologist, Knox, said.

Derek nodded, "All right. I'm going in. I need a 10-blade. Bipolar to Dr. Grey."

"Bovie," Bailey called.

As Lexie sat down next to Callie's head, she gasped, "Wait. Wait. Stop. Her anesthesia's too light."

"Oh, I can fix that," Knox replied.

"Oh, my god." Bailey proclaimed.

Derek huffed, "Damn it, Knox."

"We're on the run here," Knox said.

"People." Chief Webber gathered everyone's attention.

"Take a breath, everybody." Owen ordered, "I mean it. Stop what you're doing and every one of you take a breath and center yourself. There's no room for rushing here. We rush, we make a mistake, so everybody...take a breath."

Sighing, I relaxed my muscles and took a deep breath in, just like everyone else. After a few seconds, I exhaled and got my head back into the game. Lexie leaned down to Callie, "Hey, Just breathe. Callie, relax. We've got this. It's under control. Just breathe."

2:00 A.M., and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake. Can you help me unravel my latest mistake? I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season

"Someone needs to keep an eye on Mark," Derek said as he got ready to start working on Callie's brain.

"Little Grey, eyes on Sloan." the Chief said and Lexie stood up and exited the room.

Yeah, we walk through the doors, so accusing their eyes, like they have any right at all to criticize. Hypocrites, you're all here for the very same reason. 'Cause you can't jump the track we're like cars on a cable

"I need some more lap pads in here." Owen said, "More, please. More."

"There's your subdural," Meredith commented as she stood near Derek.

Derek nodded, "Let's zip the Dura, get her decompressed. Okay, give me some bone wax."

"I've got bleeders everywhere." Bailey sighed.

"Let's get control with this liver lac before she gets unstable." Owen started.

As my hands began to disappear in the pools of blood, I took a deep breath, "More lap pads."

"Body temp's dropped to thirty-two degrees," Knox informed us.

"She's getting hypothermic," Jackson said.

"She's contracting," Lucy announced as she stared at a monitor a little ways away from the table.

"More lap pads," Owen told the nurses.

And Breathe, just breathe. Oh, breathe, just breathe

"I need a retractor in here," Bailey ordered.

"Her pressure's dropping," I announced as I helped retract so Bailey could get a better look inside.

Just then, Jackson backed away from the table, only to bump into someone and cause something to fall onto the floor. "If you're not needed, get out of the way." Chief Webber said.

"She can't take much more." Owen told us, "We need to get out."

"She's not clotting well." Jackson sighed.

As Alex and a few others exited the O.R., I noticed Arizona sitting up in the gallery. I was worried, but mere seconds later Alex joined her.

You'll just make them again, if you'd only try turning around

"She needs time to recuperate." Owen said, "If we don't pack her and get out now, she's gonna bleed to death. Let's, uh, get set up for a temporary abdominal closure."

"So-so what happens now?" April asked.

"We get her up to the I.C.U. and see if she lives for the next twenty-four hours." Bailey answered, "If she makes it, we go in again."

Chief Webber nodded, "I want a doctor with Torres at all times. Dr. Field's, what's your plan here?"

Lucy, or Dr. Fields, looked at him, "My plan?"

"Yes, a plan." the Chief sighed, "What if Torres starts contracting again? What if she has preterm labor? What if, god forbid, you have to deliver this baby?"

"I may be a little out of my depth here, sir," Lucy responded, being fully honest.

However you want to go. 'Cause you can't jump the track we're all cars on a cable, life's like an hourglass glued to the table. No one can find the rewind button now. Sing it if you understand. And breathe, just breathe. Oh, breathe, just breathe. Oh, breathe, just breathe. Oh, breathe, just breathe. Oh, ooh

Once we had Callie temporarily closed up and in the I.C.U, the Chief had called in the big guns, Addison Montgomery. Derek's ex-wife and one of the best neonatal surgeons in the country. Only a few hours later, Addison was in our hospital and in a meeting with the other Attendings about what was best for Callie and her baby.

"Yesterday we were at her stupid baby shower," Cristina said as we watched the meeting through the window.

"I take it back." Meredith turned to Cristina, "You can be Callie's baby's godmother."

Alex grabbed a chip from his bag, "If there's a baby to godmother. The only way to save the baby is to save Callie, and the only way to save Callie might end up killing the baby."

"You've got a hickey on your neck," Meredith told him.

Cristina and I moved to look, "What? Oh."

"Oh. Oh, Karev's turning all red." Cristina chuckled as she joked about Alex hooking up with Lucy, "Are you in love? Are you a lover?"

"Shut up." Alex grinned.

"Lucy is the first girl that he's really liked since..." Meredith smiled.

Alex shrugged, "Big deal. She works here at Seattle Grace Mercy Death, so I'm sure she's pretty much gonna go crazy or get cancer or shot by a gunman or hit by a truck. So don't get your hopes up for Karev's big happily ever after."

"Seattle Grace Mercy Death." I snickered.

"He's got a point." Meredith agreed with Alex

Later that night, I went with Bailey to discuss the options with Arizona and Mark. "So you think that she'd have a better chance if we took the baby out now, electively?" Arizona asked.

"Well, Callie's cardiovascular status could possibly be greatly improved, but we just need to know-" Bailey started.

"What we want to do." Mark finished the sentence.

Arizona shook her head, "No, what Callie would want us to do. The baby's barely viable."

"Why are we even talking about the baby?" Mark asked.

Arizona's eyes widened, "Did-did you just say that?"

"No, I'm saying we give Callie the best shot she can get," Mark said.

"But Callie wants a baby." Arizona retorted.

"Callie wants to live," Mark told her.

Arizona crossed her arms, "Well, we all want her to live, but what's her life gonna be like of she wakes up and her child is gone?"

"What's her life gonna be like if she's dead?" Mark asked.

"Oh, god. It's not that simple."

"It is. I don't like it. It's horrible, but it's that simple."

Wait. Wait for the dawn my dear. Wait till the sun gets here. And you will wait too long, he will be gone

As Arizona and Mark continued to argue, Bailey and I joined April in Callie's room, shutting the door behind us and muffling the yelling.

Wait. Wait till the sun shines through. Wait till the sky is blue. And you will wait too long, he will be gone, he will be gone

As we stood by Callie's bed, we looked down on her protectively. As Bailey started to change some of Callie's things and fix up others, April and I helped, just trying to block out the fighting in the background.

Ooh. He will be gone. Ohh, ohh, ohh. He will be gone. Ohh, ooh, ooh. He will be gone

"No, no, no! You know what I didn't ask for?" we heard Arizona yell, "I didn't ask for you, Mark. Because you know what you are? You're basically a sperm donor. I mean, this is me and this is Callie, and we're together, so I say-"

"No! You don't get a say." Mark cut her off, "This is my family. I'm the father. I'm the father! You're not anything. You're nothing."

Wait till you doubt no more. Wait till you know you're sure. And you will wait too long, he will be gone

No Time | Grey's Anatomy // Book 1 // COMPLETED |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن