61 | ♪ Trippin' On Sunshine ♪

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Songs Featured in This Chapter: Trippin' On Sunshine by the Grey's Anatomy Cast & Grace by Kate Havnevik 

Girl, you got me trippin' on sunshine. God knows you just made my day. Since you came around, no. I just can't slow down, no. I want to see you walkin' my way

After spending another night in one of the on-call rooms because of the whole Callie thing, I stopped off at the Resident's lounge to grab something to eat from my bag before I started work for the day. There, I saw Jackson. Sighing, I tried to ignore him.

Girl you got me thinkin' 'bout diamonds. Gettin' down on one knee, maybe two. Ohh, lord. People may stop and stare but I don't even care, no. Just was long as I am with you

"Hey, listen. I'm sorry how our whole thing ended." Jackson said out of the blue, catching me off guard slightly.

Turning to him, I scoffed, "Our whole thing, right. Yeah, don't worry about it."

Jackson stepped closer to me, "I'm serious, Ellie. It was a shitty thing to do, and I'm sorry."

"It was a shitty thing to do." I grabbed my bag and attempted to head for the exit, but was stopped when Jackson grabbed my arm, spun me towards him, and kissed me.

You got me runnin' on sunshine. Ain't no clouds gettin' in my way. I must be running on sunshine. Ain't no rain gettin' in my way

"Jackson!" I gasped, pushing him away from me, "What are you doing?!"

"Showing you just how sorry I am," he smirked.

As he stepped closer again, I wanted to turn around and walk away, but I just couldn't. Something deep down wanted this. It was oh, so wrong, but it felt oh, so right. "What about Lexie?" I asked, our faces close enough now that I could feel his warm breath on my cheek.

"She's so busy with Mark right now." he replied, "She'll never know."

"Good enough for me." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.

Girl, you got me actin' real crazy. Chasin' tail like some old dog. Ooh, I got this rocket in my front left pocket, ready to explode like a bomb

As Jackson lifted me up, I dropped my bag to the ground as we made our way over to the lounge door so he could close and lock it. Once the door clicked shut, he pressed me against the door. Our kiss was deep and passionate now, way better than anything that ever happened while we had been dating.

Somethin' tells me your name is Lucy. 'Cause everything keeps shakin' around. We can cop a room. Make these walls go boom. We can do this right here and now, now, now

"Where did all this excitement go while we were together?" I smiled into the kiss.

Jackson grabbed onto my wrists and held them above my head, "It was always there. We just never acted on it."

Runnin' on sunshine. Ain't no clouds gettin' in my way. I must be runnin' on sunshine. Ain't no rain gettin' in my way

Deciding that it was my turn to dominate, I started to push Jackson until he fell back onto one of the benches. Crawling on top of him, he smirked as he reached out and pulled me towards him, attacking my neck with kisses and the occasional little bite.

Hey, just get over yourself. This ain't too good for your health. Hey, just get over yourself. Hey, just get over yourself. This ain't too good for your health. Hey, just get over yourself, self, self, self

As the sensation of the kisses on my neck spread through my whole body, I fiddled with Jackson's shirt with my hands for a little bit, running my nails over his chest every once in a while, before finally lifting it up and over his head. Giggling, I ran my nails over his chest again, a little harder this time, causing him to gasp and pull away from my neck.

You got me runnin' on sunshine. Ain't no clouds gettin' in my way. I must be runnin' on sunshine. Ain't no rain gettin' in my way ♪

"You're so beautiful," Jackson said as we began making out again.

"Mmm." I moaned in response, pretty much completely unable to form words.

No doubt. No doubt about it. And there ain't no clouds in my sky. No doubt. No doubt about it. And there ain't no clouds in my sky

"I love you," Jackson mumbled, almost incoherently, out of nowhere.

Hearing this, somehow killed the mood for me. Pulling away, I stared at him, "You what?"

Jackson stared back at me, a little confused before he finally realized what he had said, "Ugh...oh, my god."

"Did you just say you loved me?" I asked as I slid away from him on the bench.

"Y-yes..." Jackson stuttered as he picked up his shirt and pulled it on again.

Sighing, with a slight smile on my face, I stood up, "I'll forget this ever happened if you forget this ever happened."

"Deal." Jackson nodded as he too stood up.

Picking up my bag from the floor, I put it back into my locker space as Jackson unlocked and opened the door back up again. "See you around," he mumbled as he exited.

After my crazy, stupid make out session, I went with Meredith and Derek to talk to Mark and Arizona.

"It's too soon to tell anything," Derek told Arizona and Mark.

"She didn't respond?" Arizona asked, tears brimming her eyes.

Derek sighed, "She opened her eyes and, um...look, it's just too soon to tell."

"Derek, did she follow commands?" Mark questioned, "Anything else?"

"Uh..." Derek was silent.

Meredith shook her head, "No, nothing else."

After we had told them everything, I was walking past Callie's room when an alarm started going off. As I rushed inside to find Arizona, Mark and Addison were just behind me. "What happened?" Mark asked.

"Her pressure's bottoming out," Arizona replied.

"Her belly's as tight as a drum," Addison said.

Alex, who was now in the room as well, nodded, "Flash pulmonary edema. Her lungs are full of fluid."

"Abdominal compartment syndrome." Addison announced, "She's bleeding out. Alert an O.R. that we're on our way down."

As we pushed the bed to the elevator and up to the O.R. floor, I couldn't stop thinking about Jackson, which was eating me alive because my friend was literally dying right in front of me and I was thinking about some stupid boy.

I'm on my knees, only memories are left for me to hold. Don't know how but I'll get by, slowly pull myself together. I'll get through this. There's no escape. So keep me safe. This feels so unreal

As I rushed into the scrub room with the other surgeons, I ran my hands and arm under the water and practically held my breath. Everything was moving so quickly.

Nothing comes easily. Fill this empty space. Nothing is like it seems. Turn my grief to grace

Before I knew it, I was stepping out of the scrub room and into the O.R., about to try and save Callie...again.

I feel the cold. Loneliness unfold like from another world. Come what may. I won't fade away but I know I might change. Nothing comes easily. Fill this empty space. Nothing is like it was. Turn my grief to grace

I felt my heart start to pound as Owen and Teddy entered the O.R., a signal that we would be starting soon. Looking behind them, I noticed Jackson walk in. Our eyes met, but we knew what we were here to do.

Nothing comes easily. Where do I begin? Nothing can bring me peace. I've lost everything. I just wanna feel your embrace

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