51 | Human Slingshot

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"Is that mine or yours?"


"How should I know? Check it."


"You're closer to it than I am."


"Ugh, fine."

Sighing, I rolled over in the small on-call room bed and reached down to the floor. Picking up the beeping pager, I groaned when I found out that it was mine. "Damn it." I huffed.

A small chuckle came from the other side of the bed, "That means that it's your pager and not mine."

"Shut it, Jackson," I warned as I attempted to get up, but two arms wrapped around my waist and stopped me.

"That doesn't mean that I want you to go." Jackson pulled me close to him so my back was pressed firmly up against his chest, "Stay with me a little longer."

I shook my head, "As much as I want to, you know that they're not paging me to do paperwork. They're paging me because someone is hurt or dying and needs my help."

Letting out a small sigh, Jackson let go of me so I could get ready. Jumping out of the bed, I pulled my scrubs and coat on in record time. As I reached down to pick up my pager, Jackson stared at me from the bed. "Have fun saving lives." he smiled.

"Have fun sleeping." I tiredly replied, really in the mood for some coffee.

Feeling a tad bit jealous that Jackson got to stay in bed, I exited the room and headed to the resident's lounge to get some coffee before I headed off to the E.R., which was where I had been paged to.

As I pushed open the door to one of the rooms in the E.R., Owen looked up at me from the patient and smiled. "Good morning, Dr. Forrest." he greeted me.

"Mmm, morning." I took a sip of my coffee just as Callie and April entered the room as well.

"Oh, what do we have here?" Callie asked.

Owen sighed, "You really don't want to know."

As the nurse handed the chart to Callie, April took it instead. "Let me get that for you, Dr. Torres." she chirped, "Okay, Randy Shouse, twenty-three. Multiple injuries after slamming into a brick wall. H-how did you-"

"Idiot and his idiot buddies built a human slingshot," Owen answered.

"I wasn't supposed to hit the wall." Randy groaned from the bed, "I was supposed to fly over the house and la-land in the pool."

April cocked her eyebrows, "But why would you do that?"

"So they could film it, put it on the internet, and show the world just how stupid they actually are." Owen seemed very annoyed with the patient.

"Dude. Ow!" Randy looked to the window, "Did you get that?"

"Yeah buddy!" a man holding a camera just outside the window and in the hallway gave Randy a thumbs up. Owen reached over and closed the blinds.

April looked at the chart again, "But why?"

"Because it's hilarious, that's why." Callie told her, "Okay, Randy, that must have been some kind of awesome slingshot, because it looks like you've dislocated both hips. Now I'm gonna need to get some X-Rays."

"I'm on it!" April almost screamed as she rushed out of the room with the chart.

"Wow. She's Perky." Callie commented.

Owen nodded, "Mmm, better than stupid with a death wish."

Once the X-Rays were ready, Callie, April, and I gathered to take a look at them. "Hip dislocation, fractures of his femur, radius, ribs, and metacarpals. Okay." April clapped her hands together loudly, slightly startling Callie and I, "Should we just, uh, go ahead and reduce those hips?"

"Kepner, I need you to speak differently." Callie placed her fingers on her temples.

April turned to her, "I'm sorry?"

"It's your voice. It's a little...just speak differently."

April was silent for a few seconds, "Like with an accent or-"

"Never mind." Callie groaned, "You know, how about you get me a muffin from the cafeteria? Get me the sugariest kind you can find, and some coffee."

April nodded and headed for the door, but Callie stopped her, "Wait. No. Damn it. No coffee."

"Okay." April turned to leave again.

"No. You know what? Yes. Coffee. Please." Callie stopped her again.

April seemed very confused now, "Great."

"Crap!" Callie shouted, "No. N-n-no coffee."

"You sure?" April asked.

Callie sighed, "No, no coffee. Just...just-just go."

"Okay," April said before leaving.

A few seconds later, though, April popped her head back into the room, "Uh, did you still want the muffin?"

"Yes." Callie turned to her and nodded, obviously very aggravated.

"Holy crap. Your mom was smart." Cristina gasped as she and Meredith looked through Ellis Grey's journals during lunch. Meredith, who was now on Derek's Alzheimer's trial, was now being offered a spot on the diabetes trial that Chief Webber wanted to do based on Meredith's mother's notes.

"Truck. Cabin. Spoon." Alex said the three words that Meredith was using for the Alzheimer's trial. She said those words to the participants and got them to recite the words back to her a few months later.

"Three for three." Jackson clicked something on the computer and gave Alex a high five.

"Crap. This is so good." Cristina motioned to the journal.

I walked towards them, "Let me see."

After reading only one sentence from the book, my eyes widened, "Who was your mom? Einstein's daughter?"

"Is it better than this?" Alex asked, "'Cause seriously, Mer, you'd have to have died from Alzheimer's to fail this."

"I don't even know if I'm doing it yet," Meredith said.

Cristina looked up at her, "You have to. Mother-daughter surgeons cure leading killer? I mean, I'm still jealous and I'm doing a heart transplant on a baby that hasn't even been born yet."

"Will you shut up about that?" Alex asked, bitter because he got himself kicked off of the case.

Cristina speared some of her salad with her fork, "You're the one who needs to keep his mouth shut, cabbage patch."

"Screw this." Alex huffed, "I've been on this case for a month. I'm not just gonna sit here."

With that, Alex stood up and walked out of the room as Lexie entered.

"Meredith, you have to come see Dad," Lexie said.

"Oh, does he want more organs?" Meredith asked, not looking up from the journal.

Lexie shrugged, "He wouldn't say. He was too busy loving up on a tattooed twenty-year-old."

We all looked up at her. "Is that upsetting you?" Jackson asked, "You wanna talk about it?"

Lexie gave him a look, "No."

Jackson turned back to his food, "No worries. I have a surgery to get to."

With that, Jackson stood up and exited the room. "Meredith," Lexie begged.

"I can't deal with my dad." Meredith refused, "I'm too busy with my mom."

"Mer, let's go." Cristina told her, "I want to see your dad making out with his tatted-up fiancée."

"They're not engaged," Lexie informed us.

Cristina stood up, "Are you sure?"

Lexie was silent, "Meredith, please."

"Fine." Meredith agreed.

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