62 | ♪ How To save a Life ♪

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Songs Featured in This Chapter: How To Save a Life by The Fray

We all gathered around the body, Derek and a few others around Callie's head and the rest of us around the torso.

"Definitely got some new bleeding," Owen said.

"Remove the abdominal packs carefully." Bailey told us, "They may be stuck. Irrigation."

"I'm starting to cannulate." Teddy announced, "Slowly push the heparin."

The suction gurgled quietly in the background as everyone was one-hundred and ten percent focused on what they were doing.

"We've got blood!" Meredith told us.

"Damn it." Derek jumped up from his chair, "We've gotta go back in."

Cristina looked up at us, "It's the heparin. Dr. Altman, we can still do the percutaneous repair. It'll work. I know it will."

"Dr. Yang, the decision's already made," Teddy told her.

"Get me more lap pads." Bailey requested, "Got a lot of bleeding down here."

Addison sighed from the monitor she was sitting in front of, "The baby's having decels."

"This is not working." Owen huffed, "Yang is right. We need to reverse the heparin and try the percutaneous repair."

Teddy kept her eyes down on Callie's body, "What? No. I can do this. I just need...damn it."

Cristina looked to the nurses, "Get me a percutaneous catheter kit. Flip on the echo. I'm going in through the groin."

"No. I said I've got this." Teddy refused.

"Avery, Forrest, can you assist?" Cristina asked.

Jackson and I both looked at each other, "Sure."

"Dr. Altman, stabilize the heart and step back," Owen told Teddy.

Teddy shook her head, "No, I can get it. I just need to...damn it."

"Dr. Altman." Chief Webber addressed Teddy, "Dr. Altman, step away."

Teddy and the Chief stared at each other for a good twenty seconds before Teddy finally dropped her tools and stepped back. Within seconds, Cristina, Jackson, and I had moved in and took her place. "You can do this." Owen encouraged Cristina, "One step at a time."

"One step at a time," Cristina repeated.

Step one you say we need to talk, he walks, you say sit down it's just a talk. He smiles politely back at you, you stare politely right on through

"Removing the needle over the guidewire." Cristina announced, "Catheter."

"Forceps." Derek said, "Suction, Dr. Grey."

Some sort of window to your right, as he goes left and you stay right between the lines of fear and blame, you begin to wonder why you came

"It's going in easy." Cristina looked up at us, "Get the T.E.E. ready."

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness and I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known, how to save a life

As Jackson and I helped guide the wire, everyone worked quickly, wasting no time. "Still got active bleeding coming from somewhere." Owen sighed.

"Well, then let's recheck the retroperitoneum," Bailey suggested.

"I've got access." Cristina looked up at her.

Let him know that you know best, 'cause after all you do know best. Try to slip past his defense without granting innocence

"Clamp, and give me a tie, please." Owen ordered.

"Brain is decompressing," Derek told us.

Cristina continued to work, "Balloon is advanced. Extra-stuff guide wire, please."

"Brain bleed has been controlled." Derek looked up at us, relief visible on his face.

Lay down a list of what if wrong, the things you told him all along

"Okay, the occluder's in. Turn on the Doppler." Cristina directed.

"Minimal residual V.S.D. flow," Jackson said at almost the same time.

Cristina smiled under her mask, "Good. Then we're done here. Pulling out."

"I got a lumbar vein avulsed in the vena cava." Owen said, "Two allis clamps."

"Idioventricular rhythm." Lexie and Meredith commented as the monitors started beeping rapidly.

And pray to God he hears you, and pray to got he hears you. Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness and I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known, how to save a life

"Where did I go wrong?" Cristina asked herself.

Derek huffed, "Damn it. She's bradying down."

"Pressure's down. Fifty-five systolic." Chief Webber informed us.

Owen stepped up, "Push one of atropine."

"C.V.P. and pulmonary artery pressures just shot up," Knox announced.

"It might be an air embolus," Teddy said.

"Pull back the P.A. catheter," Bailey ordered.

Owen sighed, "Hang more F.F.P. and factor VII."

"We're losing her." Chief Webber spoke.

"We've already replaced her entire blood volume," Knox said.

"Starting cardiac massage." the Chief told us as Callie started to flat line.

Bailey looked up at the monitors, "Push one of epi."

"Find whatever's bleeding and shut it down." the Chief exclaimed.

"How about an amp of bicarb?" Jackson asked.

As he begins to raise his voice, you lower yours and grant him one last choice

"Richard, you have one minute to get her heart back, before I'm taking the baby out." Addison stood up and started getting ready to operate.

Drive until you lose the road, or break with the ones you've followed

"Come on. Come on!" the Chief begged as he kept massaging the heart.

He will do one of two things. He will admit to everything or he'll say he's just not the same and you'll begin to wonder why you came

Just then, Mark rushed into the O.R. as Addison started to carry the baby that she delivered away from the table. "Is she breathing?" Lucy asked as she took the baby.

"Her colour's bad." Addison replied before turning back to the table, "Stimulate and suction and get some access."

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness and I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known, how to save a life

Soon enough Arizona entered the room as well, her head darting between Callie and the baby.

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness and I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known, how to save a life

"I'm not getting a heartbeat." Lucy called, "Dr. Karev, I could use a hand."

"Go." Addison turned to Alex and he stepped away from the table.

"There it is." Chief Webber said, "Torres is coming back."

"Systolic seventy and rising." Owen exhaled deeply.

"Getting no chest rise with the bagging." we heard Lucy say.

"We should intubate," Alex suggested.

Lucy nodded, "Okay, do it."

"Tube's in." Alex announced, "Starting ventilation."

How to save a life. Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness and I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known, how to save a life

Before long Arizona stepped over to the baby's table and started to help, "Continue compressions. Suction through the tube."

"Got it." Owen said from our table, "The bleeding's controlled."

"I.C.P. 's stable for now." Derek let out a sigh of relief.

"I need another 2.0 vicryl. I'm almost done." Addison assured us.

How to save a life. How to save a life

"I have a heartbeat." Arizona almost cheered.

"Mom's heart is strong." Chief Webber nodded.

How to save a life

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