48 | The Chicks Have Hatched

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"Try again. Could be a false negative." Cristina told Meredith as we walked through the halls of the hospital, "Maybe you tried too early. What is it, day ten?"

Meredith nodded, "Yeah."

"Yeah, totally early." Cristina told her, "Pee on a bunch of different sticks. Don't let the one stick win."

"Well, it's a scientific test." Meredith reminded her, "I hardly think I can bend it to my will."

Cristina shrugged, "I'm doing three surgeries today." she changed to the topic, "I did four yesterday. I'm unstoppable. And you got defeated by a piece of plastic covered in urine? Buck up."

"What is this?" Jackson said as he, April, and Alex came up from behind us, "Everybody got paged?"

"It's that time of year again." Alex smiled, "The chicks have hatched."

April turned to him, "Is that some sort of code?"

"Those chicks." Alex motioned to a group of younger people walking in with Chief Webber and Lexie.

Cristina crossed her arms, "Oh, first-year med students. Too dumb to find the toilet."

"Good morning." Chief Webber turned to us, "Behind me stands the interns and residents of tomorrow. Today you will show them what it's like to be a surgeon. When you go into surgery, they go into surgery. When they have a question, you will answer."

"It's like court-ordered community service," Cristina whispered.

"I'd rather be picking up trash on the side of the highway." Meredith sighed.

"Fred Wilson, you're with Dr. Yang." Lexie announced, "Kira Donnelly, with Dr. Grey. Lilly Hunter, with Dr. Forrest. Hudson Powell, with Dr. Kepner. Laurel Pinson..." Lexie continued as a very pretty young woman pushed through the crowd.

"Mine," Alex growled.

Jackson shook his head, "Mine."

Lexie stared up at the boys, "Laurel, you're...with Dr. Karev. Edward Taylor, Dr. Avery."

Alex smiled as Jackson huffed. Turning to Jackson, I frowned, "Too bad you didn't get the cute, young one. It's not like you have a girlfriend or anything."

"It's not like tha-" Jackson tried to explain but I just walked away to meet up with Lilly.

"Hello, I'm Lilly." a small blonde smiled.

"Dr. Forrest." I shook her hand.

"...my Chief Resident in a few months..." Chief Webber said out of nowhere, his voice raised so everyone could hear.

"The race for Chief Resident is on?" Meredith asked.

Alex turned to face the Chief like everyone else, "Since when?"

"Uh, how long have you been evaluating us?" April added.

"Since your first day here." Chief Webber answered.

April's mouth fell open as we turned back to our med students. "So, what are we doing today?" Lilly asked, "I'm just so excited to be here."

"I'm glad." I smiled, "Not sure what we're doing today but if I know this hospital than it should be something pretty good."

As I walked through the hall, Chief Webber, Bailey, Cristina, and her student, Fred, walked past. "Dr. Forrest." Chief Webber greeted me, "Got anything planned? Would you like to join us?"

"I'd love to." I smiled as I motioned for Lilly to follow me and the large group.

"Uh, good to see you, Henry." Chief Webber greeted the patient as we entered one of the rooms.

"Thank." Henry replied, "I, uh, wore my best gown for the occasion."

Bailey chuckled, "I am Dr. Bailey. I'll be working with Dr. Webber today."

"I feel like I already know you, Dr. Bailey." Henry told her as he motioned to a nurse entering the room, "Eli here has been telling me all about you."

"Don't worry. I didn't tell him everything." Eli assured Bailey as she spun around in confusion.

"Okay." Bailey cleared her throat, "I did not know that you were on this case."

"Sure you didn't." Eli almost whispered as he placed a machine in the room before walking out.

Bailey turned to him again, "No, I did-"

"Bailey, what?" Chief Webber asked.

"No, sorry, sir." Bailey apologized, "Um...wh-where was I? Dr. Yang and Dr. Forrest will run, uh, scans, and then we'll be ready to go."

"Sounds like an Idyllic day." Henry smiled as he looked to the students, "Who are they?"

"Nobody." Cristina replied before catching herself, "I mean, uh, they're here observing. Ignore them."

"Mr. Wilson and Ms. Hunter are first-year med students." Chief Webber told Henry, "Dr. Yang and Dr. Forrest are showing them the ropes. Uh, have you told them about the most interesting aspects of the case?"

Cristina and I nodded and Chief Webber smiled, "Did they tell you that Henry here originally was denied this surgery because he was uninsured?"

"Um, no. I mean, she didn't mention...that." Fred mumbled, "Uh, that's too bad...about the insurance."

"Well, I got married." Henry told us, "I'm on my wife's insurance now."

Chief Webber smiled, "Oh, congratulations. Your girlfriend finally wised up, huh?"

"Uh, nope." Henry shook his head as Teddy came into the room.

"Oh, sorry." Teddy said, her arms full of charts, "Um, I'll...I'll come back later."

"No, no, it's okay." Henry stopped her, "I've got, the, uh, forms right here. Just a few signatures and we're good to go."

Teddy nodded as she took the forms, "Great. Great. Um, I'll have them back to you in a couple of hours."

"Great, thanks." Henry smiled as Teddy left the room, "That's my wife. Upgrade, right? The ex was a cater waiter."

Chief Webber, Bailey, Cristina, and my eyes widened when he said that Teddy was his wife. He had to be kidding, right?

No Time | Grey's Anatomy // Book 1 // COMPLETED |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें