52 | Maybe...

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After Cristina, Lexie, and Meredith went to go see Mr. Grey, I headed out into the hall, where I met up with Callie. "Heading to Randy's room?" I asked.

Callie nodded, "Yup."

As we entered the room, Randy's friend was pointing a camera at Owen. "Say it again for the camera." the friend said.

"No. No, I don't think I will." Owen refused.

"Kepner, talk to the camera to we can get to the OR." Callie ordered.

April crossed her arms, "In my normal voice or y-" April stopped talking and turned to the camera, "Randy has multiple fractures. The most pressing problems are his hip dislocations. So we are going to reduce them as soon as possible before they lose blood flow."

Randy looked up at us, "Reduce?"

"Uh, pop 'em back into place," Callie told him.

"Oh, man." the friend laughed, "Hold on. Let me, uh, let me get up on this chair for the wide-angle."

Callie shook her head, "Uh, yeah. We're not gonna...we're not gonna do it here. He has to be sedated, and we have to fix his femur, so we're just gonna do everything in the O.R."

"Wait." Randy looked up at us again, "What if we did the hips here, you know, while I'm awake? And then I can give the thumbs up to the camera."

"Uh, you're really not grasping how much this will hurt." Callie placed a hand on the bed.

"Well, it's for the art, Dr. Torres." Randy tried to convince her.

Owen stepped closer, "You know what? That is a great idea."

Callie gave him a look, "Dr. Hunt, I think that it's-"

"Dr. Torres, it is for the art," Owen told her and I instantly knew that he just wanted this guy to feel some serious pain for being so stupid.

"Oh." Callie caught on as well, "Okay. Okay. O-okay. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Marcus, hop on that chair. Kepner, spot him."

As April helped Marcus onto the chair, I took a few steps back from the bed, ready to have my eardrums blown out by how loud this man was about to scream. "Okay. You guys ready?"

Callie asked and Owen held Randy's shoulders down to the bed. "Okay." Callie reached down and just grabbed one of his legs, not even doing anything yet.

"AHH!" Randy screamed, "Please! Stop! Stop! Stop! Turn the camera off! Stop! Oh! Turn the camera off! Marcus, turn the camera off!"

"That totally cheered me up," Callie whispered to Owen and me as she let go of his leg and backed away.

Owen smirked, "Well, art has that effect."

Once in the O.R., we sedated Randy and got right to work on popping his hips back in place. "How did it get to this?" Owen asked as Callie grunted, holding one of Randy's legs in her arms, "How did four seconds of internet fame become worth breaking yourself into a million pieces."

"He did it because he thinks it's funny." Callie strained as she tried to pop the hip back into place.

"That's bull." Owen sighed, "You don't just put yourself at that kind of risk."

Callie wiggled the leg back and forth, "Well, it's his decision."

"His decision?" Owen asked, "Idiots like this shouldn't be allowed to make any-"

Callie stopped pushing the leg, "It is his body, okay? And you don't get to say what he can and can't do with it. He is a person. He gets to make his own damn choices. I am going through the worst caffeine withdrawal of my life because someone thinks that being pregnant means I'm no longer of sound freakin' mind!"

"You're pregnant?" April asked and my eyes widened.

"Shut up." Callie snapped, "I'm not endangering my baby. I just-I just want one damn cup of coffee!"

"Okay. Kepner, go get Dr. Torres a cup of coffee." Owen said as Callie frantically tried to pop the hip back into place.

April nodded as she exited the O.R., "Okay."

"Run," Owen ordered and April sprinted off.

Callie stopped pushing again and sighed, "Oh. Thank you."

"Mmhmm. Congratulations." Owen told her.

"Oh, whatever." Callie snapped again, "Just come around here and help me with this hip."

Owen and I both grabbed onto the leg with Callie. Callie sighed, "All right. One...two, three."

On three we all pushed and a loud crunch like sound could be heard as the joint popped back into place. After the surgery, I headed straight for the on-call room so I could crash. On the way, however, I walked past the Residents' lounge. "I was gonna hit Joe's before heading home. You wanna come?" I heard Jackson ask someone.

"I just need to crash." I heard Lexie reply and my heart fell a little.

"Yeah. No, I get that." Jackson said.

As Lexie headed for the door, I took a few steps back. "Maybe tomorrow." she spoke again.

"For sure. Yeah." he replied.

Backing away, I left before Lexie exited. I went the long way around to the on-call rooms before picking one and going inside. Lying down on the bed, I stared up at the ceiling. Why was I not surprised? Actually, why wasn't I anything? Maybe because this wasn't anything. Maybe I had nothing to worry about. Maybe...

No Time | Grey's Anatomy // Book 1 // COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now