2 | First Day

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Stepping up to the large glass doors at the front of the hospital, which slid open and welcomed me into the building, I took my first steps into the lobby and immediately felt overwhelmed. My mouth fell open slightly as I gawked at the catwalks above and the many different hallways and corridors that led to different parts of the hospital. It was then that I realized I had no idea where to go.

When I had been here weeks ago for my interview, all I had to do was wait in the lobby and then follow the administrative assistant as she led myself and the others up to Chief Webber's office. I had been so busy worrying about my interview going well that I hadn't exactly committed to memory the path to take to the office.

There was also a meeting I had attended the week before to sort out all of my documentation, but yet again, I had simply waited in the lobby and followed the assistant through the building. 

"Dr. Forrest!" I heard someone call my name and sighed with relief. Someone was here to rescue me. Looking up, I saw an older man walking down the main staircase toward me and once he got closer, I realized that it was Chief Webber. 

"Chief Webber." I smiled and shook his hand, trying my best to come off as cool, calm, and collected. "I seem to be lost. Not a great start."

Chief Webber chuckled knowingly. "You wouldn't be the first, which is why I was coming down to meet you. I would like to give you a tour of the place and discuss a few things before you start."

"Sounds good." I nodded, thankful for the offered tour, and walked with the Chief as he led me back up the stairs.

After I had gotten a full tour of the facility—quite sure I would still get lost as soon as I was set loose—and met a few doctors and nurses, Chief Webber took me back to his office to discuss whatever it was he wanted to discuss. At that point, I was grateful for any excuse to delay having to navigate the halls on my own.  "I'd like to start off by saying we are thrilled to have you here." Chief Webber smiled as we sat down on opposite sides of his desk. "I have gotten numerous recommendation letters from your previous place of work, and let me say, they speak very highly of you."

"Well, that's good to hear." I relaxed into the chair, desperately trying to quell my nerves. The hard part was already over; I had gotten the job. Now I just needed to prove I deserved to stay.

Chief Webber put a pair of glasses on and pulled out a folder from one of his desk drawers. "You have already signed all of the required papers when you attended that meeting a few days back, so all I really want to do is tell you a little bit about this place."

"Well then, I'm excited to hear." I nodded and waited for the Chief to speak.

"So as you probably know, this is a teaching hospital, but under no circumstances will that mean you will be treated as an intern. Although you won't be on probation, do understand when I say you will not be thrown into surgeries right away. Here at Seattle Grace/Mercy West, we pride ourselves in giving patients top-notch care. The attendings and other residents will want to see how you handle things before working with you in an OR. One thing we do ask is that once you are settled in, that you help teach the interns as well."

"Sounds reasonable." I agreed, having heard most of this spiel before. I knew what I was getting myself into. 

"Perfect." Chief Webber placed the papers back down onto the desk and removed his glasses. "Today I will have you working alongside one of our finest residents here, Dr. Cristina Yang. Dr. Yang is working with Dr. Altman, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery."

"Cardio. Pulling out all the big stops, I see." I noted as I stood up and followed Chief Webber out of his office.

The Chief led me through the hospital—as I tried to remember the hallways we took and turns we made—and into one of the patient rooms where three doctors stood. They didn't notice our arrival at first as they were busy discussing a treatment plan. The patient in the bed, a young woman, was unconscious and the doctors were talking to the man at her bedside, who I assumed to be her husband. 

No Time | Grey's Anatomy // Book 1 // COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now