67 | A Wedding to Remember

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 As I stood around the nurses station that morning after Alex had dropped me off, I watched people walk past me. I didn't really have anything to do at the moment seeing as how the African kid that I was assigned to already had another Resident on the case. Just then, Bailey walked by, "Forrest, are you busy?"

"Nope." I replied, "What do you need? Labs? Post-ops? I'll literally do anything right now."

Bailey shook her head, "We're going for a drive."

Confused, I followed Bailey to her car, and as she drove, she explained to me where we were going. Apparently, Callie had called off her wedding because her mother, who was a strong Christian, had disapproved and left. Then, the minister's wife was in a car accident and he couldn't make the wedding, which was apparently supposed to be that evening.

After arriving to Callie's apartment building, we walked up to her apartment and Bailey knocked a few times before opening the door. "You realize your door is unlocked?" Bailey called into the room, "I could be anyone. I could be... a burglar coming to burgle you."

As we walked into the apartment, we saw Callie sitting on the couch with a blanket and a box of tissues. "Where is the baby?" Bailey asked. Callie held up a monitor which showed Sofia sleeping in one of the other rooms. "Oh." Bailey nodded, "I could be a baby-napper trying to baby-nap you."

"I know why they sent you." Callie sighed, "And it doesn't matter what you say. The wedding's still off. My mom's right. It's a joke. It's not a wedding and it's not happening."

"Oh, Callie." Bailey looked down at her.

"I can't have a priest." Callie told us, "I no longer have a minister. I'm not being given away by my dad. The wedding isn't legal. What's the point? This isn't a wedding. It's not even in a church. It's nothing. It's a couple of girls playing dress-up. It's not real. It's not real."

"Okay." Bailey and I sat down on the ottoman, "First of all, you do not need the law or a priest or your mother to make your wedding real. And-and the church is...the church can be anywhere you want it to be...i-in a field...on a mountain, right here in this room, anywhere...because where do you think God is?"

Callie shook her head, "Mnh-mnh-mnh."

"Come on." Bailey chuckled, "He's in you. He's in me. He's in Ellie."

"Ugh, I'm an atheist actually." I pointed out and Bailey gave me a look to shut up, "But that's not the point." I finished.

Bailey continued, "Just right here, in the middle of us. Now your-your church just hasn't caught up to God yet. Your mother...she hasn't caught up to God yet. And by the way...she may not ever catch up, but that's okay."

Callie began to cry. "It's okay." Bailey repeated, "If you are willing to stand up in front of your friends and family and God, and commit yourself...to another human being, to-to give of yourself in that kind of partnership, for better or worse, in sickness and health, honey, that is a marriage. That is real. And that's all that matters. Besides...girl, I got legally married to a man in a church. Look how well that turned out."

Bailey began to laugh and Callie sighed. Smiling, I nodded, "Let me tell you that I used to have a really good friend, James. He was gay, never accepted for it, but he was okay with that because he was happy with his boyfriend Ryan. And if he were here right now, and saw that you were turning up your wedding because you hit a few bumps, I'm pretty sure he would smack you."

Callie chuckled and I continued, "I've never been good at relationships, I mean, we all saw how well it worked with Jackson. But, I know love when I see it. You and Arizona are in love, not to mention you two have a beautiful baby girl. Do this for Sofia. Prove to her that the world isn't run by these hateful people. Get married and live the life that you deserve."

That being said, the wedding was back on. Bailey headed back to the hospital to let Arizona and Mark know, and I headed home to get ready. I changed quickly into one of my favourite dresses, did my make-up and hair and then headed down to the park where the wedding would be held and Bailey would marry Arizona and Callie.

Upon arriving, I gawked at the beautiful decorations for a moment before sitting down. Seconds later, Arizona started to walk the aisle with her father. The music began to play and we officially had ourselves a wedding. Not long after Callie arrived, being given away by Mark. As Arizona and Callie stood in front of Bailey, I smiled.

"Okay." Bailey chuckled, a little nervous, "Um, who gives this bride to this bride?" she motioned to Callie.

"That'd be me," Mark said.

After the intro, Bailey jumped right in, "We are here today to participate in a marital union. To celebrate, uh, love and happiness and loyalty, and well, in my opinion, a little bit of magic...to bring together two exceptional and beautiful human beings. Please join hands and repeat after me."

After Bailey went through the speech, Arizona repeated it, "I take you, Calliope Torres, to be my wife. For better or for worse. In good times and bad..."

Callie smiled, "I choose you to be the one with whom I spend my life..."

Once that part was over, they exchanged rings. "I love you." Arizona smiled at Callie.

"I love you," Callie said back.

"Okay, I hereby pronounce you wife and wife." Bailey smiled.

As Arizona and Callie kissed, the action in which represented that they were now married, everyone smiled and cheered. As they walked back down the aisle together, everyone stood up and clapped.

Later that night, at the reception, music played gently as Callie and Arizona shared their first dance. People sat at tables chatting with their dates, some took photos, and others just watched. I, with a glass of Champagne in my hand, stood alone in between Jackson and Lexie, and Owen and Christina.

"So my date just called to say she got stuck delivering a baby." Alex said as he walked up, "Literally, the baby got stuck halfway out."

"I was wrong to doubt the mice." Jackson piped up, "Karev, watch your back, 'cause mouse J has just made me a contender. Thank you, mouse J."

"To mouse J." Lexie smiled.

Owen, who had been put in charge of choosing Chief Resident, sighed, "You're not the only contenders, you know? My sources tell me that Kepner could be a dark horse."

"Oh, please." Christina scoffed and walked away.

Owen took a sip of his drink, but Alex pulled it away, "No offense, Dr. Hunt, but, uh, I have you scheduled for a Swenson procedure on a two-year-old orphan tomorrow morning. I'm sure you understand. I'm just looking out for the kids that I brought here from Africa." Alex stared right at Jackson when he said that last part.

Chuckling slightly, I made my way over to Chief Webber by the Champagne table. As I reached for another glass, the Chief turned to me, "You know, Dr. Forrest, I just had a conversation with Dr. Yang about Chief Resident."

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yes, and I was telling her how my top two candidates, her and you, are somehow in last place for this race."

I sighed, "I'm trying, Sir, I really am, but the others have been here for a good four years more than I have, and when it comes to trials, the Attendings want the residents that they trust and know."

Chief Webber turned to me, "I took a chance on you. I remember when a file showed up at my office of a bright, exceptional young surgeon from New York that needed someone to take a chance on her, and I did. So, that's why I don't believe for a second that the others wouldn't take a chance either. I brought you in, something I never do, and you amazed me at first, but the magic has gone."

I took a sip from my glass, hating every single word that I was hearing. "You're letting them make you ordinary." the Chief said and it caught my attention more, "You're an incredible surgeon, but you're not being given the risks and chances to be that. I thought that this hospital was the place for you, and it is, but maybe you need something to get your brain flowing with creativity and drive again. That's why I would like to send you to the Cleveland Clinic, the world's highest-ranked hospital. The Chief there knows me and has agreed to have you for a few months, where you will work with incredible surgeons and do incredible surgeries."

My eyes widened and I had to put my glass down so I wouldn't drop it, "Sir, are you serious?"

He nodded, "Then, you'll come back and show us what you've learned there. You'll be gone for when they pick Chief Resident, but you're better than that. You'll learn a lot. Just, get back to me as soon as you can. If you agree, you'll leave next week on Friday."

"T-thank you." I gasped.

As I crawled into bed that night I couldn't get the Cleveland Clinic out of my head. It sounded incredible, but that meant leaving for a month or so. Leaving my home, my friends....leaving everything I had. What was I kidding? Any of the others would take this opportunity, I'm just being stupid...right?

No Time | Grey's Anatomy // Book 1 // COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now