Chapter 21

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As soon as I get 10 votes I'll update(:
I just want to get this story completed and start my new one! I'm so excited!

Emily's POV☀︎

"Jake!" I screamed running into his arms.

"And Anthony," Anthony said and laughed.

I let go if Jake and ran into Anthony.

"We missed ya," They told me.

"Missed you guys too. Can we go now? I wanna see everyone else," I said and we left.

Anthony took a bag and so did Jake. I only had my book bag and phone, and walked to the car. I hopped into the back seat and they drove off.

"I'm home!" I shouted and everyone ran towards me.

Matt grabbed me and ran from everyone else. I laughed and he put me down, hugging me tightly.

"Can't.... Breathe..." I said and he let go and apologized.

"I missed you a lot," He said and of course I said it back.

We went downstairs where everyone was waiting.

"Wait! One at a time I wanna get to talk to you. I've missed you guys a lot." I smiled and they nodded.

"Princess!" Cameron said hugging me, while everyone went in their own conversations until I got to say hi.

"Hello marshmallow smelling boy," I said smiling and he laughed.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah they're all so nice and sweet."

"Yeah I miss them." He said and I nodded.

"Heyyy," I said walking over to Mahogany.

"Hey! I missed you!"

"I missed you to," I said and hugged her.

I eventually got to everyone and went to my room to unpack. This is gonna be a long 3 weeks..

♡3 days b4 Nash & Hayes come♡


I said and rolled over. I miss Hayes so much. I didn't realize how hard it would actually be like oh my gosh.

I guess I'm just us used of him because he was here every single day. He calls me every night but it's not the same.

I could really go for one of his hugs right now. Three days until he comes home. I can do this... I think..

"Emily Kate's here!" I heard Cam scream and I ran downstairs.

She went to California for vacation and got back early this morning.

"Kate!" I said running up to here, while she hugged me so tight.

"You look a lot better then you did.." She said and I smiled, and so did she.

"Okay I'll let you go say hi to Aaron them come up to my room okay?"

"Okay! AARON!" I heard her scream the fun into his arms.

I smiled and went up to my room. I put on my music and went to the bathroom to get dressed.

I could hear Doing It Right by the Jacks.

Yeahhh, I'm doing it right

Okay your mom is talking to you saying clean up the basement

While the money's talking to me that's personification

Paper in my hand until the day that I'm finished

* editing * The FaceTime That Started It All♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ