Chapter 8 ✔️

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Hey guys! I have a few things I wanna say!:)

•okay, so my wifi's off and I can't write on my laptop, that's why you won't see bold writing.

•I update on Thursdays now. It'll be easier, I think.

•and thank you ALL for 800+ reads! :) means a lot to me. xx

Okay, so enjoy Chapter 8! See you after the chapter!:)

Mahogany's POV<3

Emily was such an amazing girl. She's so nice and sweet. I'm very proud of her. You all know that her parents, passed away. She's being normal about it. She's sad, but not too sad, cause she knows her parents would want her to be happy. She's a strong girl.

She's on my back now, preparing herself to meet Carter. Carter's really excited to meet her, and same with the other boys. They love meeting fans. I feel like, Anthony, Jake, and Emily are gonna be apart of, us. Like a family.

"Emily you ready?" I asked and she nodded.
She hopped off my back and smiled. Woah what the heck?


"Yes Mahogany?"

"Um? Aren't you terrified?"

"Yes, but, I'll try to act calm."

I nodded and she ran like nuts out of her room. Wow I've never seen her like this, for the half a day I've known her. She's more like me now.

I walked down stairs to see Carter giving Emily a hugeeee hug. Aw it's so cute.

I took out my phone to take a picture so I can send it to her.

"WELL HI EMILY!" Taylor said, wanting a hug.

"HAYES TALKS ABOUT HOW GOOD YOU GIVE HUGS. I WANT A HUG!" He shouted and Hayes' face got red.

Emily laughed and went to give him a hug.

"Yep Hayes is right." He nodded and she laughed. I looked over to see Cameron looking at her, like a big brother.

I looked over to see Matt scrolling on his phone not paying attention.

I remembered I needed to talk to him, about the whole situation with Emily.

"Matt get over here I need to talk to you."

He looked at me strangely then locked his phone, then walked towards me.

I walked outside to the back then he came. I shut the door then walked over to the chairs.

"Why are you doing this to Emily?"

"Doing what?"

"Ignoring her! Matt she thinks you hate her! You do realize you're her favorite out of Magcon?! She told me it hurts knowing her favorite boy out of Magcon hates her! She said the reason why is cause she won't admit to liking Hayes?!"

"She, she thinks I hate her?"

"Yes, Matt. And so what if he doesn't admit? Maybe she's wanting it to be a secret, not knowing for sure yet, or even if she likes him like that. I think you need to apologize."

"Wow, I never thought of it like that. I need to apologize. I feel so bad. Thanks for bringing it up." He said then hugged me.

I could tell he was sorry just by looking at him.


I didn't realize how mean I was to her. I yelled at her for nothing. And she might not even like him like that. And I'm her favorite? What kind of person am I?

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